No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00739810210599 PG-800B DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 LPOW
2 00739810204253 JPD-500G DQA Oximeter 2 LPOW
3 00738629168534 BT-A13 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 LPOW
4 00667673872916 JPD-FR401 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 LPOW
5 00782905402256 BT-A13 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 CKeep
6 00739810204024 FDIR-V17 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ankovo
7 00739810210650 PG-800B23 DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 CKeep
8 00739810205113 BT-A11CN FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 CKeep
9 00739810204208 PG-800A12 DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 CKeep
10 00739810204123 JPD-500E DQA Oximeter 2 CKeep
11 00739810204017 FDTH-V0-4 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ankovo
12 00739810204000 FDIR-V15 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ankovo
13 00739810203973 FDTH-VO-4 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 SANPU
14 00667673872824 JPD-FR408 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 SANPU
15 00667673872725 FDIR-V5 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 SANPU
16 00739810210988 PG-800B15 DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 ANKOVO
17 00739810210971 PG-800B5-1 DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 FANRY
18 00739810210216 BT-A21CN FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ANKOVO
19 00739810205441 JPD-500G DQA Oximeter 2 ANKOVO
20 00739810204246 JPD-500E DQA Oximeter 2 FANRY
21 00739810204185 PG-800B27 DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 FANRY
22 00739810204130 JPD-500E DQA Oximeter 2 ANKOVO
23 00739810203379 JPD-FR401 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ANKOVO
24 00667673873081 JPD-500E DQA Oximeter 2 ANKOVO
25 00667673872855 JPD-FR408 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 FANRY
26 00667673872848 JPD-FR408 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 ANKOVO
27 00739810210704 PG-800B9 DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 Metene
28 00739810210698 PG-800B8 DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 Metene
29 00739810210070 FDIR-V9 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Metene
30 00739810204109 JPD-500E DQA Oximeter 2 Metene
31 00739810203911 JPD-FR401 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 metene
32 00739810203850 JPD-FR408 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Ckeep
33 00739810204055 FDIR-V5 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 metene
34 00739810204048 FDIR-V16 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 metene
35 00739810204697 FDIR-V16 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 metene
36 00739810202990 JPD-FR200 FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 metene
Other products with the same Product Code "FLL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00846841070242 T201 Infrared Ear Thermometer ChoiceMMed BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
2 00846841060854 T200 Infrared Ear Thermometer ChoiceMMed BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
3 00846841060847 T100 Digital Thermometer ChoiceMMed BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
4 00846841018626 CT5D1 Infrared Forehead Thermometer Mibest BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
5 00846841017421 CT5H1 Ear & Forehead Infrared Thermometer ChoiceMMed BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
6 00846127199377 LX-26E WHITE SAFE-MATE CASE-MATE, INC.
7 00846036007688 69-366 GoodSense 10 Second Flexible Tip Digital Thermometer Good Sense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
8 00846036007671 69-358 30 Second Rigid Tip Digital Thermometer Good Sense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
9 00846036007343 69-330 69-330 Good SenseTemple Touch Mini Thermometer Good Sense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
10 00846036006438 69-352 60 Second Rigid Digital Thermometer Good Sense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
11 00846036001617 69-328 69-328 Good Sense Thermometer Probe Covers Good Sense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
12 00846036001594 GF00159 Digital Thermometer GoodSense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
13 00846036001570 GF00157 Flex Tip Digital Thermometer GoodSense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
14 00845821032720 40-208-000-BULK Digital Thermometer, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, Dog Bulk packaging BV Medical BV MEDICAL
15 00845821032393 40-101-900-L Digital Thermometer, 10 Sec, Rigid Tip, Bundle with 100 Probe Cover Pack BV Medical BV MEDICAL
16 00845821029492 40-100-010-L Basic Digital Thermometer, F/C, 10 Second, Rigid Tip, Oral/Rectal Use BV Medical BV MEDICAL
17 00845821029270 40-140-240-CL Digital Thermometer, Celsius Only, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, Oral Use BV Medical BV MEDICAL
18 00845821029249 40-140-000-CL Digital Thermometer, Celsius Only, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, Oral Use BV Medical BV MEDICAL
19 00845821027498 40-030-240-SH-L School Health Digital Thermometer, 30 second, Flexible Tip School Health BV MEDICAL
20 00845821027290 40-500-000 Instant Ear Thermometer with 25 Probe Covers BV Medical BV MEDICAL
21 00845821026941 40-208-000 Digital Thermometer, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, Dog BV Medical BV MEDICAL
22 00845821026934 40-207-000-L Digital Thermometer, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, Duck BV Medical BV MEDICAL
23 00845821026927 40-206-000-L Digital Thermometer, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, Frog BV Medical BV MEDICAL
24 00845821013781 40-205-000-L Digital Thermometer, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, Panda BV Medical BV MEDICAL
25 00845821013071 40-101-000-L Digital Thermometer, 10 Second, Rigid Tip, 5 Probe Covers BV Medical BV MEDICAL
26 00845821012623 40-130-250-L Digital Thermometer, 60 second, Oral, Dual Temperature BV Medical BV MEDICAL
27 00845821012616 40-130-240-L Digital Thermometer, 60 second, Rectal w/ Flexible Tip BV Medical BV MEDICAL
28 00845821007407 41-009-000 Probe Covers 100 per Box BV Medical BV MEDICAL
29 00845821007285 40-201-000-L Digital Thermometer, 10 Second, Flexible Tip, 5 Probe Covers BV Medical BV MEDICAL
30 00845821007254 40-110-000-L 60 Second Digital Thermometer (Mercury Replacement) BV Medical BV MEDICAL
31 00845717773591 77-359 77-359 Rexall 9 Second Flexible Tip Digital Thermometer Rexall DOLGENCORP, LLC
32 00845717773300 77-330 77-330 Rexall Temple Touch Thermometer Rexall DOLGENCORP, LLC
33 00845717093347 09-334 Mother's Touch Forehead Thermometer VERIDIAN VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
34 00845717093316 09-331 Temple Touch Mini Thermometer VERIDIAN VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
35 00845717090001 77-352 77-352 Rexall 60 Second Digital Thermometer Rexall DOLGENCORP, LLC
36 00845717010016 094-06-0014 48-343 UP&UP Ear/Forehead Digital Infrared Digital Thermometer UP&UP TARGET CORPORATION
37 00845717009874 09-178 JXB-178 Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer Berrcom VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
38 00845717009478 09-183SL Veridian Non-Contact IR Thermometer with 3 Color Backlight, Silver Veridian VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
39 00845717009447 09-313 Non-Contact IR Thermometer Veridian VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
40 00845717009430 09-183 Veridian Non-Contact IR Thermometer with 3-Color Backlight Veridian VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
41 00845717009355 245-03-1093 48-366 Up&Up Basal Digital Thermometer Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
42 00845717009324 094-01-0230 48-554 Up&Up Automatic Digital BP Monitor, Wide-Range Cuff Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
43 00845717009300 094-06-0024 48-304 Up&Up 10-Second Flexible Tip Digital Thermometer Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
44 00845717009294 094-06-0018 48-309 Up&Up 30-Second Rigid Tip Digital Thermometer Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
45 00845717009287 094-06-0014 48-341 Up&Up Ear/Forehead Digital Thermometer Up&Up TARGET CORPORATION
46 00845717009270 094-06-0020 48-329 Up&Up Probe Covers, 40 count Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
47 00845717009225 09-342 09-342 Veridian Talking Ear/Forehead Thermometer Veridian VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
48 00845717009003 59-347 HealthWise Forehead Infrared Thermometer HeathWise VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
49 00845717008990 59-363 HealthWise 2-Second Digital Thermometer HealthWise VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC
50 00845717008525 09-347 Veridian Non-Contact IR Forehead Thermometer VERIDIAN VERIDIAN HEALTHCARE LLC