No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 00751774356120 | Early Result Pregnancy Test | PLPL First Signal DPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | First Signal | ||
2 | 00751774356113 | Early Result Pregnancy Test | PLPL First Signal SPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | First Signal | ||
3 | 00633472602191 | Ovulation Kit | A convenience kit consisting of 25 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clea A convenience kit consisting of 25 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Tests | NGE,LCX | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 1 | Clearblue | |
4 | 00633472602184 | Advanced Ovulation Kit | A convenience kit consisting of 15 Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests an A convenience kit consisting of 15 Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Tests | NGE,LCX | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 1 | Clearblue | |
5 | 00633472601323 | Reassurance Pregnancy Test with Color Change Tip | CB6 Visual Pregnancy 2ct US | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Clearblue | ||
6 | 00633472601200 | Connected Ovulation Test System | CBCOT Ovulation Advanced 25ct | CEP | Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | Clearblue | ||
7 | 00633472601149 | Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown | CB12 Pregnancy Digital- 1CT | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 2 | Clearblue | |
8 | 00633472600227 | Fertility Monitor | Clearblue Fertility Monitor with touch screen 1ct US | NGE | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter | 1 | Clearblue | |
9 | 00633472276897 | Digital Pregnancy Test | Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test 20ct dual | NGE | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter | Clearblue | ||
10 | 00400160638936 | Early Pregnancy Test | Shopko DPS Early Bilingual | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Shopko | ||
11 | 00633472600562 | CB9a | CB9A Advanced Pregnancy test with Weeks Estimator 1 CT | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Clearblue Advanced Digital Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator | ||
12 | 00633472600494 | CB9a | CB9A Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator 3 CT | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Clearblue Advanced Digital Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator | ||
13 | 00633472600487 | CB9a | CB9A Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator 2 CT | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Clearblue Advanced Digital Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator | ||
14 | 00633472249631 | CB11 | CB11 Visual Pregnancy 1 CT | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test | ||
15 | 00633472190834 | FPPL | FPPL Fact Plus Visual Pregnancy Stick 2 CT | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Factplus Pregnancy Test | ||
16 | 00400103056704 | One Step Pregnancy Test | FPPL Shopko DPS +/- | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Shopko | ||
17 | 00400080776756 | Early Result Pregnancy Test | Shopko DPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Shopko | ||
18 | 00400028325824 | One Step Pregnancy Test | FPPL Shopko SPS +/- | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Shopko | ||
19 | 00011822515801 | Family Planning Pregnancy Test Early | Rite Aid DPS Early Bi-Ling | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
20 | 00011822510462 | Family Planning Pregnancy Test One Step | FPPL Rite Aid TPS +/- (ER) | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
21 | 00011822473033 | Family Planning Pregnancy Test Early Result | Rite Aid TPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
22 | 00011822380065 | Family Planning Pregnancy Test Early Result | PLPL Rite Aid DPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
23 | 00011822337373 | Family Planning Ovulation Predictor One Step | WWOT Rite Aid OVS | CEP | Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
24 | 00011822306645 | Family Planning Pregnancy Test One Step | FPPL Rite Aid DPS +/- (ER) | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
25 | 00614299402676 | PLPL | PLPL Exchange Select DPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Exchange Select Early Result Pregnancy Test | ||
26 | 00041163502987 | Digital Pregnancy Test | Equaline DPS Digital Early Blue | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Equaline | ||
27 | 00041163502970 | One Step Pregnancy Test | EQUALINE DPS +/- Blue Cap | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Equaline | ||
28 | 00041163502963 | Early Result Pregnancy Test | Equaline SPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 2 | Equaline | |
29 | 00041163458307 | PLPL | Equaline DPS Early Result | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Equaline Early Result Pregnancy Test | ||
30 | 00041163250949 | FPPL | FPPL Equaline DPS +/- (ER) | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Equaline One Step Pregnancy Test | ||
31 | 00041163250932 | FPPL | FPPL Equaline SPS +/- (ER) | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Equaline One Step Pregnancy Test | ||
32 | 00633472155642 | HOT / CB12 | N/A | A convenience kit consisting of 7 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Cle A convenience kit consisting of 7 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown device | LCX,CEP | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter,Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | Clearblue Easy Ovulation Kit | |
33 | 00011822096973 | Family Planning Pregnancy Test One Step | FPPL Rite Aid SPS +/- (ER) | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
34 | 00011822037242 | Family Planning Pregnancy Tests Digital & Early Result | A convenience kit consisting of 1 Rite Aid Pharmacy Digital Pregnancy Test and 1 A convenience kit consisting of 1 Rite Aid Pharmacy Digital Pregnancy Test and 1 Rite Aid Pharmacy Early Result Pregnancy Test | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 2 | Rite Aid Pharmacy | |
35 | 00011822018166 | One Step Pregnany Test | RITE AID DPS +/- 2ct Blue Cap | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Rite Aid Pharmacy | ||
36 | 00614299396418 | FPPL | Exchange Select SPS | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Exchange Select One Step Pregnancy Test | ||
37 | 00614299437388 | One Step Pregnancy Test | Exchange Select DPS +/-Blue Cap | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Exchange Select | ||
38 | 00614299396432 | One Step Ovulation Predictor | Exchange Select One Step Ovulation Predictor | CEP | Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | Exchange Select | ||
39 | 00614299396425 | FPPL | FPPL Exchange Select DPS +/- (ER) | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Exchange Select One Step Pregnancy Test | ||
40 | 00041163458291 | CB8 PL | CB8 Digital Pregnancy Stick Equaline DPS Digital Early (ER) US | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | Equaline Digital Pregnancy Test | ||
41 | 00633472602092 | Advanced Period Tracker | Clearblue Advanced Period Tracker 18ct | NGE | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter | Clearblue | ||
42 | 00633472602054 | Rapid and Digital Detection Pregnancy Tests | A convenience kit consisting of 2 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test devices and 8 A convenience kit consisting of 2 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test devices and 8 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test devices | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 2 | Clearblue | |
43 | 00633472601897 | Connected Ovulation Test System | CBCOT Ovulation Advanced 40ct | CEP | Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | Clearblue | ||
44 | 00633472601545 | Digital and Rapid Pregnancy Tests | A convenience kit consisting of 2 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test and 2 Clearbl A convenience kit consisting of 2 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test and 2 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test devices | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 2 | Clearblue | |
45 | 00633472601347 | Connected Ovulation Test System + Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown | COTS Clearblue 25ct Ovulation + CB12 3ct Digital Pregnancy Bundle | LCX,CEP | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter,Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | Clearblue | ||
46 | 00633472601156 | Pregnancy Test Combo Pack | A convenience kit consisting of 1 Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown A convenience kit consisting of 1 Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown device and 1 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test devices | LCX | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter | 2 | Clearblue | |
47 | 00633472601026 | Easy Ovulation Kit | A convenience kit consisting of 10 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Cl A convenience kit consisting of 10 Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test device and 1 Clearblue Rapid Dectection Pregnancy Test. | LCX,CEP | Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter,Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | 1 | Clearblue | |
48 | 00633472600760 | Digital Ovulation Test | CBDOT Clearblue Ovulation Digital 10ct Dual | NGE | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter | Clearblue | ||
49 | 00633472600630 | Easy Ovulation Test | CBHOT Visual Ovulation Stick 5 Ct | CEP | Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone | Clearblue | ||
50 | 00633472600425 | Advanced Digital Ovulation Test | ADOT Clearblue Advanced Ovulation 10ct March of Dimes Dual US | NGE | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter | Clearblue |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 08809408860245 | SU-DR01-LH | HLHM020E | Surearly™ Digital OvulationTest in an in vitro diagnostic medical devices for th Surearly™ Digital OvulationTest in an in vitro diagnostic medical devices for the rapid determination of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in urine. The test is for the qualitative detection of LH to predict a woman’s most fertile period. It is intended for non-professional, over-the-counter (OTC) use only. | Surearly™ Digital Ovulation Test | SUGENTECH INC._OSONG BRANCH |
2 | 08809408860214 | SU-DR01-LH | HLHM007E | Surearly™ Digital OvulationTest in an in vitro diagnostic medical devices for th Surearly™ Digital OvulationTest in an in vitro diagnostic medical devices for the rapid determination of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in urine. The test is for the qualitative detection of LH to predict a woman’s most fertile period. It is intended for non-professional, over-the-counter (OTC) use only. | Surearly™ Digital Ovulation Test | SUGENTECH INC._OSONG BRANCH |
3 | 08719481721077 | FK-127s-A | Fertility KIT with 30 teststrips | iProvèn | MASENA INVEST B.V. | |
4 | 08719481721060 | FL-50-LH-A | Box with 35 ovulation teststrips | iProvèn | MASENA INVEST B.V. | |
5 | 08719481721053 | FL-50-A | Box with 50 ovulation teststrips | iProvèn | MASENA INVEST B.V. | |
6 | 08719481720865 | FK-127-A | Fertility KIT with 70 teststrips | iProvèn | MASENA INVEST B.V. | |
7 | 08719481720773 | FL-35 | Box with 35 ovulation teststrips | iProvèn | MASENA INVEST B.V. | |
8 | 08719481720766 | FL-50 | Box with 50 ovulation teststrips | iProvèn | MASENA INVEST B.V. | |
9 | 07350014630285 | 0001 | Clearblue by NC | NATURALCYCLES NORDIC AB | ||
10 | 07350014630209 | 20 | Plan-a-pregnancy kit with Natural Cycles 6 month subscription, a basal thermomet Plan-a-pregnancy kit with Natural Cycles 6 month subscription, a basal thermometer, 10 ovulation strip tests and 5 pregnancy strip tests. | Natural Cycles | NATURALCYCLES NORDIC AB | |
11 | 07350014630148 | 14 | Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter | Natural Cycles | NATURALCYCLES NORDIC AB | |
12 | 06974464590077 | 0891D9G040 | Digital ovulation test (40 pieces per kit) | MissLan | GUANGZHOU DECHENG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
13 | 06974464590060 | 0891D9G020 | Digital Ovulation Test (25mIU/ml), 20 pieces per kit | MissLan | GUANGZHOU DECHENG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
14 | 06974464590053 | 0741M4X002 | LH and HCG combo test midstream | MissLan | GUANGZHOU DECHENG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
15 | 06974464590046 | 0741M4X005 | LH and HCG combo test midstream | MissLan | GUANGZHOU DECHENG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
16 | 06974464590039 | 0731S3X020 | LH and HCG combo test strip | MissLan | GUANGZHOU DECHENG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
17 | 06974464590022 | 0711S3X0100 | LH test strip, 100T | MissLan | GUANGZHOU DECHENG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
18 | 06974464590015 | 0711S3X050 | LH Ovulation Rapid Test Strip(Urine,25mIU/mL) | MissLan | GUANGZHOU DECHENG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD | |
19 | 06938444982641 | 82641 | DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Kit is consisiting of 40 ovulation test strips, DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Kit is consisiting of 40 ovulation test strips, 10 pregnancy test strips and 2 pregnancy crystal tests. | DAVID | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. | |
20 | 06938444982603 | 82603 | DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test is consisiting of 90 ovulation test strips and DAVID Ovulation & Pregnancy Test is consisiting of 90 ovulation test strips and 30 pregnancy test strips . | DAVID | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. | |
21 | 06938444982481 | 82481 | RH-LH25-S | DAVID Ovulation Test Strip is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay f DAVID Ovulation Test Strip is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. There are 50pcs of strip in each box. | DAVID Ovulation Test Strip | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
22 | 06938444982405 | 82405 | RH-LH25-B | DAVID Ovulation Test is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the DAVID Ovulation Test is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. There are 5pcs of midstream in each box. | DAVID Ovulation Test | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
23 | 06938444982399 | 82399 | RH-LH25-S | DAVID Ovulation Test is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the DAVID Ovulation Test is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. There are 20pcs of strip in each box. | DAVID Ovulation Test | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
24 | 06938444980074 | 80074 | RH-LH-B | The David Ovulation Test (Urine) is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoa The David Ovulation Test (Urine) is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. This test strip is used to obtain a visual result. It is intended for non-professional, over-the counter (OTC) use. | DAVID Ovulation Test Midstream | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
25 | 06938444980043 | 80043 | RH-LH-S01 | The David Ovulation Test (Urine) is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoa The David Ovulation Test (Urine) is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. This test strip is used to obtain a visual result. It is intended for non-professional, over-the counter (OTC) use. | DAVID Ovulation Test (Urine) | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
26 | 06938444980036 | RH-LH-B | RH-LH-B | The David Ovulation Test (Urine) is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoa The David Ovulation Test (Urine) is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. This test strip is used to obtain a visual result. It is intended for non-professional, over-the counter (OTC) use. | DAVID | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
27 | 06937579911311 | LH-U24H | EGENS | NANTONG EGENS BIOLOGY TECHNIC CO., LTD. | ||
28 | 00897429002766 | Ovulation Urine Test Strip Pack of 50 | Clinical Guard | CLINICAL GUARD | ||
29 | 00897429002704 | LH40 and HCG 10 Combo | Clinical Guard | CLINICAL GUARD | ||
30 | 00860002060415 | 1 | Seven ovulation tests | Stix | GET STIX INC. | |
31 | 00860001730210 | 82221 | RH-LH-B | Natalist Ovulation Test is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for Natalist Ovulation Test is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. There are 7pcs of 6mm midstreams in each box. | Natalist Ovulation Test | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
32 | 00860000599627 | A | Modern Fertility Ovulation Test 20ct | Modern Fertility Ovulation Test | MODERN HEALTH | |
33 | 00856964007322 | M490N-CBAA-EGZA | M490N-CBAA-EGZA | Zacurate Combined Pregnancy Kit - 60 Ovulation strip + 20 Pregnancy strips | Zacurate | EINSTEIN ASSOCIATES LLC |
34 | 00851950008048 | Fertility Kit | 50 Ovulation Tests and 20 Pregnancy Tests Comb Kit | Arvolife | CLINICAL GUARD | |
35 | 00850029375012 | 1 | Modern Fertility Ovulation Test 20ct with Belly Band Box | Modern Fertility Ovulation Test | MODERN HEALTH | |
36 | 00850029375005 | 1 | Modern Fertility Ovulation Test 20ct - Box with Window | Modern Fertility Ovulation Test | MODERN HEALTH | |
37 | 00850017666771 | Ovulation Test | LOLA | ALYK, INC. | ||
38 | 00850014758240 | 58240 | RH-LH-S | NATALIST OVULATION TEST STRIP 30 COUNT is a self-testing rapid chromatographic i NATALIST OVULATION TEST STRIP 30 COUNT is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. There are 30pcs of 5mm strips in each box. | NATALIST OVULATION TEST STRIP 30 COUNT | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
39 | 00850014758042 | 58042 | RH-LH-B | NATALIST OVULATION TEST MIDSTREAM 10 COUNT is a self-testing rapid chromatograph NATALIST OVULATION TEST MIDSTREAM 10 COUNT is a self-testing rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to predict the time of ovulation. There are 10pcs of 6mm midstreams in each box. | NATALIST OVULATION TEST MIDSTREAM 10 COUNT | RUNBIO BIOTECH CO., LTD. |
40 | 00850003500478 | OT80 | 792.97 | Beurer Fertility Convenience Kit with Pearl AppEach kit contains:15 FSH test str Beurer Fertility Convenience Kit with Pearl AppEach kit contains:15 FSH test strips,15 LH test strips,2 hCG test strips (pregnancy test),Access (activation code) for the Pearl Fertility App. | Beurer | BEURER NORTH AMERICA, L.P. |
41 | 00850003180250 | EZW1-S; EZW2-S | EZ-WS8020 | Easy@Home Ovulation Test Kit; 80 LH strips + 20 HCG strips | Easy@Home Ovulation Test Kit (80 LH strips + 20 HCG strips ) | EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION |
42 | 00850003180021 | PMS2-S | PMS2-S-20 | Premom Semi-quantitative Ovulation Test; 20 LH strips; Kit | Premom Semi-quantitative Ovulation Test (20 LH strips) | EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION |
43 | 00816862023695 | DW2-S | DW2-S | 1-Strip; LH Ovulation Test | Wondfo | WONDFO USA CO., LTD. |
44 | 00816862022933 | W2-S-SQ-20BX | W2-S-SQ-20BX | 1-Strip; LH Semi Quantitative Ovulation Test | Wondfo | WONDFO USA CO., LTD. |
45 | 00816862022810 | W2-S | W2-S | 1-Strip; LH Ovulation Test | Wondfo | WONDFO USA CO., LTD. |
46 | 00816862022469 | PRE-H20L50 | 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test | Preview | WONDFO USA CO., LTD. | |
47 | 00816862022452 | PRE-LH-50S | 50-Strip; LH Ovulation Test | Preview | WONDFO USA CO., LTD. | |
48 | 00810038631783 | PMS2-S | PMS2-S-20 | Premom Quantitative Ovulation Test strips; 20 tests per kit | Premom Quantitative Ovulation Predictor | EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION |
49 | 00639277288882 | 838666 | Assured | DOLLAR TREE MDSG CHESAPEAKE CI | ||
50 | 00633472602191 | Ovulation Kit | A convenience kit consisting of 25 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clea A convenience kit consisting of 25 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests and 2 Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Tests | Clearblue | SPD SWISS PRECISION DIAGNOSTICS GMBH |