No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00751774356120 Early Result Pregnancy Test PLPL First Signal DPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter First Signal
2 00751774356113 Early Result Pregnancy Test PLPL First Signal SPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter First Signal
3 00633472602191 Ovulation Kit A convenience kit consisting of 25 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clea A convenience kit consisting of 25 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Tests NGE,LCX Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 1 Clearblue
4 00633472602184 Advanced Ovulation Kit A convenience kit consisting of 15 Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests an A convenience kit consisting of 15 Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Tests NGE,LCX Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 1 Clearblue
5 00633472601323 Reassurance Pregnancy Test with Color Change Tip CB6 Visual Pregnancy 2ct US LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Clearblue
6 00633472601200 Connected Ovulation Test System CBCOT Ovulation Advanced 25ct CEP Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Clearblue
7 00633472601149 Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown CB12 Pregnancy Digital- 1CT LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 2 Clearblue
8 00633472600227 Fertility Monitor Clearblue Fertility Monitor with touch screen 1ct US NGE Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter 1 Clearblue
9 00633472276897 Digital Pregnancy Test Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test 20ct dual NGE Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter Clearblue
10 00400160638936 Early Pregnancy Test Shopko DPS Early Bilingual LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Shopko
11 00633472600562 CB9a CB9A Advanced Pregnancy test with Weeks Estimator 1 CT LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Clearblue Advanced Digital Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator
12 00633472600494 CB9a CB9A Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator 3 CT LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Clearblue Advanced Digital Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator
13 00633472600487 CB9a CB9A Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator 2 CT LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Clearblue Advanced Digital Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator
14 00633472249631 CB11 CB11 Visual Pregnancy 1 CT LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test
15 00633472190834 FPPL FPPL Fact Plus Visual Pregnancy Stick 2 CT LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Factplus Pregnancy Test
16 00400103056704 One Step Pregnancy Test FPPL Shopko DPS +/- LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Shopko
17 00400080776756 Early Result Pregnancy Test Shopko DPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Shopko
18 00400028325824 One Step Pregnancy Test FPPL Shopko SPS +/- LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Shopko
19 00011822515801 Family Planning Pregnancy Test Early Rite Aid DPS Early Bi-Ling LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Rite Aid Pharmacy
20 00011822510462 Family Planning Pregnancy Test One Step FPPL Rite Aid TPS +/- (ER) LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Rite Aid Pharmacy
21 00011822473033 Family Planning Pregnancy Test Early Result Rite Aid TPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Rite Aid Pharmacy
22 00011822380065 Family Planning Pregnancy Test Early Result PLPL Rite Aid DPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Rite Aid Pharmacy
23 00011822337373 Family Planning Ovulation Predictor One Step WWOT Rite Aid OVS CEP Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Rite Aid Pharmacy
24 00011822306645 Family Planning Pregnancy Test One Step FPPL Rite Aid DPS +/- (ER) LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Rite Aid Pharmacy
25 00614299402676 PLPL PLPL Exchange Select DPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Exchange Select Early Result Pregnancy Test
26 00041163502987 Digital Pregnancy Test Equaline DPS Digital Early Blue LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Equaline
27 00041163502970 One Step Pregnancy Test EQUALINE DPS +/- Blue Cap LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Equaline
28 00041163502963 Early Result Pregnancy Test Equaline SPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 2 Equaline
29 00041163458307 PLPL Equaline DPS Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Equaline Early Result Pregnancy Test
30 00041163250949 FPPL FPPL Equaline DPS +/- (ER) LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Equaline One Step Pregnancy Test
31 00041163250932 FPPL FPPL Equaline SPS +/- (ER) LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Equaline One Step Pregnancy Test
32 00633472155642 HOT / CB12 N/A A convenience kit consisting of 7 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Cle A convenience kit consisting of 7 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown device LCX,CEP Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter,Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Clearblue Easy Ovulation Kit
33 00011822096973 Family Planning Pregnancy Test One Step FPPL Rite Aid SPS +/- (ER) LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Rite Aid Pharmacy
34 00011822037242 Family Planning Pregnancy Tests Digital & Early Result A convenience kit consisting of 1 Rite Aid Pharmacy Digital Pregnancy Test and 1 A convenience kit consisting of 1 Rite Aid Pharmacy Digital Pregnancy Test and 1 Rite Aid Pharmacy Early Result Pregnancy Test LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 2 Rite Aid Pharmacy
35 00011822018166 One Step Pregnany Test RITE AID DPS +/- 2ct Blue Cap LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Rite Aid Pharmacy
36 00614299396418 FPPL Exchange Select SPS LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Exchange Select One Step Pregnancy Test
37 00614299437388 One Step Pregnancy Test Exchange Select DPS +/-Blue Cap LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Exchange Select
38 00614299396432 One Step Ovulation Predictor Exchange Select One Step Ovulation Predictor CEP Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Exchange Select
39 00614299396425 FPPL FPPL Exchange Select DPS +/- (ER) LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Exchange Select One Step Pregnancy Test
40 00041163458291 CB8 PL CB8 Digital Pregnancy Stick Equaline DPS Digital Early (ER) US LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Equaline Digital Pregnancy Test
41 00633472602092 Advanced Period Tracker Clearblue Advanced Period Tracker 18ct NGE Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter Clearblue
42 00633472601897 Connected Ovulation Test System CBCOT Ovulation Advanced 40ct CEP Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Clearblue
43 00633472601545 Digital and Rapid Pregnancy Tests A convenience kit consisting of 2 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test and 2 Clearbl A convenience kit consisting of 2 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test and 2 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test devices LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 2 Clearblue
44 00633472601347 Connected Ovulation Test System + Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown COTS Clearblue 25ct Ovulation + CB12 3ct Digital Pregnancy Bundle LCX,CEP Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter,Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Clearblue
45 00633472601156 Pregnancy Test Combo Pack A convenience kit consisting of 1 Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown A convenience kit consisting of 1 Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown device and 1 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test devices LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 2 Clearblue
46 00633472601026 Easy Ovulation Kit A convenience kit consisting of 10 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Cl A convenience kit consisting of 10 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Clearblue Rapid Dectection Pregnancy Test. LCX,CEP Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter,Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone 1 Clearblue
47 00633472600760 Digital Ovulation Test CBDOT Clearblue Ovulation Digital 10ct Dual NGE Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter Clearblue
48 00633472600630 Easy Ovulation Test CBHOT Visual Ovulation Stick 5 Ct CEP Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Clearblue
49 00633472600425 Advanced Digital Ovulation Test ADOT Clearblue Advanced Ovulation 10ct March of Dimes Dual US NGE Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter Clearblue
50 00633472600401 Advanced Digital Ovulation Test ADOT Clearblue Advanced Ovulation 20ct March of Dimes Dual US NGE Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter Clearblue
Other products with the same Product Code "LCX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00897429002858 Pregnancy Urine Test Strip Pack of 20 Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
2 00897429002841 Pregnancy Urine Test Strip Pack of 25 Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
3 00897429002834 Pregnancy Urine Test Strip Pack of 50 Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
4 00897429002704 LH40 and HCG 10 Combo Clinical Guard CLINICAL GUARD
5 00883967296927 FPPL FPPL Kmart Image Essentials DPS +/- Image Essentials One Step Pregnancy Test KMART HOLDING CORPORATION
6 00883967296910 FPPL FPPL Kmart Image Essentials SPS +/- Image Essentials One Step Pregnancy Test KMART HOLDING CORPORATION
7 00869220000302 BDW1-S BDW1-S The Babydust Method BABYDUST METHOD LLC, THE
8 00868926000326 3066 Evidence Pregnancy Test VEDALAB
9 00864112000217 W1-MP3 W1-MP3 3-Midstreams; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Retail Box 3 Pcs Preview Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
10 00864112000200 W1-MP2 W1-MP2 2-Midstreams; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Retail Box 2 Pcs Preview Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
11 00863772000322 1 SP20.8.16 HCG Strip Test SurePredict(R) USHEALTHTEST
12 00860383000307 LMBCS20A99 Home Midstream Pregnancy Test Complete Circle Health PWL SOLUTIONS LLC
13 00860002273006 Cassette 100-13 The DoublecheQ Pregnancy Test is designed to be used for a qualitative determina The DoublecheQ Pregnancy Test is designed to be used for a qualitative determination of elevated human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. The result can be read visually in minutes to indicate a positive or negative result for pregnancy. DoublecheQ Pregnancy Test UNIVERSAL MEDITECH INC.
14 00860002060408 1 Two pregnancy tests Stix GET STIX INC.
15 00860001730203 82214 Natalist Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human c Natalist Pregnancy Test is intended for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine to aid in early detection of pregnancy. There are 3 6mm midstreams in one box. Natalist Pregnancy Test RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD.
16 00860000599696 1 Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test 4ct - Box with Window Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test MODERN HEALTH
17 00860000599689 1 Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test 2ct - Box with Window Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test MODERN HEALTH
18 00860000599634 A Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test 4ct Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test MODERN HEALTH
19 00860000599610 A Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test 2ct Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test MODERN HEALTH
20 00860000380621 2 Pack Lia Pregnancy Test LIA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
21 00860000380607 2 Pack Discreet Lia Pregnancy Test LIA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
22 00857275007735 21100015410308 HCG Pregnancy Test Strip-3.5mm PreKnow IDUN SOLUTIONS LLC
23 00857275007544 21100015410508 HCG Pregnancy Test Strip -3.5mm PreKnow IDUN SOLUTIONS LLC
24 00857275007100 ID1-S-25P 25 Test Strips; hCG Test Strips PreKnow Pregnancy Test (25 hCG Strips) IDUN SOLUTIONS LLC
25 00856964007339 M491N-2WVB-EGZA M491N-2WVB-EGZA Zacurate Pregnancy Kit - 2pc Wand Zacurate EINSTEIN ASSOCIATES LLC
26 00855944007376 PM1-C PMC-125 Premom HCG Pregnancy Test Cassette (25 Pack of Individually-Sealed HCG Urine Tes Premom HCG Pregnancy Test Cassette (25 Pack of Individually-Sealed HCG Urine Tests with Pipette) Premom Pregnancy Test Cassette (25 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
27 00855944007345 EZW1-S EZW1-S2010 Easy@Home 20 Early Pregnancy Test (hCG) plus 10 Confirmation Test - Test Early a Easy@Home 20 Early Pregnancy Test (hCG) plus 10 Confirmation Test - Test Early and Confirm Later Pregnancy Test Kit Easy@Home Pregnancy Test Kit ( 20 Early Pregnancy Tests plus 10 Confirmation Tes EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
28 00855944007338 PM2-S,PM1-S PMS-6020 Premom 30 LH Ovulation Strips and 10 HCG Pregnancy Strips Kit (60 LH + 20 HCG) Premom Ovulation Test Kit (60 LH + 20 HCG) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
29 00855944007321 PM1-S PMS-115 Premom Pregnancy Test Strip (15 test kit) Premom Pregnancy Test Strip (15 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
30 00855944007314 PM1-S PMS-130 Premom Pregnancy Test Strip (30 test kit) Premom Pregnancy Test Strip (30 test kit) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
31 00855944007246 EZW1-M EZM1-H3 Easy@Home 3 Pregnancy Test Sticks Easy@Home Pregnancy Test (3 HCG Midstreams) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
32 00855944007192 PM2-C, PM1-C PMC-3010 Premom 30 LH Ovulation Cassettes and 10 HCG Pregnancy Cassettes Kit (30 LH + 10 HCG) Premom Ovulation Cassette Kit (30 LH + 10 HCG) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
33 00855944007161 EZW1-M EZM1-H5 Easy@Home 5 Pregnancy Test Sticks Easy@Home Pregnancy Test (5 HCG Midstreams ) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
34 00855944007130 EZW1-M EZM1-H10 Easy@Home 10 Pregnancy Test Sticks Easy@Home Pregnancy Test (10 HCG Midstreams) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
35 00855944007086 EZW2-M , EZW1-M EZM1-L15H5 Easy@Home 15 Ovulation (LH) and Plus 5 Pregnancy (hCG) Test Sticks Easy@Home Ovulation Test Kit (15 LH Midstreams+5 HCG Midstreams) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
36 00855944007055 EZW2-M , EZW1-M EZM1-L10H2 Easy@Home 10 Ovulation Test and 2 Pregnancy Test Sticks Easy@Home Ovulation Test Kit (10 LH Midstreams+ 2 HCG Midstreams) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
37 00855944007048 EZW1-M EZM1-H8 8 tests kit; HCG Midstream Easy@Home Pregnancy Test (8 HCG Midstreams) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
38 00855944007024 EZ-WS2525 EZW2-S, EZW1-S 25 LH strips + 25 HCG strips Easy@Home Ovulation Test Kit (25 LH strips + 25 HCG strips ) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
39 00855944007017 EZ-WS5050 EZW2-S, EZW1-S 50 LH strips + 50 HCG strips Easy@Home Ovulation Test Kit (50 LH strips + 50 HCG strips ) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
40 00855606007089 Combo Pack 7 Ovulation Tests + 1 Pregnancy Test A convenience kit consisting of 7 One-step Ovulation Tests and 1 One-step Pregnancy Test Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
41 00855606007065 Digital Pregnancy Test Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
42 00855606007041 Early-Result Pregnancy Test Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
43 00855606007027 Early-Result Pregnancy Test Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
44 00855606007003 Family Planning Pregnancy Test Rite Aid Pharmacy RITE AID CORPORATION
45 00853691007694 1 Pregnancy (hCG) Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Midstream 10 mIu/mL hCG Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Midstream 10 mIU/mL ACRO BIOTECH INC
46 00853691007687 1 hCG Rapid Test Midstream 25 mIU/mL hCG Rapid Test Midstream 25 mIU/mL ACRO BIOTECH INC
47 00853691007670 1 hCG Rapid Test Cassette 25 mIU/mL hCG Rapid Test Cassette 25 mIU/mL ACRO BIOTECH INC
48 00853691007229 1 hCG Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Cassette 10 mIU/mL hCG Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Cassette 10 mIU/mL ACRO BIOTECH INC
49 00852359007045 CPT01 CPT01 One Step Pregnancy (HCG) Urine Test Strip MAXCHECK MAXPERT MEDICAL
50 00851950008130 HCG Midstream Arvolife CLINICAL GUARD