No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00754016215025 PMI010CON21 ASY-2600 The OTIS 2.1 system includes a single-use specimen container, the Consumable Set The OTIS 2.1 system includes a single-use specimen container, the Consumable Set, that facilitates tissue imaging. The consumable set consists of a Specimen Tray and Specimen Lid. The Specimen Tray engages with the device to initiate scanning and the Specimen Lid facilitates engaging vacuum to enable vacuum assisted specimen positioning during image acquisition. NQQ System, Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography (Oct) Specimen Immobilizer
2 00754016215049 PMI001OCT21 ASY-2000 The OTIS 2.1 Optical Coherence Tomography System is indicated for use as an imag The OTIS 2.1 Optical Coherence Tomography System is indicated for use as an imaging tool in the evaluation of excised human tissue microstructure by providing two-dimensional, cross-sectional, real-time depth visualization, with image review manipulation software for identifying and annotating regions of interest. Perimeter’s OTIS 2.1 cart assembly encloses an OCT-based imaging system and has a touchscreen monitor. NQQ System, Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography (Oct) S-Series OCT
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No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 05415067045331 1015191 1015191 1.0 Software Update vF.0.1 Ultreon™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
2 05415067037558 1014932 1014932 Imaging System OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
3 05415067037268 1014943 1014943 Integrated Pre-Installation Kit OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
4 05415067037183 1014945 1014945 Mobile Next Connectivity Box FRU OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
5 05415067037169 1014944 1014944 Mobile Installation Kit OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
6 05415067037145 1014933 1014933 Integrated Next Imaging System OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
7 05415067036858 1014935 1014935 Integrated Next Upgrade Kit OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
8 05415067036810 1014941 1014941 Next Doc Holster FRU OPTISi™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
9 05415067036742 1014934 1014934 Mobile Next Upgrade Kit OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
10 05415067036728 1014942 1014942 OPTISi Next Monitor OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
11 05415067036704 1014940 1014940 OPTISi Next DOC OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
12 05415067036681 1014939 1014939 OPTISm Next DOC OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
13 05415067036643 1014938 1014938 Integrated Next OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
14 05415067036629 1014937 1014937 Mobile Next OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
15 05415067033680 1014936 1014936 Tableside Controller Next OPTIS™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
16 05415067030856 1014666 1014666 Software Upgrade Kit AptiVue™ LIGHTLAB IMAGING, INC.
17 05415067030108 1014661 1014661 Software Upgrade Kit AptiVue™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
18 05415067027764 Monitor Cable C12978 Monitor Cable SJM™ ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC.
19 05060507260012 VivoSight Dx The VivoSight Dx is indicated for use in the two-dimensional, cross-sectional, r The VivoSight Dx is indicated for use in the two-dimensional, cross-sectional, real-time imaging of external tissues of the human body.This indicated use allows imaging of tissue microstructure including skin, and enables detection and display of regions within the scanned area that are in motion (Dynamic OCT) to aid trained and competent clinicians in their assessment of a patient's clinical conditions. VivoSight MICHELSON DIAGNOSTICS LTD
20 05060507260005 VivoSight The VivoSight Topical OCT system is indicated for use in the two-dimensional, cr The VivoSight Topical OCT system is indicated for use in the two-dimensional, cross-sectional, real-time imaging of external tissues of the human body.This indicated use allows imaging of tissue microstructure, including skin, to aid trained and competent clinicians in their assessment of a patient's clinical conditions. VivoSight MICHELSON DIAGNOSTICS LTD
21 04719878880008 S100-000US ApolloVue S100 Image System APOLLO MEDICAL OPTICS, LTD.
22 00859910007049 Gentuity Review Station G80-01 Gentuity Off-line Review Station includes computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Gentuity GENTUITY LLC
23 00859910007032 Gentuity Imaging System G10-01 K192922 Gentuity OCT imaging console, including optical engine, PC, PIM with umbilical, Gentuity OCT imaging console, including optical engine, PC, PIM with umbilical, 2 monitors (one with touch screen) and keyboard/mouse. Gentuity HF-OCT Imaging System GENTUITY LLC
24 00859591006270 94301-MI-UPG-R NvisionVLE Marking Console with IRIS, Upgraded, Refurbished NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
25 00859591006263 94301-MI-UPG NvisionVLE Marking Console with IRIS, Upgraded NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
26 00859591006256 94301-MI-R 94301-MI-R NvisionVLE Marking Console with IRIS, Refurbished NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
27 00859591006249 94301-MI 94301-MI NvisionVLE Marking Console with IRIS NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
28 00859591006232 96101-60 96101-60 NvisionVLE Inflation Kit NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
29 00859591006225 94301-M-UPG-R 94301-M-UPG-R NvisionVLE Marking Upgrade Refurbished NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
30 00859591006218 94301-M-UPG 94301-M-UPG NvisionVLE Imaging System with Targeted Biopsy - Upgrade NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
31 00859591006201 95501-20 95501-20 NvisionVLE Low Profile Imaging Probe, 20mm Working Distance NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
32 00859591006195 95501-14 95501-14 NvisionVLE Low Profile Imaging Probe, 14mm Working Distance NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
33 00859591006188 95501-LP 95501-LP NvisionVLE Low Profile Imaging Probe, 0mm Working Distance NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
34 00859591006171 95101-14C 95101-14C NvisionVLE Imaging Probe 14mm Clinical NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
35 00859591006164 95101-20C 95101-20C NvisionVLE Imaging Probe 20mm Clinical NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
36 00859591006157 95101-17C 95101-17C NvisionVLE Imaging Probe 17mm Clinical NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
37 00859591006140 95301-M-14C 95301-M-14C NvisionVLE Marking Probe 14mm Clinical NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
38 00859591006133 95301-M-20C 95301-M-20C NvisionVLE Marking Probe 20mm Clinical NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
39 00859591006126 95301-M-17C 95301-M-17C NvisionVLE Marking Probe 17mm Clinical NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
40 00859591006119 94301-M-R 94301-M-R NvisionVLE Marking Console Refurbished NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
41 00859591006102 94301-M 94301-M NvisionVLE Marking Console NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
42 00859591006096 94101-R 94101-R NvisionVLE Imaging Console Refurbished NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
43 00859591006089 94101 94101 NvisionVLE Imaging Console NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
44 00859591006072 95301-M-20 95301-M-20 NvisionVLE Marking Probe 20mm NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
45 00859591006065 95301-M-17 95301-M-17 NvisionVLE Marking Probe 17mm NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
46 00859591006058 95301-M-14 95301-M-14 NvisionVLE Marking Probe 14mm NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
47 00859591006041 95101-20 95101-20 NvisionVLE Imaging Probe 20mm NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
48 00859591006034 95101-17 95101-17 NvisionVLE Imaging Probe 17mm NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
49 00859591006027 95101-14 95101-14 NvisionVLE Imaging Probe 14mm NINEPOINT MEDICAL, INC.
50 00851354004417 A140-SV A140-SV The Pantheris SV System is intended to remove plaque (atherectomy) from partiall The Pantheris SV System is intended to remove plaque (atherectomy) from partially occluded vessels in the peripheral vasculature with a reference diameter of 2.0 mm to 4.0 mm, using OCT-assisted orientation and imaging. The system is an adjunct to fluoroscopy by providing images of vessel lumen, wall structures and vessel morphologies. Pantheris SV AVINGER, INC.