No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00766588160771 K616-077 K616-077 OTS - Joint Safety Institute Field Kit LRR,CBP,KGX,IMD,EFQ,HMP First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathing,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PACK, 1 OTS - Joint Safety Institute Field Kit
2 00766588160696 K616-069 K616-069 24PW - Army Corps of Engineers - EM 385-1-1 - Poly White EFQ,IMD,HMP,KGX,LRR,CBP GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, 1 24PW - Army Corps of Engineers - EM 385-1-1 - Poly White
3 00766588777771 K777-777 K777-777 18PR - Premium - Poly Red IMD,KGX,HMP,EFQ,CBP,LRR PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, 1 18PR - Premium - Poly Red
4 00766588180427 K618-042 K618-042 16M - Preppi Class A - Metal IMD,HMP,CBP,LRR,EFQ,KGX PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with 1 16M - Preppi Class A - Metal
5 00766588051352 K605-135 K605-135 25M - Heba Fire & Safety EFQ,LRR,HMP,KGX GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, adhesive 1 25M - Heba Fire & Safety
6 00766588040028 S204-002 S204-002 24M - Iowa SBK LRR,HMP,EFQ,CBP,KGX First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,T 1 24M - Iowa SBK
7 00766588030517 S203-051 S203-051 36PW - CSA/20 School Bus - Poly CBP,LRR,HMP,EFQ,KGX Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,T 1 36PW - CSA/20 School Bus - Poly
8 00766588700212 R270-021 R270-021 CPRotector® - w/Gloves & Towelette - Overwrap CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - w/Gloves & Towelette - Overwrap
9 00766588226378 K622-637 K622-637 Packout-5 - Class A First Aid Kit - Poly KGX,HMP,IMD,EFQ,LRR,CBP Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EYE,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,GAUZE/SPONGE, 1 Packout-5 - Class A First Aid Kit - Poly
10 00766588210001 K621-000 K621-000 36M - Cee-Us - Metal EFQ,HMP,CBP,IMD,KGX,LRR GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOS 1 36M - Cee-Us - Metal
11 00766588180601 K618-060 K618-060 24M - Cee-Us - Metal EFQ,CBP,LRR,KGX,HMP GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and b 1 24M - Cee-Us - Metal
12 00766588180168 K618-016 K618-016 EMT - Duke Energy TD - Red Bag CBP,IMD,HMP,KGX,EFQ,LRR Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, 1 EMT - Duke Energy TD - Red Bag
13 00766588180137 K618-013 K618-013 FAC-3 - Five Star Safety KGX,EFQ,CBP,IMD,HMP,LRR Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, H 1 FAC-3 - Five Star Safety
14 00766588170749 K617-074 K617-074 16PW - Broward County EFQ,HMP,CBP,IMD,KGX,LRR GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOS 1 16PW - Broward County
15 00766588042039 S204-203 S204-203 24PW - Iowa SBK LRR,KGX,EFQ,HMP,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, E 1 24PW - Iowa SBK
16 00766588160610 K616-061 K616-061 18PR - Class A Complete - Poly Red HMP,LRR,EFQ,IMD,CBP,KGX PAD, EYE,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPO 1 18PR - Class A Complete - Poly Red
17 00766588160146 K616-014 K616-014 16PW - Class A & BloodBorne Pathogen - Poly White KGX,HMP,EFQ,IMD,LRR,CBP Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DI 1 16PW - Class A & BloodBorne Pathogen - Poly White
18 00766588150154 K615-015 K615-015 18M - Class A - Metal EFQ,LRR,HMP,CBP,KGX,IMD GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebreathing,T 1 18M - Class A - Metal
19 00766588150130 K615-013 K615-013 18PG - Class A - Poly Green LRR,KGX,IMD,CBP,EFQ,HMP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE 1 18PG - Class A - Poly Green
20 00766588150123 K615-012 K615-012 18PN - Class A Blue Metal Detectable - Poly Navy EFQ,HMP,LRR,CBP,IMD,KGX GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, EYE,First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathing,P 1 18PN - Class A Blue Metal Detectable - Poly Navy
21 00766588140735 K614-073 K614-073 16PW - SEC - Poly White CBP,IMD,EFQ,KGX,LRR Valve, non-rebreathing,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Tape 1 16PW - SEC - Poly White
22 00766588130583 K613-058 K613-058 16PW - Los Alamos - Poly White HMP,IMD,CBP,EFQ,KGX,LRR PAD, EYE,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTE 1 16PW - Los Alamos - Poly White
23 00766588022352 S202-235 S202-235 10M - Georgia SBK HMP,KGX,CBP,EFQ,LRR PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNA 1 10M - Georgia SBK
24 00766588110073 K611-007 K611-007 16M - Kansas Truck Parts - Metal LRR,KGX,EFQ,HMP,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PAD, E 1 16M - Kansas Truck Parts - Metal
25 00766588109572 KR610-057 KR610-057 10M - Sempra - Metal LRR,KGX,EFQ,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, 1 10M - Sempra - Metal
26 00766588107042 K610-704 K610-704 SB-2 - Head Start - Fanny Pack IMD,LRR,EFQ,CBP,KGX PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Val 1 SB-2 - Head Start - Fanny Pack
27 00766588100579 K610-057 K610-057 10M - Sempra - Metal KGX,CBP,LRR,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/ 1 10M - Sempra - Metal
28 00766588061238 K206-123 K206-123 24PW - Turtle Top Florida DOT - Poly White HMP,EFQ,CBP,KGX,LRR PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,Tape and bandage, adhesiv 1 24PW - Turtle Top Florida DOT - Poly White
29 00766588023250 S202-325 S202-325 24M - Oregon SBK - Metal CBP,KGX,LRR,EFQ Valve, non-rebreathing,Tape and bandage, adhesive,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/ 1 24M - Oregon SBK - Metal
30 00766588022017 K202-201 K202-201 24M - Salt River Project-21 - Metal IMD,KGX,CBP,LRR,EFQ PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing, 1 24M - Salt River Project-21 - Metal
31 00766588021614 S202-161 S202-161 24PW - Colorado SBK - Poly KGX,LRR,CBP,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/ 1 24PW - Colorado SBK - Poly
32 00766588021232 S202-123 S202-123 24PW - New Jersey SBK NSTD LRR,HMP,EFQ,KGX,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Tape and bandage, adhesi 1 24PW - New Jersey SBK NSTD
33 00766588011820 K201-182 K201-182 36M - Black & Veach - Metal CBP,LRR,IMD,HMP,EFQ,KGX Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD 1 36M - Black & Veach - Metal
34 00766588170282 K617-028 K617-028 OTS - Active Shooter Deluxe CBP,LRR,EFQ Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL 2 OTS - Active Shooter Deluxe
35 00766588160689 R216-068 R216-068 805X - CPRotector® - 1/Unit CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 805X - CPRotector® - 1/Unit
36 00766588150871 K615-087 K615-087 FAC-4 - Kent Class B LRR,IMD,HMP,CBP,KGX,EFQ First Aid Kit with drug,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Valve, non-rebrea 1 FAC-4 - Kent Class B
37 00766588150819 K615-081 K615-081 36PW - Kent 1488275 - Poly White LRR,HMP,EFQ,IMD,KGX,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPO 1 36PW - Kent 1488275 - Poly White
38 00766588130033 K613-003 K613-003 10PW - Heba Fire & Safety EFQ,LRR,KGX GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive 1 10PW - Heba Fire & Safety
39 00766588082219 K208-221 K208-221 16M - Mid America Energy LRR,KGX,EFQ,CBP First Aid Kit with drug,Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, 1 16M - Mid America Energy
40 00766588050034 S205-003 S205-003 24M - Arkansas SBK - Metal KGX,HMP,LRR,CBP,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EYE,First Aid Kit with drug,Valve, non-rebreathi 1 24M - Arkansas SBK - Metal
41 00766588700304 R270-030 R270-030 CPRotector® - w/Nitrile Gloves - Orange Mini Pouch CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - w/Nitrile Gloves - Orange Mini Pouch
42 00766588700267 R270-026 R270-026 CPRotector® - Overwrap CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - Overwrap
43 00766588700113 R270-011 R270-011 CPRotector® - Orange Micro Pouch CBP Valve, non-rebreathing 2 CPRotector® - Orange Micro Pouch
44 00766588190129 K619-012 K619-012 16PW - Okefenoke REMC - Poly White CBP,EFQ,KGX,HMP,LRR,IMD Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Tape and bandage, adhesive,PAD, EY 1 16PW - Okefenoke REMC - Poly White
45 00766588190099 K619-009 K619-009 16PW - Wisconsin Energy - Poly White IMD,CBP,EFQ,LRR,KGX PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Firs 1 16PW - Wisconsin Energy - Poly White
46 00766588181080 K618-108 K618-108 36M - Class A Select - Metal IMD,CBP,EFQ,LRR,KGX,HMP PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,Valve, non-rebreathing,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Firs 1 36M - Class A Select - Metal
47 00766588180038 K618-003 K618-003 16PW - Conney Loggers - Poly White KGX,CBP,LRR,EFQ Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,First Aid Kit with drug,GAUZE/ 1 16PW - Conney Loggers - Poly White
48 00766588170473 K617-047 K617-047 18M - Safety Test & Equipment - Metal KGX,EFQ,CBP,LRR,HMP Tape and bandage, adhesive,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,Valve, non-rebreathing,First A 1 18M - Safety Test & Equipment - Metal
49 00766588160023 K616-002 K616-002 OTS - Class B Field Trauma - Hawkes Bag KGX,CBP,HMP,EFQ,LRR,IMD Tape and bandage, adhesive,Valve, non-rebreathing,PAD, EYE,GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNA 1 OTS - Class B Field Trauma - Hawkes Bag
50 00766588150215 K615-021 K615-021 75V - Class A - 3 Shelf Cabinet EFQ,IMD,HMP,KGX,LRR,CBP GAUZE/SPONGE, INTERNAL,PACK, HOT OR COLD, DISPOSABLE,PAD, EYE,Tape and bandage, 1 75V - Class A - 3 Shelf Cabinet
Other products with the same Product Code "CBP"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10612479255170 73508 CPR Mask w/filter/ without oxygen inlet McKesson MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC.
2 10607415001416 73509 CPR Mask w/Filter & O2 Moore Moore MOORE MEDICAL LLC
3 10607415001393 73508 CPR Mask w/Filter Moore Moore MOORE MEDICAL LLC
4 10351688413215 008015 Portex SMITHS MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL LTD
6 09420012448910 OJR418B OJR418B Optiflow Junior 2 Blender Transition Kit XL Fisher and Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
7 09420012448897 OJR416B OJR416B Optiflow Junior 2 Blender Transition Kit L Fisher and Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
8 09420012448873 OJR414B OJR414B Optiflow Junior 2 Blender Transition Kit M Fisher and Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
9 09420012448859 OJR412B OJR412B Optiflow Junior 2 Blender Transition Kit S Fisher and Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
10 09420012448835 OJR410B OJR410B Optiflow Junior 2 Blender Transition Kit XS Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
12 07540195056008 01RB5050U 01RB5050 CPR Bio-Barrier Training Faceshield is intended to provide CPR trained individua CPR Bio-Barrier Training Faceshield O-TWO MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC
13 07045432101683 830046 830046 The McKesson CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a McKesson CPR Mask, Barrier Dev. w/O2 73509 LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
14 07045432101669 820046 820046 The McKesson CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a McKesson CPR Mask, Barrier Dev. 73508 LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
15 07045432040463 83004233 83004233 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask w/O2,SP (Camouflage IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
16 07045432040418 83001933 83001933 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask O2 w/o wipe & gloves HC (IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
17 07045432001433 820054 820054 The Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask is a device designed for mouth-to-mask ventil Paediatric Pocket Mask w/Gloves & wipe, Polybag LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
18 07045430080195 82004233 82004233 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask,SP (Camouflage,IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
19 07045430079717 83004020 83004020 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask w/O2 HC SP w/o wipe (Blue CDN) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
20 07045430079700 83004120 83004120 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask, w/O2, SP w/o wipe (Black, CDN) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
21 07045430079694 83001120 83001120 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask O2 HC w/o wipe (CDN) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
22 07045430079687 82004120 82004120 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask SP w/o wipe (Black CDN) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
23 07045430079670 82004020 82004020 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask SP w/o wipe (Blue CDN) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
24 07045430079656 82001120 82001120 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask HC w/o wipe (CDN) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
25 07045430078673 820053 820053 The Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask is a device designed for mouth-to-mask ventil Paed. PM w/o wipe and gloves CPR Barrier Dev. LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
26 07045430075559 820052 820052 The Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask is a device designed for mouth-to-mask ventil Laerdal Paediatric PM w/Gloves in Red/Black LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
27 07045430044647 830047 830047 The BoundTree CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a BoundTree CPR Mask w/O2, one-way valve and filter LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
28 07045430044630 830046 830046 The Moore Medical CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation Moore Medical CPR Mask, Barrier Dev. w/O2 73509 LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
29 07045430044623 830045 830045 The Dynamed CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a n Dynamed CPR Mask w/O2, Green LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
30 07045430044616 830044 830044 The Dynamed CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a n Dynamed CPR Mask w/O2, White LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
31 07045430044609 83004133 83004133 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask w/O2,SP (Black IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
32 07045430044500 83004033 83004033 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask w/O2,SP (Blue, IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
33 07045430043954 820046 820046 The Moore Medical CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation Moore Medical CPR Mask, Barrier Dev. 73508 LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
34 07045430043947 820045 820045 The Dynamed CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a n Dynamed CPR Mask, Green LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
35 07045430043930 820044 820044 The Dynamed CPR Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a n Dynamed CPR Mask, White LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
36 07045430043923 82004133 82004133 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask,SP(Black,IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
37 07045430043824 82004033 82004033 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask,SP (Blue,IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
38 07045430043725 82001933 82001933 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask w/o wipe & gloves HC(IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
39 07045430043701 820015 820015 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask, SP (ARC) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
40 07045430043688 820012 820012 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask w/gloves ARC stock no.329705 LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
41 07045430011786 83001633 83001633 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask w/O2 PB (IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
42 07045430011762 83001133 83001133 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask O2 HC (IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
43 07045430011748 830006 830006 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br PM O2 w/gloves ARC stock no.329704 LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
44 07045430011724 829951 829951 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask HC, PL green LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
45 07045430011694 829940 829940 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask,SP,PL LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
46 07045430011564 820051 820051 The Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask is a device designed for mouth-to-mask ventil Paed.Pocket Mask w/o wipe CPR Barrier Device LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
47 07045430011557 820050 820050 The Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask is a device designed for mouth-to-mask ventil Paediatric Pocket Mask CPR Barrier Device LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
48 07045430011519 820032 820032 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask HC PL no logo large LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
49 07045430011502 82001133 82001133 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask HC (IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS
50 07045430011472 82000633 82000633 The Pocket Mask is primarily designed for mouth-to-mouth ventilation of a non-br Pocket Mask,PB(IE) LAERDAL MEDICAL AS