Other products from "SI-BONE INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00859256003729 7565-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
2 00859256003712 7560-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
3 00859256003705 7555-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
4 00859256003675 7540-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
5 00859256003910 107530-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
6 00859256003774 7590-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
7 00859256003668 7535-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
8 00859256003767 7585-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
9 00859256003460 4065-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
10 00859256003651 7530-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
11 00859256003453 4060-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
12 00859256003446 4055-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
13 00859256003514 4090-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
14 00859256003507 4085-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
15 00859256003491 4080-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
16 00859256003484 4075-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
17 00859256003477 4070-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
18 00859256003439 4050-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
19 00859256003750 7580-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
20 00859256003415 4040-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
21 00859256003743 7575-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
22 00859256003408 4035-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
23 00859256003392 4030-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
24 00859256003385 7090-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
25 00859256003378 7085-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
26 00859256003361 7080-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
27 00859256003736 7570-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
28 00859256003354 7075-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
29 00859256003347 7070-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
30 00859256003330 7065-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
31 00859256003323 7060-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
32 00859256003316 7055-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
33 00859256003309 7050-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
34 00859256003293 7045-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
35 00859256003286 7040-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
36 00859256003279 7035-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
37 00859256003262 7030-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
38 00851085007350 7045M-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
39 00851085007343 7040M-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
40 00863604000032 107590-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
41 00863604000025 107585-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
42 00863604000018 107580-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
43 00863604000001 107575-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
44 00859256003965 107555-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
45 00859256003958 107550-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
46 00859256003941 107545-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
47 00859256003934 107540-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
48 00859256003996 107570-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
49 00859256003989 107565-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
50 00859256003972 107560-90 OUR Sacroiliac Joint Fixation 2 iFuse Implant System
Other products with the same Product Code "LXH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00840113221066 101000PBX Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires t Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires to help protect the exposed wire from snagging on clothing. Oxboro™ Pin Cover ASPEN SURGICAL PRODUCTS, INC.
2 00840113221042 101001BBG Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires t Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires to help protect the exposed wire from snagging on clothing. Oxboro™ Pin Cover ASPEN SURGICAL PRODUCTS, INC.
3 00840113221028 101001PBX Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires t Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires to help protect the exposed wire from snagging on clothing. Oxboro™ Pin Cover ASPEN SURGICAL PRODUCTS, INC.
4 00840113221004 101002PBX Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires t Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires to help protect the exposed wire from snagging on clothing. Oxboro™ Pin Cover ASPEN SURGICAL PRODUCTS, INC.
5 00840113220991 101003PBX Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires t Single use device intended to cover exposed ends of orthopedic pin and k-wires to help protect the exposed wire from snagging on clothing. Oxboro™ Pin Cover ASPEN SURGICAL PRODUCTS, INC.
6 00840097504926 4100-002-0102 Anatomic Cotton Kit, 10/12mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
7 00840097504919 4100-002-0101 Anatomic Cotton Kit, 5-8mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
8 00840097504902 4110-S023 Cervical Trial Kit without Stop, Large Footprint, 5-10mm Thickness, 7 Degree restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
9 00840097504896 4110-S022 Cervical Trial Kit without Stop, Medium Footprint, 5-10mm Thickness, 7 Degree restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
10 00840097504889 4110-S021 Cervical Trial Kit without Stop, Small Footprint, 5-10mm Thickness, 7 Degree restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
11 00840097504872 4110-S013 Cervical Trial Kit with Stop, Large Footprint, 5-10mm Height, 7 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
12 00840097504865 4110-S012 Cervical Trial Kit with Stop, Medium Footprint, 5-10mm Height, 7 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
13 00840097504858 4110-S011 Cervical Trial Kit with Stop, Small Footprint, 5-10mm Height, 7 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument Kit RESTOR3D
14 00840097504636 6105-2723141005 Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) Subtalar Wedge, Left Foot, Large Footprint, 14mm Thickness, 5 Degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
15 00840097504629 6105-2723140005 Disposable Trial, Subtalar Wedge, Large Footprint, 14 mm thickness, 0 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
16 00840097504612 6105-2723101005 Disposable Trial, Subtalar Wedge, Large Footprint, 10 mm thickness, 10 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
17 00840097504605 6105-2723100005 Disposable Trial, Subtalar Wedge, Large Footprint, 10 mm thickness, 0 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
18 00840097504599 6105-2719141005 Disposable Trial, Subtalar Wedge, Small Footprint, 14 mm thickness, 10 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
19 00840097504582 6105-2719140005 Disposable Trial, Subtalar Wedge, Small Footprint, 14 mm thickness, 0 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
20 00840097504575 6105-2719101005 Disposable Trial, Subtalar Wedge, Small Footprint, 10 mm thickness, 10 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
21 00840097504568 6105-2719100005 Disposable Trial, Subtalar Wedge, Small Footprint, 10 mm thickness, 0 degree restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
22 00840097504551 6110-N01-KTL01NST Disposable Trial, Cervical Trial Kit w/o Stop, Large Footprint restor3d Disposable Instrument, Cervical Cage Trial RESTOR3D
23 00840097504544 6110-N01-KTM01NST Disposable Trial, Cervical Trial Kit w/o Stop, Medium Footprint restor3d Disposable Instrument, Cervical Cage Trial RESTOR3D
24 00840097504537 6110-N01-KTS01NST Disposable Trial, Cervical Trial Kit w/o Stop, Small Footprint restor3d Disposable Instrument, Cervical Cage Trial RESTOR3D
25 00840097504520 6110-N01-KTL01 Disposable Trial, Cervical Trial Kit w/ Stop, Large Footprint restor3d Disposable Instrument, Cervical Cage Trial RESTOR3D
26 00840097504513 6110-N01-KTM01 Disposable Trial, Cervical Trial Kit w/ Stop, Medium Footprint restor3d Disposable Instrument, Cervical Cage Trial RESTOR3D
27 00840097504506 6110-N01-KTS01 Disposable Trial, Cervical Trial Kit w/ Stop, Small Footprint restor3d Disposable Instrument, Cervical Cage Trial RESTOR3D
28 00840097503233 6101-NSP-C1012 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Large Footprint, 1 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Large Footprint, 10/12mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
29 00840097503226 6101-NSP-C0810 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Large Footprint, 0 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Large Footprint, 08/10mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
30 00840097503219 6101-NSP-B1012 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint, Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint, 10/12mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
31 00840097503202 6101-NSP-B0810 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint, Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint, 8/10mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
32 00840097503196 6101-NSP-A1012 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, 1 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, 10/12mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
33 00840097503189 6101-NSP-A0810 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, 8 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Evans Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, 8/10mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
34 00840097503172 6100-N02-A0910 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge 002, Double Sided, 9/10mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
35 00840097503165 6100-N02-A0708 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge 002, Double Sided, 7/8mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
36 00840097503158 6100-N02-A0506 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge 002, Double Sided, 5/6mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
37 00840097503141 6100-NSP-B0506 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint 5/6mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
38 00840097503134 6100-NSP-B0405 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint, Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Medium Footprint, 4/5mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
39 00840097503127 6100-NSP-A0506 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, 5/6mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
40 00840097503110 6100-NSP-A0405 Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, Non-Sterile Disposable Instrument, Cotton Wedge, Double Sided, Small Footprint, 4/5mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
41 00840097503066 6100-002-22140807 Disposable Trial, Cotton Wedge 002, Anatomic Footprint, 4mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
42 00840097503059 6100-002-22140707 Disposable Trial, Cotton Wedge 002, Anatomic Footprint, 7mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
43 00840097503042 6100-002-22140607 Disposable Trial, Cotton Wedge 002, Anatomic Footprint, 6mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
44 00840097503035 6100-002-22140507 Disposable Trial, Cotton Wedge 002, Anatomic Footprint, 5mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
45 00840097503004 6100-002-22141007 Disposable Trial, Cotton Wedge 002, Anatomic Footprint, 10mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
46 00840097502991 6100-002-22140907 Disposable Trial, Cotton Wedge 002, Anatomic Footprint, 9mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
47 00840097502984 6101-009-20181218 Disposable Trial, Evans Wedge 009, Medium Footprint, 12mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
48 00840097502977 6101-009-22201218 Disposable Trial, Evans Wedge 009, Large Footprint, 12mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
49 00840097502960 6101-009-22201018 Disposable Trial, Evans Wedge 009, Large Footprint, 10mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D
50 00840097502953 6101-009-22200818 Disposable Trial, Evans Wedge 009, Large Footprint, 8mm Thickness restor3d Disposable Instrument, Wedge Trial RESTOR3D