No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00766588160771 K616-077 K616-077 OTS - Joint Safety Institute Field Kit LRR,CBP,KGX,IMD,EFQ,HMP First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathing,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PACK, 1 OTS - Joint Safety Institute Field Kit
2 00766588160696 K616-069 K616-069 24PW - Army Corps of Engineers - EM 385-1-1 - Poly White EFQ,IMD,HMP,KGX,LRR,CBP GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, 1 24PW - Army Corps of Engineers - EM 385-1-1 - Poly White
3 00766588777771 K777-777 K777-777 18PR - Premium - Poly Red IMD,KGX,HMP,EFQ,CBP,LRR PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, 1 18PR - Premium - Poly Red
4 00766588180427 K618-042 K618-042 16M - Preppi Class A - Metal IMD,HMP,CBP,LRR,EFQ,KGX PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with 1 16M - Preppi Class A - Metal
5 00766588051352 K605-135 K605-135 25M - Heba Fire & Safety EFQ,LRR,HMP,KGX GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, adhesive 1 25M - Heba Fire & Safety
6 00766588040028 S204-002 S204-002 24M - Iowa SBK LRR,HMP,EFQ,CBP,KGX First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,T 1 24M - Iowa SBK
7 00766588030517 S203-051 S203-051 36PW - CSA/20 School Bus - Poly CBP,LRR,HMP,EFQ,KGX Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,T 1 36PW - CSA/20 School Bus - Poly
8 00766588700212 R270-021 R270-021 CPRotector® - w/Gloves & Towelette - Overwrap CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - w/Gloves & Towelette - Overwrap
9 00766588210001 K621-000 K621-000 36M - Cee-Us - Metal EFQ,HMP,CBP,IMD,KGX,LRR GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOS 1 36M - Cee-Us - Metal
10 00766588180601 K618-060 K618-060 24M - Cee-Us - Metal EFQ,CBP,LRR,KGX,HMP GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and b 1 24M - Cee-Us - Metal
11 00766588180168 K618-016 K618-016 EMT - Duke Energy TD - Red Bag CBP,IMD,HMP,KGX,EFQ,LRR Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, 1 EMT - Duke Energy TD - Red Bag
12 00766588180137 K618-013 K618-013 FAC-3 - Five Star Safety KGX,EFQ,CBP,IMD,HMP,LRR Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, H 1 FAC-3 - Five Star Safety
13 00766588170749 K617-074 K617-074 16PW - Broward County EFQ,HMP,CBP,IMD,KGX,LRR GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOS 1 16PW - Broward County
14 00766588042039 S204-203 S204-203 24PW - Iowa SBK LRR,KGX,EFQ,HMP,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, E 1 24PW - Iowa SBK
15 00766588160610 K616-061 K616-061 18PR - Class A Complete - Poly Red HMP,LRR,EFQ,IMD,CBP,KGX PAD, EYE,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPO 1 18PR - Class A Complete - Poly Red
16 00766588160146 K616-014 K616-014 16PW - Class A & BloodBorne Pathogen - Poly White KGX,HMP,EFQ,IMD,LRR,CBP Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DI 1 16PW - Class A & BloodBorne Pathogen - Poly White
17 00766588150154 K615-015 K615-015 18M - Class A - Metal EFQ,LRR,HMP,CBP,KGX,IMD GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,T 1 18M - Class A - Metal
18 00766588150130 K615-013 K615-013 18PG - Class A - Poly Green LRR,KGX,IMD,CBP,EFQ,HMP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE 1 18PG - Class A - Poly Green
19 00766588150123 K615-012 K615-012 18PN - Class A Blue Metal Detectable - Poly Navy EFQ,HMP,LRR,CBP,IMD,KGX GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, EYE,First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathing,P 1 18PN - Class A Blue Metal Detectable - Poly Navy
20 00766588140735 K614-073 K614-073 16PW - SEC - Poly White CBP,IMD,EFQ,KGX,LRR Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Tape 1 16PW - SEC - Poly White
21 00766588130583 K613-058 K613-058 16PW - Los Alamos - Poly White HMP,IMD,CBP,EFQ,KGX,LRR PAD, EYE,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTE 1 16PW - Los Alamos - Poly White
22 00766588022352 S202-235 S202-235 10M - Georgia SBK HMP,KGX,CBP,EFQ,LRR PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNA 1 10M - Georgia SBK
23 00766588110073 K611-007 K611-007 16M - Kansas Truck Parts - Metal LRR,KGX,EFQ,HMP,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, E 1 16M - Kansas Truck Parts - Metal
24 00766588109572 KR610-057 KR610-057 10M - Sempra - Metal LRR,KGX,EFQ,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, 1 10M - Sempra - Metal
25 00766588107042 K610-704 K610-704 SB-2 - Head Start - Fanny Pack IMD,LRR,EFQ,CBP,KGX PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Val 1 SB-2 - Head Start - Fanny Pack
26 00766588100579 K610-057 K610-057 10M - Sempra - Metal KGX,CBP,LRR,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/ 1 10M - Sempra - Metal
27 00766588061238 K206-123 K206-123 24PW - Turtle Top Florida DOT - Poly White HMP,EFQ,CBP,KGX,LRR PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,Tape and bandage, adhesiv 1 24PW - Turtle Top Florida DOT - Poly White
28 00766588023250 S202-325 S202-325 24M - Oregon SBK - Metal CBP,KGX,LRR,EFQ Valve, non-rebreathing,Tape and bandage, adhesive,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/ 1 24M - Oregon SBK - Metal
29 00766588022017 K202-201 K202-201 24M - Salt River Project-21 - Metal IMD,KGX,CBP,LRR,EFQ PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing, 1 24M - Salt River Project-21 - Metal
30 00766588021614 S202-161 S202-161 24PW - Colorado SBK - Poly KGX,LRR,CBP,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/ 1 24PW - Colorado SBK - Poly
31 00766588021232 S202-123 S202-123 24PW - New Jersey SBK NSTD LRR,HMP,EFQ,KGX,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Tape and bandage, adhesi 1 24PW - New Jersey SBK NSTD
32 00766588011820 K201-182 K201-182 36M - Black & Veach - Metal CBP,LRR,IMD,HMP,EFQ,KGX Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD 1 36M - Black & Veach - Metal
33 00766588170282 K617-028 K617-028 OTS - Active Shooter Deluxe CBP,LRR,EFQ Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL 2 OTS - Active Shooter Deluxe
34 00766588160689 R216-068 R216-068 805X - CPRotector® - 1/Unit CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 805X - CPRotector® - 1/Unit
35 00766588150871 K615-087 K615-087 FAC-4 - Kent Class B LRR,IMD,HMP,CBP,KGX,EFQ First Aid Kit with drug,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebrea 1 FAC-4 - Kent Class B
36 00766588150819 K615-081 K615-081 36PW - Kent 1488275 - Poly White LRR,HMP,EFQ,IMD,KGX,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPO 1 36PW - Kent 1488275 - Poly White
37 00766588130033 K613-003 K613-003 10PW - Heba Fire & Safety EFQ,LRR,KGX GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive 1 10PW - Heba Fire & Safety
38 00766588082219 K208-221 K208-221 16M - Mid America Energy LRR,KGX,EFQ,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, 1 16M - Mid America Energy
39 00766588050034 S205-003 S205-003 24M - Arkansas SBK - Metal KGX,HMP,LRR,CBP,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EYE,First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathi 1 24M - Arkansas SBK - Metal
40 00766588700304 R270-030 R270-030 CPRotector® - w/Nitrile Gloves - Orange Mini Pouch CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - w/Nitrile Gloves - Orange Mini Pouch
41 00766588700267 R270-026 R270-026 CPRotector® - Overwrap CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - Overwrap
42 00766588700113 R270-011 R270-011 CPRotector® - Orange Micro Pouch CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - Orange Micro Pouch
43 00766588190129 K619-012 K619-012 16PW - Okefenoke REMC - Poly White CBP,EFQ,KGX,HMP,LRR,IMD Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EY 1 16PW - Okefenoke REMC - Poly White
44 00766588190099 K619-009 K619-009 16PW - Wisconsin Energy - Poly White IMD,CBP,EFQ,LRR,KGX PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Firs 1 16PW - Wisconsin Energy - Poly White
45 00766588181080 K618-108 K618-108 36M - Class A Select - Metal IMD,CBP,EFQ,LRR,KGX,HMP PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Firs 1 36M - Class A Select - Metal
46 00766588180052 FK418-005 FK418-005 HSB - Personal Protection - 36 Cee-Us CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 HSB - Personal Protection - 36 Cee-Us
47 00766588180038 K618-003 K618-003 16PW - Conney Loggers - Poly White KGX,CBP,LRR,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/ 1 16PW - Conney Loggers - Poly White
48 00766588170473 K617-047 K617-047 18M - Safety Test & Equipment - Metal KGX,EFQ,CBP,LRR,HMP Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,First A 1 18M - Safety Test & Equipment - Metal
49 00766588160023 K616-002 K616-002 OTS - Class B Field Trauma - Hawkes Bag KGX,CBP,HMP,EFQ,LRR,IMD Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNA 1 OTS - Class B Field Trauma - Hawkes Bag
50 00766588150215 K615-021 K615-021 75V - Class A - 3 Shelf Cabinet EFQ,IMD,HMP,KGX,LRR,CBP GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, 1 75V - Class A - 3 Shelf Cabinet
Other products with the same Product Codes "KGX, HMP, IMD, EFQ, LRR, CBP"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 G026020001 02000 Disposable Probe Covers Lens Filters Made of Closed-Cell Foam Laminated with She P&P Medical Surgical LLC P&P MEDICAL SURGICAL LLC
2 04251282513689 TAPE BLACK, 5M X 5CM A006714 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Black: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade a ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
3 04251282509538 TAPE PINK, 5M X 5CM A006713 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Pink: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade ac ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
4 04251282509521 TAPE BLUE, 5M X 5CM A006712 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Blue: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade ac ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
5 04251282509378 TAPE ROYAL BLUE, 5M X 5CM A012162 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Royal Blue: made of cotton fabric with a medical gr ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
6 04251282509361 TAPE DARK BLUE, 5M X 5CM A012230 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Dark Blue: made of cotton fabric with a medical gra ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
7 04251282509255 TAPE ORANGE, 5M X 5CM A006720 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Orange: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
8 04251282509248 TAPE TAN, 5M X 5CM A006711 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Tan color: made of cotton fabric with a medical gra ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
9 04251282509149 TAPE 5X10 - BLUE A006701 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - BLUE: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade ac ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
10 04251282509132 TAPE 5X10 - TAN A006700 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - TAN: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade acr ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
11 04251282509125 TAPE LIGHT GREEN, 5M X 5CM A012231 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Light Green: made of cotton fabric with a medical g ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
12 04251282504663 TAPE WHITE, 5M X 5CM A006718 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - White: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade a ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
13 04251282504625 TAPE RED, 5M X 5CM A006717 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Red: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade acr ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
14 04251282504618 TAPE YELLOW, 5M X 5CM A006716 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Yellow: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
15 04251282504601 TAPE GREEN, 5M X 5CM A006715 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Green: made of cotton fabric with a medical grade a ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
16 04251282504595 TAPE NYLON - BLUE A006724 asia-med Kinesiology Tape Nylon - Blue color: made Nylon (82%) and Spandex (18% ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
17 04251282504588 TAPE NYLON - TAN A006723 asia-med Kinesiology Tape Nylon - Tan color: made Nylon (82%) and Spandex (18%) ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
18 04251282504571 TAPE LIGHT PURPLE, 5M X 5CM A012163 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Light Purple: made of cotton fabric with a medical ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
19 04251282504564 TAPE HOT GREEN, 5M X 5CM A012232 asia-med Kinesiology Tape - Hot Green: made of cotton fabric with a medical gra ASIA MED ASIA-MED GMBH
20 04054596476004 1591-3 1591-3 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 3 inches x 10 yards 4 Rolls/Carton 10 Carto 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
21 04054596475960 1591-2 1591-2 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 2 inches x 10 yards 6 Rolls/Carton 10 Carto 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
22 04054596475922 1591-1 1591-1 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 1 inches x 10 yards 12 Rolls/Carton 10 Cart 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
23 04054596475861 1591-0 1591-0 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 1/2 inch x 10 yards 24 Rolls/Carton 10 Cart 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
24 04054596475786 1590-3 1590-3 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 3 inches x 5.5 yards 4 Rolls/Carton 10 Cart 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
25 04054596475724 1590-2 1590-2 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 2 inches x 5.5 yards 6 Rolls/Carton 10 Cart 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
26 04054596475663 1590-1 1590-1 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 1 inch x 5.5 yards 12 Rolls/Carton 10 Carto 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
27 04054596475588 1590-0 1590-0 3M™ Durapore™ Advanced Surgical Tape 1/2 inch x 5.5 yards 24 Rolls/Carton 10 Car 3M™ Durapore™ 3M COMPANY
28 04052199575940 9000010 Omnifix silicone, 10cmx5m, P1 Omnifix silicone, 10cmx5m, P1 HARTMANN USA, INC.
29 04052199572468 901108 Cosmopor silicone 15x8cm P10 Cosmopor silicone 15x8cm P10 HARTMANN USA, INC.
30 04052199572437 901109 Cosmopor silicone 20x10cm P10 Cosmopor silicone 20x10cm P10 HARTMANN USA, INC.
31 04052199572376 901106 Cosmopor silicone 7,2x5cm P10 Cosmopor silicone 7,2x5cm P10 HARTMANN USA, INC.
32 04052199572345 901107 Cosmopor silicone 10x8cm P10 Cosmopor silicone 10x8cm P10 HARTMANN USA, INC.
33 04052199210650 9008230 Cosmopor Steril 15x15cm P25 Cosmopor Steril 15x15cm P25 PAUL HARTMANN AG
34 04052199210629 9008200 Cosmopor Steril 10x10cm P25 Cosmopor Steril 10x10cm P25 PAUL HARTMANN AG
35 04049500967785 9006042 Omnifix Elastic 15cm x 10m P1 C24 Omnifix Elastic 15cm x 10m P1 C24 PAUL HARTMANN AG
36 04049500967778 9006032 Omnifix Elastic 10cm x 10m P1 C36 Omnifix Elastic 10cm x 10m P1 C36 PAUL HARTMANN AG
37 04049500967761 9006022 Omnifix Elastic 5cm x 10m P1 C63 Omnifix Elastic 5cm x 10m P1 C63 PAUL HARTMANN AG
38 04049500967754 9006012 Omnifix Elastic 10cm x 2m P1 C64 Omnifix Elastic 10cm x 2m P1 C64 PAUL HARTMANN AG
39 04049500749985 9324445 Peha-Haft Latex Free 10cmx4m P1 C140 Peha-Haft Latex Free 10cmx4m P1 C140 PAUL HARTMANN AG
40 04049500749961 9324435 Peha-Haft Latex Free 8cm x 4m P1 C140 Peha-Haft Latex Free 8cm x 4m P1 C140 PAUL HARTMANN AG
41 04049500749947 9324426 Peha-Haft Latex Free 6cm x 4m P1 C140 Peha-Haft Latex Free 6cm x 4m P1 C140 PAUL HARTMANN AG
42 04049500749923 9324413 Peha-Haft Latex Free 4mx4cm P1 C280 >/3 Peha-Haft Latex Free 4mx4cm P1 C280 >/3 PAUL HARTMANN AG
43 04049500217569 9008162 Cosmopor Steril 35x10cm P25 C8 Cosmopor Steril 35x10cm P25 C8 PAUL HARTMANN AG
44 04049500217552 9008142 Cosmopor Steril 25x10cm P25 C8 Cosmopor Steril 25x10cm P25 C8 PAUL HARTMANN AG
45 04049500217545 9008122 Cosmopor Steril 20x10cm P25 C12 Cosmopor Steril 20x10cm P25 C12 PAUL HARTMANN AG
46 04049500217521 9008087 Cosmopor Steril 15x8cm P25 C14 Cosmopor Steril 15x8cm P25 C14 PAUL HARTMANN AG
47 04049500217514 9008063 Cosmopor Steril 10x8cm P25 C22 Cosmopor Steril 10x8cm P25 C22 PAUL HARTMANN AG
48 04049500217484 9008006 Cosmopor Steril 7.2x5cm P50 C20 Cosmopor Steril 7.2x5cm P50 C20 PAUL HARTMANN AG
49 04049500208901 9006086 Omnifix Elastic FR 5cm x 5m P1 12K Omnifix Elastic FR 5cm x 5m P1 12K PAUL HARTMANN AG
50 04049500030915 9324520 Peha-Haft 2.5cmx4m P8 C12 Peha-Haft 2.5cmx4m P8 C12 PAUL HARTMANN AG