Other products from "UIH TECHNOLOGIES LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00810030350095 uMI 550 VM The uMI 550 PET/CT is a diagnostic imaging system that combines two existing ima The uMI 550 PET/CT is a diagnostic imaging system that combines two existing imaging modalities - PET and CT. This system is intended to be operated by qualified healthcare professionals. KPS,JAK System, Tomography, Computed, Emission,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 uMI VM
2 00810030350088 uMI 550 The uMI 550 PET/CT is a diagnostic imaging system that combines two existing ima The uMI 550 PET/CT is a diagnostic imaging system that combines two existing imaging modalities - PET and CT. This system is intended to be operated by qualified healthcare professionals. KPS,JAK System, Tomography, Computed, Emission,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 uMI
3 00810030350002 uDr 596i The uDR 596i Radiographic system is intended to be used by a qualified/trained d The uDR 596i Radiographic system is intended to be used by a qualified/trained doctor or technician on both adult and pediatric subjects for taking diagnostic radiographic exposures of the skull, spinal column, chest, abdomen, extremities, limbs and trunk. Not for mammography. MQB,KPR Solid State X-Ray Imager (Flat Panel/Digital Imager),System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 uDR
4 00810030350071 uDR 780i The uDR 780i digital medical x-ray system is intended for use by a qualified/tra The uDR 780i digital medical x-ray system is intended for use by a qualified/trained doctor or technician on both adult and pediatric subjects for taking diagnostic radiographic exposures of the skull, spinal column, chest, abdomen, extremities, and other anatomic sites. Applications can be performed with the subject sitting, standing, or lying in the prone or supine position. Not for mammography. KPR System, X-Ray, Stationary 2 uDR
5 00810030350033 uCT 760 The uCT Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT 760 is a computed tomography x-ray The uCT Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT 760 is a computed tomography x-ray system intended to produce cross-sectional images of the body by computer reconstruction of x-ray transmission data taken at different angles and planes and indicated for the whole body (including head, neck, cardiac and vascular). JAK System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 uCT
6 00810030350019 uCT 530 The uCT Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT 530 is a computed tomography X-ray The uCT Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT 530 is a computed tomography X-ray system intended to produce cross-sectional images of the body by computer reconstruction of X-ray transmission data taken at different angles and planes and indicated for the whole body, including head, neck, cardiac (calcium scoring) and vascular. JAK System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 uCT
7 00810030350057 uMR 570 The uMR 570 system is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic devic The uMR 570 system is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic device (MRDD) that produces sagittal, transverse, coronal, and oblique cross sectional images, and spectroscopic images, and that display internal anatomical structure and/or function of the head, body and extremities.These images and the physical parameters derived from the images when interpreted by a trained physician yield information that may assist the diagnosis. Contrast agents may be used depending on the region of interest of the scan. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 uMR
8 00810030350040 uCT 780 The uCT Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT 780 is a computed tomography x-ray The uCT Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT 780 is a computed tomography x-ray system intended to produce cross-sectional images of the body by computer reconstruction of x-ray transmission data taken at different angles and planes and indicated for the whole body (including head, neck, cardiac and vascular). JAK System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 uCT
Other products with the same Product Code "JAK"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00850025268158 7.15.4 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
2 00850025268127 7.14.6 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
3 00850025268110 7.15.5 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
4 00850025268097 7.14.5 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
5 00850025268080 7.15.3 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
6 00850025268066 7.15.2 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
7 00850025268042 7.14.4 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
8 00850025268035 7.15.1 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
9 00850025268011 7.15 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
10 00850025268004 7.14.3 The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that a The Vitrea Advanced Visualization software is a medical diagnostic system that allows the processing, review, analysis, communication, and media interchange of multi-dimensional digital images acquired from a variety of imaging devices.The Vitrea Advanced Visualization system provides multi-dimensional visualization of digital images to aid clinicians in their analysis of anatomy and pathology. The Vitrea Advanced Visualization user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images, including:• Retrieve image data over the network via DICOM• Display of images in dedicated protocols which are automatically adapted based on exam type• Select images for closer examination from a gallery of 2D or 3D views• Interactively manipulate an image in real-time to visualize anatomy and pathology• Annotate, measure, and record selected views• Output selected views to standard film or paper printers, or post a report to an intranet web server or export views to another DICOM device• Retrieve reports that are archived on a Web server Vitrea Advanced Visualization CANON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, INC.
11 00840682154338 H2401DS D630 to D670 DR Upgrade HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
12 00840682147415 Advance Optima HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
13 00840682147392 Maxima US Revolution Maxima CT designated medical device, WSO make Revolution HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
14 00840682146937 CT680 Expert Optima HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
15 00840682146616 Apex 5590000-20 Revolution Apex - Designated System Medical Device Revolution GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
17 00840682146401 H3906ER 830 to 870 DR Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
18 00840682146319 with Apex edition Revolution CT GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
19 00840682146197 ACT LMB Revolution HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
20 00840682146180 Maxima Revolution HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
21 00840682146173 Ascend NGX Gantry common top asm with UDI Revolution GE HEALTHCARE JAPAN CORPORATION
22 00840682146166 MI Digital Ready Discovery GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
23 00840682146159 Ace Revolution HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
24 00840682145947 H3906EF 870ES to 870 DR Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
25 00840682145930 H3908AX 860ES to 860 Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
26 00840682145725 H3906DX 870DR to 870 CZT Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
27 00840682145527 H3907AN 830 to 850 Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
28 00840682145510 H3907AR 850ES to 850 Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
29 00840682145497 H3908AP 830 to 860 Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
30 00840682145480 H308AK 850 to 860 Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
31 00840682145473 H3908AM 830 to 860 Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
32 00840682145459 H3906DT 830 to 870 DR Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
33 00840682145442 H3907AT 830 to 850 Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
34 00840682144209 5777746 NA GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
35 00840682143646 CT with Apex edition Revolution GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
36 00840682143523 MI Discovery GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
37 00840682142601 2 SnapShot Freeze GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
38 00840682141635 H3906DE CZT Upgrade G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
39 00840682141581 RT 001 INTERACT Discovery GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
42 00840682140775 850 NMCT G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
43 00840682140751 860 NM CT 860 Gantry Final NMCT G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
44 00840682140713 CT with Quantix Upgrade Revolution GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
45 00840682139403 NMCT 670 ES Discovery G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
46 00840682139380 NMCT 670 CZT D670 CZT GANTRY 7.25mm WITH NEW ROTOR Discovery G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
48 00840682139359 670 DR Discovery G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
49 00840682139281 NMCT640 Optima G E MEDICAL SYSTEMS ISRAEL LTD.
50 00840682138963 CT540 N Optima HANGWEI GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.