Other products from "BTNX INC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00722066004548 D12.5-1V QBF,QAW,PTH,PTG,NGM,NGL,NGG,NFY,NFW,NFV,NFT Test, Propoxyphene, Over The Counter,Test, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over The C Test, Propoxyphene, Over The Counter,Test, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter Rapid Response
2 00722066005231 U2.2-1S100 Rapid Response 2 Parameter Urinalysis Reagent Strips (pH/S.g.) - 100 tests/ kit Rapid Response 2 Parameter Urinalysis Reagent Strips (pH/S.g.) - 100 tests/ kit are for the qualitative or semi-quantitative detection of pH and specific gravity in urine. CEN Dye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quantitative) Rapid Response
3 00722066005095 D5.75-1V One Step 5 Panel DOA Cup (5.75) - COC300 MET1000 AMP1000 OPI2000 OXY100 NGG,NFY,NFT,NGL Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, O Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
4 00722066005088 D10.32-1V One Step 10 Panel DOA Cup (10.32) - COC300 MET1000 AMP1000 OPI2000 OXY100 MTD300 One Step 10 Panel DOA Cup (10.32) - COC300 MET1000 AMP1000 OPI2000 OXY100 MTD300 PCP25 BAR300 BZO300 MDMA500 NFY,NGL,PTG,NGM,PTH,NFT,NFV,NGG Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
5 00722066004999 FOB-0MBC Rapid Response FIT Mailers&Buffers&Cassettes - 36 Mailers + Buffers + Cassettes/Box KHE Reagent, Occult Blood Rapid Response
6 00722066005057 BG-11L Gluco-MD Lancets box of 100 lancets NBW System, Test, Blood Glucose, Over The Counter Rapid Response
7 00722066005019 D5.30.1-1VA One Step DOA Cup + Adulteration Test (5.30.1) COC(150) EDDP(100) MOP(100) OXY(10 One Step DOA Cup + Adulteration Test (5.30.1) COC(150) EDDP(100) MOP(100) OXY(100) BZO(300) + CR/SG/pH JXM,DJG,DJR,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassa Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites 2 Rapid Response
8 00722066004968 BAR-1S3-100 Single Drug Test Strip - 100/kit - Barbiturate DIS Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate Rapid Response
9 00722066001936 U120 Urine Analyzer 120 LJX,JRE,JMT,JJB,JIR,JIO,JIN,JIL,CEN,CDM,KQO Test, Urine Leukocyte,Refractometer For Clinical Use,Diazo (Colorimetric), Nitri Test, Urine Leukocyte,Refractometer For Clinical Use,Diazo (Colorimetric), Nitrite (Urinary, Non-Quant),Azo-Dyes, Colorimetric, Bilirubin & Its Conjugates (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Blood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine,Nitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Dye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Diazonium Colorimetry, Urobilinogen (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Automated Urinalysis System Rapid Response
10 00722066004616 OXY-1S27-100 Single Drug Test Strip - 100/kit Oxycodone DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates Rapid Response
11 00722066004913 D10.3.1-1V 10 Panel One Step DOA Cup(10.3.1) - COC150 AMP500 MET500 THC50 MOP2000 PCP25 BAR 10 Panel One Step DOA Cup(10.3.1) - COC150 AMP500 MET500 THC50 MOP2000 PCP25 BAR300 BZO300 MTD300 MDMA500 NFY,NGL,PTG,NGM,PTH,NFT,NFW,NFV,NGG Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
12 00722066004951 MTD-1S3-100 Single Drug Test Strip - 100/kit Methadone (MTD) - Cut-off 300 ng/ml LDJ,DJC,PTG Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Test Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter Rapid Response
13 00722066004906 D12.11.1-1VA One Step 12 Panel DOA Cup + Adulteration Test (12.11.1) - MOP300 OXY100 BZO300 M One Step 12 Panel DOA Cup + Adulteration Test (12.11.1) - MOP300 OXY100 BZO300 MOP2000 MET500 AMP500 COC150 THC50 MDMA500 BUP10 BAR300 MTD300 + Cre/pH/Oxi NGL,PTG,NFY,PTH,NFW,NFT,NGG,NFV,DJG,DNK,DJR,DIS,LDJ,DIO,DKZ,DJC,JXM Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Morphine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine 2 Rapid Response
14 00722066004890 D10.14.1-1V One Step 10 Panel DOA Cup (10.14.1) - COC150 AMP500 MET500 THC50 MTD300 MOP2000 One Step 10 Panel DOA Cup (10.14.1) - COC150 AMP500 MET500 THC50 MTD300 MOP2000 OXY100 PCP25 BAR300 BZO300 NFV,PTH,NGM,NGL,NGI,PTG,NFW,NGG,NFT,NFY Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
15 00722066004883 D5.1.1-1V One Step 5 Panel DOA Cup (5.1.1) - COC150 AMP500 MET500 THC50 MOP2000 NGI,NFW,NGG,NFY,NFT Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Metha Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
16 00722066004876 D12.5.1-1V One Step 12 Panel DOA Cup (12.5.1) - AMP500 BAR300 BUP10 BZO300 COC150 MDMA500 M One Step 12 Panel DOA Cup (12.5.1) - AMP500 BAR300 BUP10 BZO300 COC150 MDMA500 MTD300 MET500 MOP2000 OXY100 THC50 PCP25 NGM,NFW,NGI,NGG,PTG,NFY,NFV,NGL,PTH,NFT Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter, Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
17 00722066004814 D6.47-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panel NFV,NFW,NGG,NGL,NFY Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter Rapid Response
18 00722066004791 D7.17-1P29-25 7-Drug Test Panel - 25/Kit (7.17) - COC300 MET1000 MOP300 OPI2000 OXY100 BZO300 BUP10 NFV,NGL,NGG,NFY Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Met Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter Rapid Response
19 00722066004784 D10.11-1V 10 Panel One Step DOA Cup (10.11) - COC(300) AMP(1000) MET(1000) THC(50) EDDP(30 10 Panel One Step DOA Cup (10.11) - COC(300) AMP(1000) MET(1000) THC(50) EDDP(300) MOP(300) OPI(2000) OXY(100) BZO(300) BUP(10) NGI,NFY,NGL,PTG,NFT,NFW,NFV,NGG Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
20 00722066004760 D5.1-1G29 Rapid Response 5-Test Integrated Cup (5.1) - COC AMP MET THC OPI DJG,LDJ,DIO,DJC,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine 2 Rapid Response
21 00722066004722 D12.21-1V Rapid Response Multi-Drug One Step Cup - AMP1000 BAR300 BUP10 BZO300 COC300 MDMA Rapid Response Multi-Drug One Step Cup - AMP1000 BAR300 BUP10 BZO300 COC300 MDMA500 MTD300 MET1000 OPI2000 OXY100 THC50 TCA1000 NGG,NFT,NFV,NFW,NFY,NGL,NGM,PTG,PTH,QAW Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
22 00722066004678 D9.11-1V One Step 9 Panel DOA Cup(9.11) - AMP1000, BUP10, BZO300, COC300, MTD300, MET1000 One Step 9 Panel DOA Cup(9.11) - AMP1000, BUP10, BZO300, COC300, MTD300, MET1000, OPI2000, OXY100, THC50 NGG,NFV,NFW,NFT,PTG,NGL,NFY Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,T Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
23 00722066004647 D5.2-1V One Step 5 Panel DOA Cup (5.2) - COC300 AMP1000 THC50 OPI2000 PCP25 NGM,NGL,NFW,NFT,NFY Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter Rapid Response
24 00722066004630 D7.3-1V 7 Panel One Step DOA Cup NFV,NGL,NFW,NFY,NGG,NFT Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Can Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
25 00722066004593 D10.22-1P29-25 10-Drug Test Panel - 25/kit(10.22) - COC300 AMP1000 MET1000 THC50 MTD300 MOP300 10-Drug Test Panel - 25/kit(10.22) - COC300 AMP1000 MET1000 THC50 MTD300 MOP300 OXY100 BAR300 BZO300 BUP10 PTH,PTG,NGL,NGG,NFY,NFW,NFV,NFT Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Opia Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter Rapid Response
26 00722066004586 D10.3-1V 10 Panel One Step DOA Cup(10.3) - COC300 AMP1000 MET1000 THC50 OPI2000 PCP25 BAR 10 Panel One Step DOA Cup(10.3) - COC300 AMP1000 MET1000 THC50 OPI2000 PCP25 BAR300 BZO300 MTD300 MDMA500 NGG,NFV,NFW,NFT,PTH,NGM,PTG,NGL,NFY Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,T Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
27 00722066004562 D12.11-1VA QBF,QAW,PTH,PTG,NGM,NGL,NGG,NFY,NFW,NFV,NFT Test, Propoxyphene, Over The Counter,Test, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over The C Test, Propoxyphene, Over The Counter,Test, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over The Counter,Test, Barbiturate, Over The Counter,Test, Methadone, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter Rapid Response
28 00722066004524 D5.1-1V NGL,NFY,NFW,NGG,NFT Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter Rapid Response
29 00722066001219 UA-500 Urine Analyzer 500 KQO,NGJ,LJX,JRE,JMA,JJB,JIR,JIO,JIN,JIL,CEN,CDM Automated Urinalysis System,Test, Nitrite, Urinary, Non-Quantitative, Over The C Automated Urinalysis System,Test, Nitrite, Urinary, Non-Quantitative, Over The Counter,Test, Urine Leukocyte,Refractometer For Clinical Use,Acid, Ascorbic, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (Spectrophotometric),Azo-Dyes, Colorimetric, Bilirubin & Its Conjugates (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Blood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine,Nitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Dye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Diazonium Colorimetry, Urobilinogen (Urinary, Non-Quant.) Rapid Response
30 00722066004388 U2.3-1S25 Rapid Response Urinalysis Reagent Strips (Microalbumin/Creatinine) JIR Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.) Rapid Response
31 00722066001912 AUCT-1V1 Liquid Diptube Urine ControlsLiquid Diptube Urine Ctl Set JJW Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed) 1 Rapid Response
32 00722066004746 FOB-9V30 Rapid Response FIT Test Buffer KHE Reagent, Occult Blood Rapid Response
33 00722066005514 D6.6.3-1V Rapid Response Drug Screening Cup (6.6.3) - AMP500 COC150 THC50 PCP25 MET500 OPI300 NFW,NFT,NGI,NGM,NGL,NGG,NFY,DNK,DJG,DIO,DKZ,LCM,LDJ Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Mo Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Thin Layer Chromatography, Morphine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids 2 Rapid Response
34 00722066005507 D6.6.2-1V Rapid Response Drug Screening Cup (6.6.2) - AMP500 COC150 THC50 PCP25 MET500 OPI300 NFY,NGG,NGL,NGM,NGI,NFT,NFW,LDJ,DNK,DJG,LCM,DIO,DKZ Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, O Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter,Test, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter,Test, Morphine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Thin Layer Chromatography, Morphine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine 2 Rapid Response
35 00722066001950 TSH-CTRL-13V Thyroid TSH Test Controls +/- Controls Serum 0.5 mL JLW Radioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 2 Rapid Response
36 00722066005309 D3.36-1V 3 Panel One Step DOA Cup(3.36) - COC300 AMP1000 MET1000 NFY,NGG,NFT Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, O Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter 2 Rapid Response
37 00722066005255 U11.1-1S100 Rapid Response 11 Parameter Urinalysis Reagent Strips (ASC/GLU/BLD/LEU/PRO/NIT/K Rapid Response 11 Parameter Urinalysis Reagent Strips (ASC/GLU/BLD/LEU/PRO/NIT/KET/PH/BIL/URO/SG) - 100 tests/ kit are for qualitative or semi-quantitative determination of Ascorbic Acid, Glucose, Blood, Leukocyte, Protein, Nitrite, Ketone, pH, Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, Specific Gravity in urine. JMA,JIN,JIR,JMT,CEN,LJX,JIO,JIL,JJB,JRE Acid, Ascorbic, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (Spectrophotometric),Nitroprusside, K Acid, Ascorbic, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (Spectrophotometric),Nitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Diazo (Colorimetric), Nitrite (Urinary, Non-Quant),Dye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Test, Urine Leukocyte,Blood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine,Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Azo-Dyes, Colorimetric, Bilirubin & Its Conjugates (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Refractometer For Clinical Use Rapid Response
38 00722066004364 U5.3-1S100 U5.3-1S100 Rapid Response 5 Parameter Urinalysis Reagent Strips (KET/PH/PRO/GLU/BLD) – 100 Rapid Response 5 Parameter Urinalysis Reagent Strips (KET/PH/PRO/GLU/BLD) – 100 tests/ kit are for qualitative or semi-quantitative determination of Ketone, pH, Protein, Glucose and Blood in urine. JIO,JIR,JIN,JIL,CEN Blood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine,Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urin Blood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine,Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Nitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative),Dye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quant.) Rapid Response
39 00722066003701 D12.1-1G29-25 D12.1-1G29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Integrated Split Specimen Cups (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/MD Rapid Response Multi Drug Integrated Split Specimen Cups (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/MDMA/MOP/OXY/PPX/BAR/BZO/BUP) - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methadone, 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine, Morphine, Oxycodone, Propoxyphene, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Buprenorphine, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. DJG,DIS,LCM,JXN,DKZ,JXM,DIO,LDJ,DJR,DJC Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine Rapid Response
40 00722066003695 D12.5-1T D12.5-1T Rapid Response Multi Drug One Step Cup (AMP/BAR/BUP/BZO/COC/MDMA/MTD/MET/OPI/OXY Rapid Response Multi Drug One Step Cup (AMP/BAR/BUP/BZO/COC/MDMA/MTD/MET/OPI/OXY/THC/PCP) - 25 Tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Barbiturate, Buprenorphine, Bezodiazepines, 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methadone, Opiates, Oxycodone, Phencyclidine, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. LCM,DIS,JXM,DIO,LDJ,DJG,DJR,DKZ,DJC Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoa Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine Rapid Response
41 00722066003688 D12.2-1P29-25 D12.2-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panel (Amphetamine, Barbiturate, Buprenorphine, B Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panel (Amphetamine, Barbiturate, Buprenorphine, Benzodiazepine, Methamphetamine, Methadone, Opiates, Oxycodone, Phencyclidine, Tricyclic Antidepressant, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. LFG,LCM,DIS,JXM,LDJ,DIO,DJG,DJR,DKZ,DJC Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidi Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine Rapid Response
42 00722066003671 D12.8-1P29-25 D12.8-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/MDMA/OPI/OXY/PPX/PCP/ Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/MDMA/OPI/OXY/PPX/PCP/BZO/BAR) - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methadone, 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine, Opiates, Oxycodone, Propoxyphene, Phencyclidine, Benzodiazepines, Barbiturate, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. LCM,JXN,DIS,JXM,LDJ,DIO,DJR,DJG,DKZ,DJC Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine Rapid Response
43 00722066003664 D11.3-1P29-25 D11.3-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/BAR/BZO/B Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/BAR/BZO/BUP) - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methadone, Opiates, Oxycodone, Phencyclidine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Buprenorphine, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. LCM,DIS,JXM,LDJ,DIO,DJG,DJR,DKZ,DJC Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoa Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine Rapid Response
44 00722066003657 D10.12-1P29-25 D10.12-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/OPI/OXY/BAR/BZO/BUP) Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/OPI/OXY/BAR/BZO/BUP) - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methadone, Opiates, Oxycodone, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Buprenorphine, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. LFG,LDJ,DIO,DKZ,DIS,JXM,DJC,DJR,DJG Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoid Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates Rapid Response
45 00722066003640 U2.3-1S25 U2.3-1S25 Rapid Response Microalbumin Creatinine Test Strips- 25 tests/kit are for semi-qu Rapid Response Microalbumin Creatinine Test Strips- 25 tests/kit are for semi-quantitative determination of Albumin and Creatinine in urine. JIR,JFY Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.),Enzymatic Method, Creatinine Rapid Response
46 00722066003541 D12.1-1P29-25 D12.1-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panel (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/MDMA/MOP/OXY/PPX/BAR/B Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panel (COC/AMP/MET/THC/MTD/MDMA/MOP/OXY/PPX/BAR/BZO/BUP) - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methadone, 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine, Morphine, Oxycodone, Propoxyphene, Barbiturate, Benzodiazepines, Buprenorphine, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. DIS,JXM,JXN,DJG,DNK,DJR,LDJ,DIO,DKZ,DJC Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Morphine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine Rapid Response
47 00722066003459 D6.14-1P29-25 D6.14-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panel (COC/AMP/MET/THC/OPI/MDMA) - 25 tests/ kit Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panel (COC/AMP/MET/THC/OPI/MDMA) - 25 tests/ kit are for qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Opiates, 3,4-Methyoxydiene-Methamphetamine, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. DJG,DJC,LDJ,DIO,DKZ,NFY,NFT,NGG,NFW,NGL Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Im Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter,Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter,Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter,Test, Opiates, Over The Counter Rapid Response
48 00722066003428 D3.14-1P29-25 D3.14-1P29-25 Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (AMP/COC/THC) - 25 tests/ kit are for the Rapid Response Multi Drug Test Panels (AMP/COC/THC) - 25 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Amphetamine, Cocaine and THC metabolites in urine. DKZ,DIO,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metaboli Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids Rapid Response
49 00722066003404 UTI-1S1 UTI-1S1 Rapid Response Urinary Tract Infection Test Strips - 3 Tests/ kit are for the de Rapid Response Urinary Tract Infection Test Strips - 3 Tests/ kit are for the detection of Nitrite and Leukocytes in urine. JMT,LJX Diazo (Colorimetric), Nitrite (Urinary, Non-Quant),Test, Urine Leukocyte Rapid Response
50 00722066003343 FLUab-19C15 FLUab-19C15 Rapid Response Influenza A&B Test Cassettes - 15 tests/ kit are for the qualitat Rapid Response Influenza A&B Test Cassettes - 15 tests/ kit are for the qualitative detection of Influenza A and B Virus Antigens in nasal specimens. GNX Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Influenza Virus A, B, C Rapid Response
Other products with the same Product Codes "DJG, LDJ, DIO"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10869419000240 DOA-154-181 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
2 10869419000240 DOA-154-181 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
3 10869419000240 DOA-154-181 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
4 10869419000233 UDOA-12CE-0712-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
5 10869419000233 UDOA-12CE-0712-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
6 10869419000233 UDOA-12CE-0712-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
7 10869419000226 UDOA-10CE-1307-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
8 10869419000226 UDOA-10CE-1307-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
9 10869419000226 UDOA-10CE-1307-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
10 10869419000219 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
11 10869419000219 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
12 10869419000219 UDOA-10CA-0503-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
13 10869419000202 UDOA-6CA-0503-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
14 10869419000202 UDOA-6CA-0503-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
15 10869419000202 UDOA-6CA-0503-01 Express ResultsTM QUEST DIAGNOSTICS
16 10868401000244 RC12KC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
17 10868401000244 RC12KC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
18 10868401000244 RC12KC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
19 10868401000237 RC05AC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
20 10868401000237 RC05AC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
21 10868401000237 RC05AC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
22 10868401000220 RC10KC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
23 10868401000220 RC10KC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
24 10868401000220 RC10KC RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
25 10868401000213 RC05ACA RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
26 10868401000213 RC05ACA RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
27 10868401000213 RC05ACA RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
28 10868401000206 RC05AF RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
29 10868401000206 RC05AF RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
30 10868401000206 RC05AF RealityCHECKTM WOLFE & ASSOCIATES INC
31 10867802000280 eCup 201 The eScreen eCup® is a patented urine collection device designed to allow for ra The eScreen eCup® is a patented urine collection device designed to allow for rapid, under-seal screening. The eCup’s lid contains several embedded reagent test strips that are sensitive to the five-test SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) profile cutoff levels. The lid’s test strips also detect and provide adulteration panels for pH, creatinine, and nitrites. When the eCup is placed into the eReader device, its test strips are digitally screened for the presence or absence of drugs of abuse. eScreen eCup ESCREEN, INC.
32 10867802000280 eCup 201 The eScreen eCup® is a patented urine collection device designed to allow for ra The eScreen eCup® is a patented urine collection device designed to allow for rapid, under-seal screening. The eCup’s lid contains several embedded reagent test strips that are sensitive to the five-test SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) profile cutoff levels. The lid’s test strips also detect and provide adulteration panels for pH, creatinine, and nitrites. When the eCup is placed into the eReader device, its test strips are digitally screened for the presence or absence of drugs of abuse. eScreen eCup ESCREEN, INC.
33 10867802000280 eCup 201 The eScreen eCup® is a patented urine collection device designed to allow for ra The eScreen eCup® is a patented urine collection device designed to allow for rapid, under-seal screening. The eCup’s lid contains several embedded reagent test strips that are sensitive to the five-test SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) profile cutoff levels. The lid’s test strips also detect and provide adulteration panels for pH, creatinine, and nitrites. When the eCup is placed into the eReader device, its test strips are digitally screened for the presence or absence of drugs of abuse. eScreen eCup ESCREEN, INC.
34 10867802000273 DUE-1117X-071-01 DUE-1117X-071-01 The xCupTM for use with the xReaderTM is for in vitro diagnostic use and is int The xCupTM for use with the xReaderTM is for in vitro diagnostic use and is intended for prescription use in laboratories, point-of-care and workplaces by trained users. The test is not intended for over-the-counter use. The test device cannot be read visually and must be used with the xReaderTM. The xCupTM qualitatively detects drug classes in human urine at the following cut-off concentrations:Amphetamines at 500 ng/ml; Barbiturates at 300 ng/mL; Benzodiazepines at 300 ng/mL; Cocaine at 150 ng/mL; Methamphetamines at 500 ng/mL; Methadone at 300 ng/mL; Morphine at 300 ng/mL and 2000 ng/mL; Oxycodone at 100 ng/mL; Phencyclidine at 25 ng/mL; and Marijuana at 50 ng/mL.Configurations of the xCupTM may consist of any combination of the listed drug analytes. The xCupTM only provides a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or liquid chromatography / tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) are the preferred confirmatory methods. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are obtained. xCupTM ESCREEN, INC.
35 10867802000273 DUE-1117X-071-01 DUE-1117X-071-01 The xCupTM for use with the xReaderTM is for in vitro diagnostic use and is int The xCupTM for use with the xReaderTM is for in vitro diagnostic use and is intended for prescription use in laboratories, point-of-care and workplaces by trained users. The test is not intended for over-the-counter use. The test device cannot be read visually and must be used with the xReaderTM. The xCupTM qualitatively detects drug classes in human urine at the following cut-off concentrations:Amphetamines at 500 ng/ml; Barbiturates at 300 ng/mL; Benzodiazepines at 300 ng/mL; Cocaine at 150 ng/mL; Methamphetamines at 500 ng/mL; Methadone at 300 ng/mL; Morphine at 300 ng/mL and 2000 ng/mL; Oxycodone at 100 ng/mL; Phencyclidine at 25 ng/mL; and Marijuana at 50 ng/mL.Configurations of the xCupTM may consist of any combination of the listed drug analytes. The xCupTM only provides a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or liquid chromatography / tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) are the preferred confirmatory methods. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are obtained. xCupTM ESCREEN, INC.
36 10867802000273 DUE-1117X-071-01 DUE-1117X-071-01 The xCupTM for use with the xReaderTM is for in vitro diagnostic use and is int The xCupTM for use with the xReaderTM is for in vitro diagnostic use and is intended for prescription use in laboratories, point-of-care and workplaces by trained users. The test is not intended for over-the-counter use. The test device cannot be read visually and must be used with the xReaderTM. The xCupTM qualitatively detects drug classes in human urine at the following cut-off concentrations:Amphetamines at 500 ng/ml; Barbiturates at 300 ng/mL; Benzodiazepines at 300 ng/mL; Cocaine at 150 ng/mL; Methamphetamines at 500 ng/mL; Methadone at 300 ng/mL; Morphine at 300 ng/mL and 2000 ng/mL; Oxycodone at 100 ng/mL; Phencyclidine at 25 ng/mL; and Marijuana at 50 ng/mL.Configurations of the xCupTM may consist of any combination of the listed drug analytes. The xCupTM only provides a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or liquid chromatography / tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) are the preferred confirmatory methods. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are obtained. xCupTM ESCREEN, INC.
37 10867802000266 MCP5A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
38 10867802000266 MCP5A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
39 10867802000266 MCP5A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
40 10867802000259 MCP11A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
41 10867802000259 MCP11A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
42 10867802000259 MCP11A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
43 10867802000242 MCP10A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
44 10867802000242 MCP10A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
45 10867802000242 MCP10A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
46 10867802000235 MCP9A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
47 10867802000235 MCP9A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
48 10867802000235 MCP9A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
49 10867802000228 MCP7A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.
50 10867802000228 MCP7A-001 mCup® ESCREEN, INC.