Other products from "ANAEROBE SYSTEMS"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00810048901319 AS-322 AS-322 AS-322 BRU and BBE/PEA Convenience Pack - Includes 1 Brucella Blood Agar (BRU) a AS-322 BRU and BBE/PEA Convenience Pack - Includes 1 Brucella Blood Agar (BRU) and 1 Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar (BBE)/Phenylethyl Alcohol Blood Agar (PEA) Biplate. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. BRU is opaque burgundy red. BBE is transparent yellow/green. PEA is opaque red. 2 plates per pack. KZI,JSH,JSJ,JSI Culture Media, Enriched,Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential,Culture Me Culture Media, Enriched,Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential,Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential,Culture Media, Selective And Differential 1 PRAS BRU BBE/PEA Convenience Pack
2 00810048901302 AS-303 AS-303 AS-303 BRU, PEA, and LKV Convenience Pack - Includes 1 Brucella Blood Agar (BRU) AS-303 BRU, PEA, and LKV Convenience Pack - Includes 1 Brucella Blood Agar (BRU), 1 Phenylethyl Alcohol Blood Agar, and 1 Laked Brucella Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (LKV). Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. BRU is opaque burgundy red. PEA is opaque red. LKV is transparent red. 3 plates per pack. KZI,JSH,JSJ,JSI Culture Media, Enriched,Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential,Culture Me Culture Media, Enriched,Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential,Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential,Culture Media, Selective And Differential 1 PRAS BRU PEA LKV Convenience Pack
3 00810048901166 AS-895 AS-895 AS-895 Columbia Blood Agar (CA) is intended for the isolation, quantitation, and AS-895 Columbia Blood Agar (CA) is intended for the isolation, quantitation, and partial identification of a variety of microorganisms, including fastidious organisms from clinical specimens. CA is suitable for use in antibiotic differential disk examination and spot biochemical testing. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Opaque red. 4 plates per pack. JSH,KZI Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential,Culture Media, Enriched 1 PRAS Columbia Blood Agar (CA)
4 00810048901081 AS-860 AS-860 AS-860 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glucose and Gelatin (PYG GELATIN) is an AS-860 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glucose and Gelatin (PYG GELATIN) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 5 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSH Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Glucose & Gelatin (PYG GELATIN)
5 00810048900909 AS-839 AS-839 AS-839 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Erythritol (PY ERYTHRITOL) is an enriche AS-839 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Erythritol (PY ERYTHRITOL) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Erythritol (PY ERYTHRITOL)
6 00810048900770 AS-826 AS-826 AS-826 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Lactose (PY LACTOSE) is an enriched non- AS-826 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Lactose (PY LACTOSE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Lactose (PY LACTOSE)
7 00810048900657 AS-8115 AS-8115 AS-8115 Chopped Meat Medium (CM) will support the growth of most non-sporeformin AS-8115 Chopped Meat Medium (CM) will support the growth of most non-sporeforming and sporeforming anaerobes associated with human and animal infections. This media may be used as a maintaining or holding media for stock cultures. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 500 mL fill volume. 500 mL Pyrex bottle. Transparent golden yellow with chopped meat at the bottom. 1 bottle per pack. JSH Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Chopped Meat Medium (CM)
8 00810048900640 AS-8112 AS-8112 AS-8112 Chopped Meat Medium (CM) will support the growth of most non-sporeformin AS-8112 Chopped Meat Medium (CM) will support the growth of most non-sporeforming and sporeforming anaerobes associated with human and animal infections. This media may be used as a maintaining or holding media for stock cultures. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 250 mL fill volume. 250 mL Pyrex bottle. Transparent golden yellow with chopped meat at the bottom. 1 bottle per pack. JSH Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Chopped Meat Medium (CM)
9 00810048900619 AS-811 AS-811 AS-811 Chopped Meat Medium (CM) will support the growth of most non-sporeforming AS-811 Chopped Meat Medium (CM) will support the growth of most non-sporeforming and sporeforming anaerobes associated with human and animal infections. This media may be used as a maintaining or holding media for stock cultures. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent golden yellow liquid with chopped meat at the bottom. 10 tubes per pack. JSH Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Chopped Meat Medium (CM)
10 00810048900428 AS-646 AS-646 AS-646 CDC Anaerobic Blood Agar (CDC) is an enriched and differential media used AS-646 CDC Anaerobic Blood Agar (CDC) is an enriched and differential media used for the growth and partial identification of obligate anaerobes. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Opaque burgundy red. 4 plates per pack. JSH,KZI Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential,Culture Media, Enriched 1 PRAS CDC Anaerobic Blood Agar (CDC)
11 00810048900220 AS-544 AS-544 AS-544 Mitis Salivarius Agar with Tellurite (MSAT) is an enriched selective medi AS-544 Mitis Salivarius Agar with Tellurite (MSAT) is an enriched selective medium for the isolation of Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus salivarius, and other oral Streptococci and Enterococci found in clinical specimens. 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Transparent royal blue. 4 plates per pack. JSI Culture Media, Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Mitis Salivarius Agar with Tellurite (MSAT)
12 00810048900190 AS-229 AS-229 AS-229 Yeast Malt Extract Agar (YMEA) is an enriched medium intended for the iso AS-229 Yeast Malt Extract Agar (YMEA) is an enriched medium intended for the isolation, cultivation, and enumeration of yeast and molds. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Transparent light yellow. 2 plates per pack. JSG Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Yeast Malt Extract Agar (YMEA)
13 00810048901371 AS-808 AS-808 AS-808 Brucella Agar Deep CLSI 19 mL (BRU DEEP CLSI 19mL), with the addition of AS-808 Brucella Agar Deep CLSI 19 mL (BRU DEEP CLSI 19mL), with the addition of blood, is intended for the isolation, quantitation, and partial identification of obligate anaerobic bacteria from clinical specimens. This media will support the growth of aerobic and microaerophilic bacteria if incubated appropriately. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 19 mL fill volume. 20 x 113 mm screw top tube. Translucent yellow. 10 tubes per pack. JSG Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Brucella Agar Deep CLSI Formulation 19mL (BRU DEEP CLSI 19mL)
14 00810048900381 AS-6427 AS-6427 AS-6427 Fusobacterium Selective Agar (FSA) is an enriched selective medium for t AS-6427 Fusobacterium Selective Agar (FSA) is an enriched selective medium for the isolation and presumptive identification of Fusobacterium species. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Opaque red. 4 plates per pack. JSJ Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Fusobacterium Selective Agar (FSA)
15 00810048901159 AS-875 AS-875 AS-875 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glucose FA/GLC (PYG FA/GLC) is designed AS-875 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glucose FA/GLC (PYG FA/GLC) is designed for the determination of glucose fermentation by anaerobic bacteria for identification. PYG FA/GLC is recommended for use in identifying gram-negative bacteria within the MIDI MIS procedures. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 10 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Glucose FA/GLC (PYG FA/GLC)
16 00810048901142 AS-858 AS-858 AS-858 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glucose and Formate/Fumarate FA/GLC (PYG AS-858 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glucose and Formate/Fumarate FA/GLC (PYG FF FA/GLC) is designed for the determination of glucose fermentation and formate/fumarate stimulation by anaerobic bacteria for identification. PYG FF FA/GLC is recommended for use in identifying Campylobacter ureolyticus within the MIDI MIS procedures. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 10 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Glucose & Formate/Fumarate FA/GLC
17 00810048901135 AS-846 AS-846 AS-846 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Lactate FA/GLC (PY LACTATE FA/GLC) is de AS-846 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Lactate FA/GLC (PY LACTATE FA/GLC) is designed for the determination of lactate fermentation by anaerobic bacteria for identification. PY LACTATE FA/GLC is recommended for use in identifying Veillonella species within the MIDI MIS procedures. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 10 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Lactate FA/GLC (PY LACTATE FA/GLC)
18 00810048901050 AS-856 AS-856 AS-856 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with DL-Threonine (PY DL-THREONINE) is an enr AS-856 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with DL-Threonine (PY DL-THREONINE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ DL-Threonine (PY DL-THREONINE)
19 00810048901043 AS-855 AS-855 AS-855 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Sorbitol (PY SORBITOL) is an enriched no AS-855 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Sorbitol (PY SORBITOL) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Sorbitol (PY SORBITOL)
20 00810048900930 AS-842 AS-842 AS-842 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glycerol (PY GLYCEROL) is an enriched no AS-842 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Glycerol (PY GLYCEROL) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Glycerol (PY GLYCEROL)
21 00810048900893 AS-838 AS-838 AS-838 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Dulcitol (PY DULCITOL) is an enriched no AS-838 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Dulcitol (PY DULCITOL) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Dulcitol (PY DULCITOL)
22 00810048900862 AS-835 AS-835 AS-835 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Arginine (PY ARGININE) is an enriched no AS-835 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Arginine (PY ARGININE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Arginine (PY ARGININE)
23 00810048900831 AS-832 AS-832 AS-832 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Xylose (PY XYLOSE) is an enriched non-se AS-832 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Xylose (PY XYLOSE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Xylose (PY XYLOSE)
24 00810048900718 AS-8216 AS-8216 AS-8216 Cycloserine Cefoxitin Mannitol Broth with Taurocholate and Lysozyme (CCM AS-8216 Cycloserine Cefoxitin Mannitol Broth with Taurocholate and Lysozyme (CCMB-TAL) is an enriched, selective, and differential broth media used for the isolation and presumptive identification of Clostridioides difficile. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 5 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent red liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSI Culture Media, Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Cycloserine Cefoxitin Mannitol Broth w/ Taurocholate & Lysozyme (CCMB-TAL)
25 00810048900541 AS-777 AS-777 AS-777 Anaerobic Enrichment Agar (MTGE) is an enriched non-selective medium used AS-777 Anaerobic Enrichment Agar (MTGE) is an enriched non-selective medium used for the cultivation of most anaerobic bacteria and other fastidious microorganisms. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Transparent light yellow color. 4 plates per pack. KZI Culture Media, Enriched 1 PRAS Anaerobic Enrichment Agar (MTGE)
26 00810048900466 AS-675 AS-675 AS-675 Yeast Casitone Fatty Acids Agar with Carbohydrates (YCFAC) is an enriched AS-675 Yeast Casitone Fatty Acids Agar with Carbohydrates (YCFAC) is an enriched non-selective media for the cultivation of most anaerobic bacteria and other fastidious microorganisms, including Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Transparent light yellow. 4 plates per pack. KZI Culture Media, Enriched 1 PRAS Yeast Casitone Fatty Acid Agar w/ Carbohydrates (YCFAC)
27 00810048900336 AS-614 AS-614 AS-614 Brucella Blood agar (BRU) is intended for the isolation, quantitation, an AS-614 Brucella Blood agar (BRU) is intended for the isolation, quantitation, and partial identification of obligate anaerobic bacteria from clinical specimens. This media will also support the growth of aerobic and microaerophilic bacteria if incubated appropriately. BRU is suitable for use in antibiotic differential disk examination and spot biochemical testing. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 150 x 15 mm agar plate. Opaque burgundy red. 1 plate per pack. KZI,JSH Culture Media, Enriched,Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Brucella Blood Agar (BRU)
28 00810048900237 AS-548 AS-548 AS-548 Enriched Tryptic Soy Agar (ETSA) is an enriched, non-selective, and diffe AS-548 Enriched Tryptic Soy Agar (ETSA) is an enriched, non-selective, and differential medium intended for the isolation, quantitation, and partial identification of many fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized. 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Transparent yellow/red. 4 plates per pack. KZI Culture Media, Enriched 1 PRAS Enriched Tryptic Soy Agar (ETSA)
29 00810048900091 AS-211 AS-211 AS-211 Campylobacter Selective Agar (CAMPY) is used for the selective isolation AS-211 Campylobacter Selective Agar (CAMPY) is used for the selective isolation of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni from fecal or rectal swabs. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Transparent red. 1 plate per pack. JSJ Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Campylobacter Selective Agar (CAMPY)
30 00810048900008 AS-111 AS-111 AS-111 Brucella Blood Agar (BRU) is an enriched non-selective agar media that su AS-111 Brucella Blood Agar (BRU) is an enriched non-selective agar media that supports the growth of fastidious microorganisms. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Opaque burgundy red. 1 plate per pack. JSH,KZI Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential,Culture Media, Enriched 1 PRAS Brucella Blood Agar (BRU)
31 00810048901449 AS-150 AS-150 AS-150 Anaerobic Chamber is a gloveless anaerobic workstation with a 150 plate c AS-150 Anaerobic Chamber is a gloveless anaerobic workstation with a 150 plate capacity in the enclosed incubator. 36" x 24" interior work area. JTM Anaerobic Box Glove 1 AS-150 Anaerobic Chamber
32 00810048901388 AS-809 AS-809 AS-809 Brucella Agar Deep CLSI 17 mL (BRU DEEP CLSI 17mL), with the addition of AS-809 Brucella Agar Deep CLSI 17 mL (BRU DEEP CLSI 17mL), with the addition of blood, is intended for the isolation, quantitation, and partial identification of obligate anaerobic bacteria from clinical specimens. This media will support the growth of aerobic and microaerophilic bacteria if incubated appropriately. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 17 mL fill volume. 20 x 113 mm screw top tube. Translucent yellow. 10 tubes per pack. JSG Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Brucella Agar Deep CLSI Formulation 17mL (BRU DEEP CLSI 17mL)
33 00810048901289 AS-916 AS-916 AS-916 Liquid Dental Transport Medium (LDT) is a buffered mineral salt based liq AS-916 Liquid Dental Transport Medium (LDT) is a buffered mineral salt based liquid medium with reducing agents designed as a holding medium to maintain the viability of microorganisms, both anaerobic and aerobic, through collection, transportation, and shipment of clinical specimens. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 1 mL fill volume. 19 x 40 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent colorless liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSL Culture Media, Anaerobic Transport 1 PRAS Liquid Dental Transport Medium (LDT)
34 00810048901272 AS-919 AS-919 AS-919 Anaerobic Tissue Transport Medium (ATTM) is a mineral salt based semi-sol AS-919 Anaerobic Tissue Transport Medium (ATTM) is a mineral salt based semi-solid media with reducing agents. Designed as a holding medium to maintain the viability of microorganisms, both anaerobic and aerobic, through collection, transportation, and shipment of clinical specimens. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 8 mL fill volume. 28 x 57 screw top vial. Transparent colorless semi-solid. 5 tubes per pack. JSL Culture Media, Anaerobic Transport 1 PRAS Anaerobic Tissue Transport Medium (ATTM)
35 00810048901111 AS-8722 AS-8722 AS-8722 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH) is an enriched non-selective medi AS-8722 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH) is an enriched non-selective media intended for the cultivation of most anaerobic bacteria and other fastidious microorganisms. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 250 mL fill volume. 250 mL Pyrex bottle. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 1 bottle per pack. JSG Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH)
36 00810048901128 AS-8725 AS-8725 AS-8725 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH) is an enriched non-selective medi AS-8725 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH) is an enriched non-selective media intended for the cultivation of most anaerobic bacteria and other fastidious microorganisms. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 500 mL fill volume. 500 mL Pyrex bottle. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 1 bottle per pack. JSG Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH)
37 00810048901104 AS-872 AS-872 AS-872 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH) is an enriched non-selective media AS-872 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH) is an enriched non-selective media intended for the cultivation of most anaerobic bacteria and other fastidious microorganisms. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 5 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSG Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI BROTH)
38 00810048901098 AS-861 AS-861 AS-861 Indole Nitrate Broth is a nonselective broth used for the detection of in AS-861 Indole Nitrate Broth is a nonselective broth used for the detection of indole production and nitrate reduction by a microorganism. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent light yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Indole Nitrate Broth
39 00810048900596 AS-805 AS-805 AS-805 Thioglycollate Broth (THIO) is an enriched nonselective liquid medium use AS-805 Thioglycollate Broth (THIO) is an enriched nonselective liquid medium used for the growth of microaerophilic and anaerobic bacteria, including fastidious organisms, from clinical specimens. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 5 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent light yellow liquid with a marble chip. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Thioglycollate Broth (THIO)
40 00810048901036 AS-854 AS-854 AS-854 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Ribose (PY RIBOSE) is an enriched non-se AS-854 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Ribose (PY RIBOSE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Ribose (PY RIBOSE)
41 00810048901012 AS-852 AS-852 AS-852 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Pyruvic Acid (PY PYRUVIC ACID) is an enr AS-852 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Pyruvic Acid (PY PYRUVIC ACID) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilizd (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Pyruvic Acid (PY PYRUVIC ACID)
42 00810048900992 AS-850 AS-850 AS-850 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Melezitose (PY MELEZITOSE) is an enriche AS-850 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Melezitose (PY MELEZITOSE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Melezitose (PY MELEZITOSE)
43 00810048900954 AS-845 AS-845 AS-845 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Inulin (PY INULIN) is an enriched non-se AS-845 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Inulin (PY INULIN) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Inulin (PY INULIN)
44 00810048900947 AS-844 AS-844 AS-844 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Inositol (PY INOSITOL) is an enriched no AS-844 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Inositol (PY INOSITOL) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Inositol (PY INOSITOL)
45 00810048900176 AS-223 AS-223 AS-223 Botulism Selective Medium (BSM) is a selective and differential medium fo AS-223 Botulism Selective Medium (BSM) is a selective and differential medium for the presumptive identification of Clostridium botulinum from food or clinical samples. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Opaque light yellow. 4 plates per pack. JSI Culture Media, Selective And Differential 1 PRAS Botulism Selective Medium (BSM)
46 00810048900916 AS-840 AS-840 AS-840 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Fructose (PY FRUCTOSE) is an enriched no AS-840 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Fructose (PY FRUCTOSE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Fructose (PY FRUCTOSE)
47 00810048900848 AS-833 AS-833 AS-833 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Esculin (PY ESCULIN) is an enriched non- AS-833 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Esculin (PY ESCULIN) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent light yellow/green liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Esculin (PY ESCULIN)
48 00810048900824 AS-831 AS-831 AS-831 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Trehalose (PY TREHALOSE) is an enriched AS-831 Peptone Yeast Extract Broth with Trehalose (PY TREHALOSE) is an enriched non-selective broth media used in the growth and partial identification of anaerobic bacteria based on their specific biochemical features. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tubes. Transparent golden yellow liquid. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Peptone Yeast Extract Broth w/ Trehalose (PY TREHALOSE)
49 00810048900589 AS-801 AS-801 AS-801 Thioglycollate Broth (THIO) is an enriched nonselective liquid medium use AS-801 Thioglycollate Broth (THIO) is an enriched nonselective liquid medium used for the growth of microaerophilic and anaerobic bacteria, including fastidious organisms, from clinical specimens. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 7 mL fill volume. 16 x 100 mm hungate-capped tube. Transparent light yellow liquid with a marble chip. 10 tubes per pack. JSC Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth 1 PRAS Thioglycollate Broth (THIO)
50 00810048900398 AS-6429 AS-6429 AS-6429 Lactobacillus MRS Agar (LMRS) is an enriched selective medium for the is AS-6429 Lactobacillus MRS Agar (LMRS) is an enriched selective medium for the isolation and cultivation of Lactobacillus found in clinical, dairy, and food specimens. Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS). 100 x 15 mm agar plate. Transparent golden yellow. 4 plates per pack. JSJ Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential 1 PRAS Lactobacillus MRS Agar (LMRS)
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7 05056080501543 R30368601 Streptex Disposable Reaction Cards RT02 REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
8 05056080501475 R30951001 Streptex Extraction Enzyme REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
9 05056080501468 R30164601 Streptex Polyvalent Positive Control REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
10 05056080501451 R30951201 Streptex Latex G REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
11 05056080501444 R30951101 Streptex Latex F REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
12 05056080501437 R30950901 Streptex Latex D REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
13 05056080501420 R30950801 Streptex Latex C REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
14 05056080501413 R30950701 Streptex Latex B REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
15 05056080501406 R30950601 Streptex Latex A REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
16 05056080501390 R30950555 Streptex Rapid REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
17 05056080501383 R30164701 Streptex 200 REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
18 05056080501376 R30950501 Streptex REMEL EUROPE LIMITED
19 03661540100031 00050 00050 MYCOFAST US has been designed for the detection, enumeration and identification MYCOFAST US has been designed for the detection, enumeration and identification of Ureaplasma urealyticum (U.u.) and Mycoplasma hominis (M.h.) in various clinical sspecimens. MYCOFAST US ELITECH MICROBIO
20 03573026588779 API® Suspension Medium NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension m NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension media with API®, ID 32 or ATB™ products, in the conditions defined in the package inserts of these products API® Suspension Medium BIOMERIEUX SA
21 03573026588748 API® XYL XYL is a reagent associated to API 20 A® (20 300) API® XYL BIOMERIEUX SA
22 03573026588731 API® ZN Zn is a reagent associated to API 20 E® (20 100) API 20 NE® (20 050) API 50 CH® Zn is a reagent associated to API 20 E® (20 100) API 20 NE® (20 050) API 50 CH® (50 300) API 50 CHB/E® (50 430) API® ZN BIOMERIEUX SA
23 03573026588625 rapid ID 32 STREP rapid ID 32 STREP is a standardized system for the identification of streptococc rapid ID 32 STREP is a standardized system for the identification of streptococci and enterococci, and those most common related organisms, in 4 hours rapid ID 32 STREP BIOMERIEUX SA
24 03573026588519 API® NaCL 0.85% Medium, 5 ml NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension m NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension media with API ®, ID 32 or ATB™ products. API® NaCL 0.85% Medium, 5 ml BIOMERIEUX SA
25 03573026588472 API® NaCL 0.85% Medium, 2 ml NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension m NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension media with API ®, ID 32 or ATB™ products. API® NaCl 0.85% Medium BIOMERIEUX SA
26 03573026588465 API® NaCl 0.85 % Medium NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension m NaCl 0.85 % Medium and Suspension Medium are designed to be used as suspension media with API ®, ID 32 or ATB™ products. API® NaCl 0.85% Medium BIOMERIEUX SA
27 03573026584139 API® ID-ASE Manual reagent for catalase test. API®strips give accurate identifications based Manual reagent for catalase test. API®strips give accurate identifications based on extensive databases and are standardized, easy-to-use test systems. API® ID-ASE BIOMERIEUX SA
28 03573026142001 70494 ZYM A is a reagent associated to API® Staph (20 500), API® 20 Strep (20 600), AP ZYM A is a reagent associated to API® Staph (20 500), API® 20 Strep (20 600), API® Coryne (20 900), API® ZYM (25 200) ZYM A BIOMERIEUX SA
29 03573026141998 70493 ZYM B is a reagent associated to API® Listeria (10 300), API® NH (10 400), API® ZYM B is a reagent associated to API® Listeria (10 300), API® NH (10 400), API® Staph (20 500), API® 20 Strep (20 600), API® Coryne (20 900), API® ZYM (25 200) API® ZYM B BIOMERIEUX SA
30 03573026141981 70492 PYZ is a reagent associated to API® Coryne (20 900) API® PYZ BIOMERIEUX SA
31 03573026141974 70491 NIN is a reagent associated to API® 20 Strep (20 600), API® Campy (20 800), rapi NIN is a reagent associated to API® 20 Strep (20 600), API® Campy (20 800), rapid ID 32 STREP (32 600) API® NIN BIOMERIEUX SA
32 03573026100087 70900 McFarland Standard is a series of standards of different opacity, allowing the e McFarland Standard is a series of standards of different opacity, allowing the estimation of the density of bacterial suspensions. API® McFarland Standard BIOMERIEUX SA
33 03573026099947 70572 VPA VPB is a reagent associated to ID 32 STAPH (32 500) & rapid ID 32 STREP (32 600) API® VPA VPB BIOMERIEUX SA
34 03573026099923 70562 FB is a reagent associated to API® Campy (20 800), ID 32 STAPH (32 500), rapid I FB is a reagent associated to API® Campy (20 800), ID 32 STAPH (32 500), rapid ID 32 A (32 300), rapid ID 32 STREP (32 600) API® FB BIOMERIEUX SA
35 03573026099893 70542 JAMES is a reagent associated to API® NH, API 20 ETM, API® 10 S, RapiD 20 ETM, A JAMES is a reagent associated to API® NH, API 20 ETM, API® 10 S, RapiD 20 ETM, API® 20 NE, RAPIDEC® ur, ID 32 E), rapid ID 32 A, rapid ID 32 E API® JAMES BIOMERIEUX SA
36 03573026099862 70520 EHR is a reagent associated to API 20 A® (20 300) API® EHR BIOMERIEUX SA
37 03573026099855 70510 BCP is a reagent associated to API 20 A® (20 300) & rapid ID 32 E (32 700) API® BCP BIOMERIEUX SA
38 03573026099671 70442 Reagents associated to API 20 E™ (20 100/20 160), API® 10 S (10 100), API® 20 NE Reagents associated to API 20 E™ (20 100/20 160), API® 10 S (10 100), API® 20 NE (20 050), API® Staph (20 500), API® Coryne (20 900), API® Campy (20 800), ID 32 STAPH (32 500), rapid ID 32 A (32 300) API® NIT1 NIT2 BIOMERIEUX SA
39 03573026099626 70422 VP1 VP2 are reagents associated to API 20 E™ (20 100/20 160), RapiD 20 E™ (20 70 VP1 VP2 are reagents associated to API 20 E™ (20 100/20 160), RapiD 20 E™ (20 701), API® Staph (20 500), API® 20 Strep (20 600) API® VP1 VP2 BIOMERIEUX SA
40 03573026099596 70402 TDA is a reagent associated to API 20 E (20 100/20 160), API® 10 S (10 100) API® TDA BIOMERIEUX SA
41 03573026099442 70100 Reagent associated to all API references except API LISTERIA (10 300) 1 API ZYM Reagent associated to all API references except API LISTERIA (10 300) 1 API ZYM (25 200) to close the cupule to the atmosphere MINERAL OIL BIOMERIEUX SA
42 03573026049133 20900 API Coryne is a standardized system for the identification of coryneform bacteri API Coryne is a standardized system for the identification of coryneform bacteria in 24 hours API® Coryne BIOMERIEUX SA
43 03573026048792 20800 API Campy is a standardized system for the identification of Campylobacter. API® Campy BIOMERIEUX SA
44 03573026048440 20600 API 20 Strep combines 20 biochemical tests to enable group or species ID of most API 20 Strep combines 20 biochemical tests to enable group or species ID of most streptococci and enterococci API® STREP BIOMERIEUX SA
45 03573026035600 10400 API® NH is for ID of Neisseria, Haemophilus (and related genera) and Moraxella c API® NH is for ID of Neisseria, Haemophilus (and related genera) and Moraxella catarrhalis (Branhamella catarrhalis). API® NH BIOMERIEUX SA
46 03573026035587 10300 API® Listeria is a standardized system for the identification of Listeria, which API® Listeria is a standardized system for the identification of Listeria, which uses miniaturized tests, as well as a database API® Listeria BIOMERIEUX SA
47 00848838062506 R8311009 RapID STAPH PLUS System 20/KT Remel REMEL, INC.
48 00848838058271 R8311008 RapID CB PLUS System 20/KT Remel REMEL, INC.
49 00848838058073 R8311003 RapID STR System KT/20 Remel REMEL, INC.
50 00848838028625 R30168501 LAP Disk w/Reagent 50TST/KT Remel REMEL, INC.