No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00884792387279 20687290 20687290 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 9, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
2 00884792387262 20687285 20687285 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 8.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
3 00884792387255 20687280 20687280 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 8, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
4 00884792387248 20687275 20687275 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 7.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
5 00884792387231 20687270 20687270 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 7, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
6 00884792387224 20687265 20687265 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 6.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
7 00884792387217 20687260 20687260 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 6, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
8 00884792387200 20687255 20687255 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Underglove Size 5.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
9 00884792386579 20686590 20686590 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Ortho Size 9, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
10 00884792386562 20686585 20686585 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Ortho Size 8.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
11 00884792386555 20686580 20686580 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Ortho Size 8, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
12 00884792386548 20686575 20686575 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Ortho Size 7.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
13 00884792386531 20686570 20686570 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Ortho Size 7, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
14 00884792386524 20686565 20686565 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Ortho Size 6.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
15 00884792386517 20686560 20686560 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Ortho Size 6, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
16 00884792385572 20685590 20685590 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 9, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
17 00884792385565 20685585 20685585 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 8.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Sur GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 8.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
18 00884792385558 20685580 20685580 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 8, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
19 00884792385541 20685575 20685575 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 7.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Sur GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 7.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
20 00884792385534 20685570 20685570 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 7, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
21 00884792385527 20685565 20685565 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 6.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Sur GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 6.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
22 00884792385510 20685560 20685560 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 6, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
23 00884792385503 20685555 20685555 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 5.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Sur GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Moisturizing Size 5.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
24 00884792385275 20685290 20685290 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 9, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
25 00884792385268 20685285 20685285 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 8.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
26 00884792385251 20685280 20685280 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 8, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
27 00884792385244 20685275 20685275 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 7.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
28 00884792385237 20685270 20685270 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 7, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
29 00884792385220 20685265 20685265 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 6.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
30 00884792385213 20685260 20685260 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 6, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
31 00884792385206 20685255 20685255 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Green Size 5.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO,LZC Surgeon'S Gloves,Patient Examination Glove, Specialty GAMMEX
32 00884792385176 8518 8518 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 9, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
33 00884792385169 8517 8517 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 8.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
34 00884792385152 8516 8516 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 8, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
35 00884792385145 8515 8515 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 7.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
36 00884792385138 8514 8514 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 7, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
37 00884792385121 8513 8513 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 6.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
38 00884792385114 8512 8512 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 6, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
39 00884792385107 8511 8511 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Size 5.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
40 00884792377270 20277290 20277290 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 9, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
41 00884792377263 20277285 20277285 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 8.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
42 00884792377256 20277280 20277280 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 8, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
43 00884792377249 20277275 20277275 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 7.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
44 00884792377232 20277270 20277270 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 7, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
45 00884792377225 20277265 20277265 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 6.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
46 00884792377218 20277260 20277260 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 6, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
47 00884792377201 20277255 20277255 GAMMEX® Non-Latex Sensitive Size 5.5, Sterile Neoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
48 00884792188272 20688290 20688290 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Textured Size 9, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
49 00884792188265 20688285 20688285 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Textured Size 8.5, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
50 00884792188258 20688280 20688280 GAMMEX® Non-Latex PI Textured Size 8, Sterile Polyisoprene Powder-Free Surgical Glove KGO Surgeon'S Gloves GAMMEX
Other products with the same Product Code "LYY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00889813019160 3182326 3182326 GLOVES PF LATEX HANDS ON LG   DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
2 00889813019146 3182324 3182324 GLOVES PF LATEX HANDS ON MD   DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
3 00889813019122 3182322 3182322 GLOVES PF LATEX HANDS ON SM   DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
4 00889813019108 3182320 3182320 GLOVES PF LATEX HANDS ON XS   DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
5 00889813019085 3181013 3181013 GLOVES LTX PF ALOE&VIT E XLG DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
6 00889813019061 3181012 3181012 GLOVES LTX PF ALOE&VIT E LRG DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
7 00889813019047 3181011 3181011 GLOVES LTX PF ALOE&VIT E MED DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
8 00889813019023 3181010 3181010 GLOVES LTX PF ALOE&VIT E SM DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
9 00889813019009 3181009 3181009 GLOVES LTX PF ALOE&VIT E XSM DARBY Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
10 00889813018880 22886 22886 GLOVE SAMP LATEX PF ALOE XL 3181013 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
11 00889813018866 22885 22885 GLOVE SAMP LATEX PF ALOE LG 3181012 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
12 00889813018842 22884 22884 GLOVE SAMP LATEX PF ALOE MD 3181011 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
13 00889813018828 22883 22883 GLOVE SAMP LATEX PF ALOE SM 3181010 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
14 00889813018804 22882 22882 GLOVE SAMP LATEX PF ALOE XS 3181009 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
15 00889813018583 22802 22802 GLOVE SAMP LTX PF HANDSON L 3182326 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
16 00889813018569 22801 22801 GLOVE SAMP LTX PF HANDSON M 3182324 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
17 00889813018545 22800 22800 GLOVE SAMP LTX PF HANDSON S 3182322 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
18 00889813018521 22799 22799 GLOVE SAMP LTX PF HNDSON XS 3182320 Darby Dental Supply, LLC DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC
20 00885380134817 8844XL 8844XL Latex Exam Gloves CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
21 00885380134800 8843 8843 Latex Exam Gloves CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
22 00885380134794 8842 8842 Latex Exam Gloves CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
23 00885380134787 8841 8841 Latex Exam Gloves CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
24 00885380134763 8840 8840 Latex Exam Gloves CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
29 00860003676158 SMCB-XL SMCB-XL SMC Blue PF Latex Exam Gloves, X-Large, 50/bx, 10bxs/cs SMC Blue SOUTHLAND MEDICAL, LLC
30 00860003676141 SMCB-L SMCB-L SMC Blue PF Latex Exam Gloves, Large, 50/bx, 10bxs/cs SMC Blue SOUTHLAND MEDICAL, LLC
31 00860003676127 SMCB-M SMCB-M SMC Blue PF Latex Exam Gloves, Medium, 50/bx, 10bxs/cs SMC Blue SOUTHLAND MEDICAL, LLC
32 00860003676103 SMCB-S SMCB-S SMC Blue PF Latex Exam Gloves, Small, 50/bx, 10bxs/cs SMC Blue SOUTHLAND MEDICAL, LLC
33 00859140003309 787440 787440 Glove Exam Latex N/S PF X-Large Cream, 100/Bx Dealmed DEALMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC
34 00859140003293 787430 787430 Glove Exam Latex N/S PF Large Cream, 100/Bx Dealmed DEALMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC
35 00859140003286 787420 787420 Glove Exam Latex N/S PF Medium Cream, 100/Bx Dealmed DEALMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC
36 00859140003279 787410 787410 Glove Exam Latex N/S PF Small Cream, 100/Bx Dealmed DEALMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC
37 00857420007757 PL204 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, XL Saf-Care Plus ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
38 00857420007740 PL203 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, L Saf-Care Plus ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
39 00857420007733 PL202 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, M Saf-Care Plus ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
40 00857420007726 PL201 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, S Saf-Care Plus ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
41 00857420007719 PL200 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, XS Saf-Care Plus ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
42 00857420007535 SC204 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, XL Saf-Care ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
43 00857420007528 SC203 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, L Saf-Care ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
44 00857420007511 SC202 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, M Saf-Care ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
45 00857420007504 SC201 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, S Saf-Care ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
46 00857420007498 SC200 Latex Powder Free Examination Gloves, XS Saf-Care ECON DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES, INC
47 00854947005983 470-11-AM 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale, Beaded Cuff, Amber Color, Size 2X-Large AmbiCanner SUMMIT GLOVE INC.
48 00854947005969 470-10-AM 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale, Beaded Cuff, Amber Color, Size X-Large AmbiCanner SUMMIT GLOVE INC.
49 00854947005945 470-9-AM 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale, Beaded Cuff, Amber Color, Size Large AmbiCanner SUMMIT GLOVE INC.
50 00854947005921 470-8-AM 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale 12mil, 12" in length, Latex, Examination Grade, Unlined, Ambidextrous, Fishscale, Beaded Cuff, Amber Color, Size Medium AmbiCanner SUMMIT GLOVE INC.