Other products from "ESSENTIAL DENTAL SYSTEMS, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00766054001362 2130-0 2130-0 Flexi-Post Fiber Refill Kit Size 0 ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post Fiber
2 00766054001355 2110-01 2110-01 Flexi-Post Fiber Intro Kit Size 1 & 2 ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post Fiber
3 00766054001348 2110-00 2110-00 Flexi-Post Fiber Intro Kit Size 0 & 1 ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post Fiber
4 00766054000709 5400-01 5400-01 Tango-Endo Gutta Percha Points EKM GUTTA-PERCHA 1 Tango-Endo
5 00766054001676 2195-00 2195-00 Flexi-Post Fiber Depth Gauge EIL GAUGE, DEPTH, INSTRUMENT, DENTAL 1 Flexi-Post Fiber
6 00766054001386 2130-02 2130-02 Flexi-Post Fiber Refill Kit Size 2 ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post Fiber
7 00766054001379 2130-01 2130-01 Flexi-Post Fiber Refill Kit Size 1 ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post Fiber
8 00766054001232 5000-75 5000-75 Steri-Tracker FSM TRAY, SURGICAL, INSTRUMENT 1 Safesiders
9 00766054000235 851-00 851-00 Post Cement Paste/Paste Chemical Cure Gray Shade Sample EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Flexi-Flow Sample Gray
10 00766054000228 811-00 811-00 Post Cement Paste/Paste Chemical Cure Natural Shade A3 Sample EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Ti-Core Sample Natural
11 00766054000327 970-00 970-00 Resin Cement Syringeable Dual Cure White Opaque Shade EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 ENVY Self Adhesive Resin Cement-White Opaque Shade
12 00766054001249 5004-05 5004-05 No. 5 sized Stainless Steel, Cone Socket, Front Surface Mirror Heads EAX MIRROR, MOUTH 1 C-Mor Dental Mirror
13 00766054000204 832-01 832-01 Core Material and Post Cement Syrangeable Dual Cure Natural Shade A2 Sample EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Ti-Core Flow Plus Sample
14 00766054000334 980-00 980-00 Resin Cement Syringeable Dual Cure A2 Shade EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 ENVY Self Adhesive Resin Cement-A2 Shade
15 00766054001485 165-0 165-0 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 0 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Gates Glidden Drills
16 00766054001591 192-01 192-01 EDS Secondary Drill Size 1 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Secondary Drill
17 00766054001584 192-0 192-0 EDS Secondary Drill Size 0 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Secondary Drill
18 00766054001522 165-03 165-03 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 3 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Gates Glidden Drills
19 00766054001515 165-02 165-02 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 2 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Gates Glidden Drills
20 00766054001508 165-01 165-01 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 1 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Gates Glidden Drills
21 00766054001492 165-00 165-00 EDS Gates Glidden Drills Size 00 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Gates Glidden Drills
22 00766054001614 192-03 192-03 EDS Secondary Drill Size 3 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Secondary Drill
23 00766054001607 192-02 192-02 EDS Secondary Drill Size 2 DZA DRILL, DENTAL, INTRAORAL 1 Essential Secondary Drill
24 00766054000211 801-00 801-00 Post Cement Paste/Paste Chemical Cure Gray Shade Sample EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Ti-Core Sample Gray
25 00766054000013 805-00 805-00 Core Material Paste/Paste Chemical Cure Gray Shade Fast Set EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Ti-Core Gray Fast Set
26 00766054002819 5125-01 5125-01 Safesider HF Glidepath Refill 25 mm EKP REAMER, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 Safesider HF
27 00766054002802 5125-02 5125-02 Safesider HF Shaper Refill 25 mm EKP REAMER, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 Safesider HF
28 00766054002789 5121-03 5121-03 Safesider HF Finisher Refill 21 mm EKP REAMER, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 Safesider HF
29 00766054002772 5121-02 5121-02 Safesider HF Shaper Refill 21 mm EKP REAMER, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 Safesider HF
30 00766054002765 5121-01 5121-01 Safesider HF Glidepath Refill 21 mm EKP REAMER, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 Safesider HF
31 00766054002758 5125-123 5125-123 Safesider HF Intro Kit 25 mm EKP REAMER, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 Safesider HF
32 00766054002741 5121-123 5121-123 Safesider HF Intro Kit 21 mm EKP REAMER, PULP CANAL, ENDODONTIC 1 Safesider HF
33 00766054002352 130-00 130-00 Flexi-Post Refill Size 00 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
34 00766054002543 140-03 140-03 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 3 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
35 00766054002536 140-02 140-02 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 2 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
36 00766054002529 140-01 140-01 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 1 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
37 00766054002512 140-0 140-0 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 0 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
38 00766054002505 140-00 140-00 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 00 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
39 00766054002499 145-03 145-03 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 3 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
40 00766054002482 145-02 145-02 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 2 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
41 00766054002475 145-01 145-01 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 1 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
42 00766054002468 145-0 145-0 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 0 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
43 00766054002451 145-00 145-00 Flexi-Post Economy Refill Size 00 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
44 00766054002444 135-03 135-03 Flexi-Post Refill Size 3 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
45 00766054002437 135-02 135-02 Flexi-Post Refill Size 2 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
46 00766054002420 135-01 135-01 Flexi-Post Refill Size 1 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
47 00766054002413 135-0 135-0 Flexi-Post Refill Size 0 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
48 00766054002406 135-00 135-00 Flexi-Post Refill Size 00 Titanium ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
49 00766054002390 130-03 130-03 Flexi-Post Refill Size 3 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
50 00766054002383 130-02 130-02 Flexi-Post Refill Size 2 Stainless Steel ELR POST, ROOT CANAL 1 Flexi-Post
Other products with the same Product Code "EKP"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 J015600298661 N090/140 L31 60029866 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
2 J015600298651 N090/140 L25 60029865 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
3 J015600298641 N090/140 L21 60029864 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
4 J015600298571 N045/080 L31 60029857 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
5 J015600298561 N045/080 L25 60029856 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
6 J015600298551 N045/080 L21 60029855 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
7 J015600298481 N015/040 L31 60029848 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
8 J015600298471 N015/040 L25 60029847 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
9 J015600298461 N015/040 L21 60029846 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
10 J015600298411 N015/040 L25 60029841 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Files MICRO MEGA
11 J015600297161 N140 L31 60029716 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
12 J015600297151 N140 L25 60029715 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
13 J015600297141 N140 L21 60029714 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
14 J015600297131 N130 L31 60029713 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
15 J015600297121 N130 L25 60029712 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
16 J015600297111 N130 L21 60029711 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
17 J015600297101 N120 L31 60029710 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
18 J015600297091 N120 L25 60029709 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
19 J015600297081 N120 L21 60029708 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
20 J015600297071 N110 L31 60029707 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
21 J015600297061 N110 L25 60029706 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
22 J015600297051 N110 L21 60029705 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
23 J015600297041 N100 L31 60029704 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
24 J015600297031 N100 L25 60029703 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
25 J015600297021 N100 L21 60029702 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
26 J015600297011 N090 L31 60029701 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
27 J015600297001 N090 L25 60029700 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
28 J015600296991 N090 L21 60029699 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
29 J015600296981 N080 L31 60029698 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
30 J015600296971 N080 L25 60029697 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
31 J015600296961 N080 L21 60029696 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
32 J015600296951 N070 L31 60029695 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
33 J015600296941 N070 L25 60029694 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
34 J015600296931 N070 L21 60029693 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
35 J015600296921 N060 L31 60029692 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
36 J015600296911 N060 L25 60029691 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
37 J015600296901 N060 L21 60029690 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
38 J015600296891 N055 L31 60029689 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
39 J015600296881 N055 L25 60029688 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
40 J015600296871 N055 L21 60029687 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
41 J015600296861 N050 L31 60029686 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
42 J015600296851 N050 L25 60029685 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
43 J015600296841 N050 L21 60029684 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
44 J015600296831 N045 L31 60029683 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
45 J015600296821 N045 L25 60029682 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
46 J015600296811 N045 L21 60029681 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
47 J015600296801 N040 L31 60029680 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
48 J015600296791 N040 L25 60029679 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
49 J015600296781 N040 L21 60029678 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA
50 J015600296771 N035 L31 60029677 Endodontic instrument for professional dental use only K-Reamers MICRO MEGA