Other products from "INVIVOSCRIBE, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00810022731598 810022731598 A1010041 Analyte specific reagent targets the diversity and joining regions of the human Analyte specific reagent targets the diversity and joining regions of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
2 00810022731574 810022731574 A1010031 Analyte specific reagent that targets the framework 3 region of the human immuno Analyte specific reagent that targets the framework 3 region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
3 00810022731567 810022731567 A1010030 Analyte specific reagent that targets the framework 3 region of the human immuno Analyte specific reagent that targets the framework 3 region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
4 00810022731550 810022731550 A1010020 Analyte Specific Reagent that targets the framework 2 region of the human immuno Analyte Specific Reagent that targets the framework 2 region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
5 00810022731543 810022731543 A1010011 Analyte specific reagent that targets the framework 1 region of the human immuno Analyte specific reagent that targets the framework 1 region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
6 00810022731536 810022731536 A1010010 Analyte Specific Reagent that targets the framework 1 region of the human immuno Analyte Specific Reagent that targets the framework 1 region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
7 00810022731284 810022731824 A4160001 This analyte specific reagent targets the NPM1 gene in Exon 12 MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
8 00810022731277 810022731277 A4120479 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
9 00810022731260 810022731260 A4120469 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
10 00810022731253 810022731253 A4120459 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
11 00810022731246 810022731246 A4120449 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
12 00810022731239 810022731239 A4120439 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
13 00810022731222 810022731222 A4120429 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
14 00810022731215 810022731215 A4120419 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
15 00810022731208 810022731208 A4120409 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
16 00810022731192 810022731192 A4120399 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
17 00810022731185 810022731185 A4120389 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
18 00810022731178 810022731178 A4120379 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
19 00810022731161 810022731161 A4120369 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
20 00810022731154 810022731154 A4120359 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
21 00810022731147 810022731147 A4120349 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
22 00810022731130 810022731130 A4120339 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
23 00810022731123 810022731123 A4120329 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
24 00810022731116 810022731116 A4120319 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
25 00810022731109 810022731109 A4120309 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
26 00810022731093 810022731093 A4120299 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
27 00810022731086 810022731086 A4120289 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
28 00810022731079 810022731079 A4120279 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
29 00810022731055 810022731055 A4120259 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
30 00810022731048 810022731048 A4120249 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
31 00810022731031 810022731031 A4120239 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
32 00810022731024 810022731024 A4120229 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
33 00810022731017 810022731017 A4120219 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
34 00810022731000 810022731000 A4120209 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
35 00810022730997 810022730997 A4120199 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
36 00810022730980 810022730980 A4120189 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
37 00810022730973 810022730973 A4120179 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
38 00810022730959 810022730959 A4120159 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
39 00810022730942 810022730942 A4120149 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
40 00810022730935 810022730935 A4120139 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
41 00810022730928 810022730928 A4120129 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
42 00810022730911 810022730911 A4120119 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
43 00810022730898 810022730898 A4120099 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
44 00810022730881 810022730881 A4120089 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
45 00810022730874 810022730874 A4120081 This analyte specific reagent targets the TKD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
46 00810022730867 810022730867 A4120079 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
47 00810022730850 810022730850 A4120071 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
48 00810022730843 810022730843 A4120069 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
49 00810022730829 810022730829 A4120059 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
50 00810022730812 810022730812 A4120049 This analyte specific reagent targets the ITD analyte within the human FLT3 gene. MVU Reagents, Specific, Analyte 1 Invivoscribe
Other products with the same Product Code "MVU"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 15430001412076 1 Oligunucleotides designed to detect mutations associated to macrolide resistance Oligunucleotides designed to detect mutations associated to macrolide resistance on 23S RNA (A2058C, 2058G, 2058T, 2059C, A2059G). These oligonucleotides contain a 5' FAM label and a 3' BHQ-1 label Mycoplasma genitalium macrolide resistance probes DIAGENODE
2 15430001412069 1 PRD-061107 Oligonucleotides designed to detect the mutations associated to macrolide resist Oligonucleotides designed to detect the mutations associated to macrolide resistance on 23S RNA (A2058C, A2058G, A2058T, A2058C and A2059G) Mycoplasma genitalium macrolide resistance primers DIAGENODE
3 15099590749019 C78085 C78085 CD103-SuperNova v786 BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
4 15099590748999 C78083 C78083 CD200-SuperNova v786 BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
5 15099590748975 C78081 C78081 CD25-SuperNova v605 BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
6 15099590748951 C78079 C78079 CD20-SuperNova v605 BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
7 15099590748067 C76793 C76793 ANTI-IL-4-PE Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
8 15099590747312 C73917 C73917 CD99-ECD BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
9 15099590747305 C73916 C73916 CD99-APC BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
10 15099590744700 C69245 C69245 CD25-SuperNova v428 BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
11 15099590744694 C69244 C69244 CD19-SuperNova v428 BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
12 15099590744687 C69243 C69243 CD38-SuperNova v428 BeckmanCoulter IMMUNOTECH
13 15099590697099 C15623 C15623 Anti-Kappa-FITC (Goat Polyclonal) Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
14 15099590697082 C15190 C15190 CD133-APC Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
15 15099590697075 C15189 C15189 Anti-Lambda-PE (Goat Polyclonal) Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
16 15099590678289 B90465 B90465 CD94-Pacific Blue Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
17 15099590678227 B90441 B90441 Anti-IL4-PC7 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
18 15099590678210 B90436 B90436 ANTI-IL2-FITC Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
19 15099590678203 B90432 B90432 Anti-FoxP3-Pacific Blue Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
20 15099590678173 B90420 B90420 Anti-Kappa-APC (Goat Polyclonal) Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
21 15099590678166 B90416 B90416 Anti-Lambda-PC7 (Goat Polyclonal) Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
22 15099590678142 B90408 B90408 CD326 (EpCAM)-APC Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
23 15099590678111 B90396 B90396 CD45RA-Alexa Fluor 700 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
24 15099590672546 B36634 B36634 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE Mo2-RD1 (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE Mo2-RD1 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
25 15099590672539 B36633 B36633 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgG2a-RD1 (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgG2a-RD1 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
26 15099590672522 B36631 B36631 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE Mo2-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE Mo2-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
27 15099590672515 B36630 B36630 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE My4-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE My4-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
28 15099590672508 B36627 B36627 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgM-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgM-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
29 15099590672492 B36626 B36626 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B1-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B1-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
30 15099590672485 B36625 B36625 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B1-RD1 (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B1-RD1 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
31 15099590672478 B36624 B36624 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgG2a-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgG2a-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
32 15099590672461 B36623 B36623 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgG2b-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE MsIgG2b-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
33 15099590672454 B36536 B36536 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B4-RD1 (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B4-RD1 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
34 15099590672447 B36534 B36534 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B4-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE B4-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
35 15099590672430 B36533 B36533 CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE T11-FITC (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT /COULTER CLONE T11-FITC BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
36 15099590672409 629776 629776 CYTO-STAT/COULTER CLONE T11-RD1 (Analyte Specific Reagent) CYTO-STAT/COULTER CLONE T11-RD1 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
37 15099590671358 B55384 B55384 CD39-PE Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
38 15099590671310 B46038 B46038 Anti-Granzyme B-FITC Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
39 15099590670351 B68140 B68140 CD59-PE Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
40 15099590670344 B76291 B76291 CD99-ECD Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
41 15099590670337 B76295 B76295 Anti-TNFa-Alexa Fluor 700 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
42 15099590670313 B76270 B76270 CD99-APC Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
43 15099590670306 B76262 B76262 CD137-ECD Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
44 15099590670290 B76299 B76299 CD105-PE Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
45 15099590670276 B76287 B76287 CD20-Alexa Fluor 700 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
46 15099590670269 B76283 B76283 CD19-Alexa Fluor 700 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
47 15099590670252 B76279 B76279 CD8-Alexa Fluor 700 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
48 15099590670245 B55385 B55385 CD39-PC5.5 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
49 15099590669935 B46030 B46030 Anti-Perforin -Pacific Blue Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH
50 15099590669928 B68180 B68180 Anti-Ki-67-Alexa Fluor 488 Beckmancoulter IMMUNOTECH