The Quick Connect for Fujifilm GI Endoscopes is used with the C1160E Universal F
The Quick Connect for Fujifilm GI Endoscopes is used with the C1160E Universal Flexible Endoscope Processing Tray in the SYSTEM 1E and/or SYSTEM 1 endo Liquid Chemical Processing Systems.
The VivaScope® System is a reflectance confocal microscope, full color macroscop
The VivaScope® System is a reflectance confocal microscope, full color macroscopic imager,and software that captures images of in vivo tissue specimens from the exposed surface of thetissue, through the unstained epithelium and into the superficial supporting stroma. It providesnon-invasive in vivo images of the epithelium and supporting stroma. The VivaScope® Systemdoes NOT provide automated analysis or diagnosis of the images it produces. It is capable ofimaging cells in the epidermis of skin and the fibrous tissue (primarily collagen and fibrin) in thedermis. In addition, it is possible to visualize circulation of blood cells (including botherythrocytes and leukocytes) in capillaries and other small vessels.
The A-Series High Density Mobile Light is used with the HarmonyAIR A-Series Ligh
The A-Series High Density Mobile Light is used with the HarmonyAIR A-Series Lighting System.
The HarmonyAIR Mobile Stand with G-Series Light Head is designed to provide a fl
The HarmonyAIR Mobile Stand with G-Series Light Head is designed to provide a flexible, mobile lighting system for various surgical and diagnostic procedures in healthcare environments.
The HarmonyAir Mobile Stand with M-Series Light Head is designed to provide a fl
The HarmonyAir Mobile Stand with M-Series Light Head is designed to provide a flexible, mobile lighting system for various surgical and diagnostic procedures in healthcare environments.
The HarmonyAIR Mobile Stand with G-Series Lighthead with metal crate is designed
The HarmonyAIR Mobile Stand with G-Series Lighthead with metal crate is designed to provide a flexible, mobile lighting system for various surgical and diagnostic procedures in healthcare environments.
The HarmonyAir Mobile Stand with M-Series Light Head is designed to provide a fl
The HarmonyAir Mobile Stand with M-Series Light Head is designed to provide a flexible, mobile lighting system for various surgical and diagnostic procedures in healthcare environments.