No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00842768039010 10642445 DF150 Alkaline Phosphatase Flex® reagent cartridge, 360 tests CJO ALPHA-NAPHTHYL PHOSPHATE, ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE OR ISOENZYMES Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge ALPI
2 00842768037740 10706480 RF634 Dimension® EXL™ Total Vitamin D, 200 tests (4x50) MRG SYSTEM, TEST, VITAMIN D Dimension® EXL™ Total Vitamin D
3 00842768037214 10636928 778041.931 Dimension® EXL™ 200 System JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 Dimension® EXL™ 200 Integrated Chemistry System
4 00842768034138 10470441 9R529UL Syva® Emit® II Plus 6-AM /Ecstasy Calibrator/Control Level 1 DKB,DIF CALIBRATORS, DRUG MIXTURE,DRUG MIXTURE CONTROL MATERIALS 1 Syva® Emit® II Plus 6-AM /Ecstasy Calibrator/Control Level 1
5 00842768033322 10636333 KC470 DGTX Calibrator, 2x5x5.0mL JIT CALIBRATOR, SECONDARY 2 Dimension Vista® DGTX CAL
7 00842768030024 10472176 778021.931 Dimension® EXL with LM system JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 Dimension® EXL™ with LM Integrated Chemistry System
8 00842768029912 10464526 RF623 LOCI N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests NBC TEST,NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE Dimension® EXL™ LOCI® Module Flex® reagent cartridge NTP
9 00842768029332 10488446 KC605 LOCI 7 Calibrator, 2x5x2mL JIX CALIBRATOR, MULTI-ANALYTE MIXTURE 2 Dimension Vista® LOCI 7 CAL
10 00842768028915 10472099 KS860 Small Sample Container (SSC), 1000 Pieces JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE Dimension Vista® Small Sample Container (SSC)
11 00842768027307 11306492 11306492 ADVIA 120/2120/2120i Vent Line Wash Kit JCB DETERGENT 1 ADVIA 120/2120/2120i Vent Line Wash Kit
12 00842768025556 10464510 DF32 Creatine Kinase MB Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests CGS NAD REDUCTION/NADH OXIDATION, CPK OR ISOENZYMES Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge MBI
13 00842768025112 10464321 K6423A NT-proBNP Flex® reagent cartridge, 80 Tests NBC TEST,NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge PBNP
14 00842768023453 10445476 9Q229 Emit® II Plus Methaqualone Assay labeled with the Beckman Coulter® name KXS RADIOIMMUNOASSAY, METHAQUALONE 2 Emit® II Plus Methaqualone Assay
15 00842768023354 10445415 9B229 Emit® II Plus Opiate Assay labeled with the Beckman Coulter® name DJG ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, OPIATES 2 Emit® II Plus Opiate Assay
16 00842768022111 10464331 DF306 Sirolimus Flex® reagent cartridge, 80 tests NRP Sirolimus test system Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge SIRO
17 00842768022050 10459408 DF22 Ethyl Alcohol Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests DIC ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE, SPECIFIC REAGENT FOR ETHANOL ENZYME METHOD Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge ETOH
18 00842768016653 10445138 K6444 Folate Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests CGN ACID, FOLIC, RADIOIMMUNOASSAY Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge FOL
19 00842768016455 10445187 KC510 Drugs of Abuse Calibrator, 4x2.5mL / 2x2.6mL DKB CALIBRATORS, DRUG MIXTURE 2 Dimension Vista® UDAT CAL
20 00842768016028 10444897 RF434 CardioPhase® high sensitivity CRP Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests NQD CARDIAC C-REACTIVE PROTEIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, AND CONTROL Dimension CardioPhase high sensitivity CRP Flex reagent cartridge
21 00842768015731 10445104 K6412 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Flex® reagent cartridge, 960 Tests JLW RADIOIMMUNOASSAY, THYROID-STIMULATING HORMONE Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge TSH
22 00842768015618 10445160 K1023 Calcium Flex® reagent cartridge, 1320 tests CIC CRESOLPHTHALEIN COMPLEXONE, CALCIUM Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge CA
23 00842768015496 10445102 K6075 Thyronine Uptake Flex® reagent cartridge, 160 tests KHQ RADIOASSAY, TRIIODOTHYRONINE UPTAKE Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge TU
24 00842768015328 10445097 K6420 Mass Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme Flex® reagent cartridge, 100 tests JHY COLORIMETRIC METHOD, CPK OR ISOENZYMES Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge MMB
25 00842768015281 10445132 K4113 Lidocaine Flex® reagent cartridge, 60 tests KLR ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, LIDOCAINE Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge LIDO
26 00842768015199 10445106 K6416 Free Triiodothyronine Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests CDP RADIOIMMUNOASSAY, TOTAL TRIIODOTHYRONINE Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge FT3
27 00842768015090 10445143 K1027 Cholesterol Flex® reagent cartridge, 600 tests CHH ENZYMATIC ESTERASE--OXIDASE, CHOLESTEROL Dimension Vista® Flex® reagent cartridge CHOL
28 00842768014352 10445423 9D039UL Syva® Emit® II Plus Barbiturate Assay - 28 mL Kit KLT ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, CARBAMAZEPINE 2 Syva® Emit® II Plus Barbiturate Assay
29 00842768014345 10445418 9C039UL Syva® Emit® II Plus Amphetamines Assay - 29 mL kit DKZ ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, AMPHETAMINE 2 Syva® Emit® II Plus Amphetamines Assay
30 00842768014338 10445414 9B039UL Syva® Emit® II Plus Opiate Assay - 29 mL Kit DJG ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, OPIATES 2 Syva® Emit® II Plus Opiate Assay
31 00842768014086 10445042 D828 Cuvette Cartridge - Dimension® - 1 Cartridge JJE ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE 1 Dimension® Cuvette Cartridge
33 00842768013911 10444914 RF530 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests DHA SYSTEM, TEST, HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN Dimension Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Flex reagent cartridge
34 00842768013843 10444907 RF422A Myoglobin Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests DDR MYOGLOBIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, CONTROL Dimension® Heterogenous Immunoassay Module Flex® reagent cartridge MYO
35 00842768013775 10445035 RD703 Sample Probe Cleaner, 1x1 Liter JJE,JMG ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE,Radioimmunoassay ( ANALYZER, CHEMISTRY (PHOTOMETRIC, DISCRETE), FOR CLINICAL USE,Radioimmunoassay (two-site solid phase), ferritin 1 Dimension® Sample Probe Cleaner
36 00842768013720 10445024 RC422 Myoglobin Calibrator, 2x5x1mL JIT CALIBRATOR, SECONDARY Dimension® MYO Calibrator
37 00842768005848 10444924 DF94A Urine Phencyclidine Screen Flex® reagent cartridge, 80 tests LCM Enzyme immunoassay, phencyclidine Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge PCP
38 00842768005527 10444894 DF37 C-Reactive Protein Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests DCK C-REACTIVE PROTEIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, AND CONTROL Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge CRP
39 00842768005367 10444939 DF132 Lithium Flex® reagent cartridge, 80 tests JIH FLAME PHOTOMETRY, LITHIUM Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge LI
40 00842768005275 10444948 DF11 Acid Phosphatase Flex® reagent cartridge, 120 tests CKE Acid phosphatase, thymolphthale inmonophosphate Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge ACP
41 00842768005268 10444934 DF108 Cyclosporine Extended Range Flex® reagent cartridge, 80 tests MKW CYCLOSPORINE Dimension® Flex® reagent cartridge CSAE
42 00842768005183 10445025 DC50 Prealbumin Calibrator, 2x5x1mL JIT CALIBRATOR, SECONDARY Dimension® PALB Calibrator
43 00842768005091 10444993 DC31 Total Protein/Albumin Calibrator, 2x3x2mL JIX CALIBRATOR, MULTI-ANALYTE MIXTURE Dimension® TP/ALB Calibrator
44 00842768005084 10444988 DC30 C-Reactive Protein Calibrator, 2x5x1mL DCK C-REACTIVE PROTEIN, ANTIGEN, ANTISERUM, AND CONTROL Dimension® CRP Calibrator
45 00842768004445 10445064 CCANS Stratus® CS STAT Fluorometric Analyzer Sarstedt cannula holds the stoppered tube Stratus® CS STAT Fluorometric Analyzer Sarstedt cannula holds the stoppered tube in the sample manager. JHX FLUOROMETRIC METHOD, CPK OR ISOENZYMES Stratus® CS STAT Fluorometric Analyzer Cannula
46 00842768004438 10445063 CCANBD For the cannulation of B-D Vacutainer® 4 or 5 mL lithium heparin collection tube For the cannulation of B-D Vacutainer® 4 or 5 mL lithium heparin collection tubes, with HEMOGARD® closure, to be used on the Stratus® CS STAT Fluorometric Analyzer. JHX FLUOROMETRIC METHOD, CPK OR ISOENZYMES Stratus® CS STAT Fluorometric Analyzer Cannula
47 00630414600284 10995715 10995715 Vitamin B12 (VB12) Atellica IM - RGT 500T CDD RADIOASSAY, VITAMIN B12 Atellica IM VB12
48 00842768001888 10445424 9D129UL Syva® Emit® II Plus Barbiturate Assay - 1 L Kit KLT ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, CARBAMAZEPINE 2 Syva® Emit® II Plus Barbiturate Assay
49 00842768001871 10445422 9D029UL Syva® Emit® II Plus Barbiturate Assay - 115 mL Kit KLT ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, CARBAMAZEPINE 2 Syva® Emit® II Plus Barbiturate Assay
50 00842768001864 10445421 9C329UL Syva® Emit® II Plus Amphetamines Assay - 1L Kit DKZ ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY, AMPHETAMINE 2 Syva® Emit® II Plus Amphetamines Assay
Other products with the same Product Codes "JJE, JIT"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 30014613337720 98202 98202 Triage BNP Calibrators Triage QUIDEL CARDIOVASCULAR INC.
2 20816467020345 FastPack® IP SHBG 30 Immunoassay 25000081 30 Test SHBG Immunoassay Complete Kit w/Calibrator and Controls FastPack® IP SHBG QUALIGEN INC.
3 15099590750961 98202 98202 The Access BNP Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access BNP test for the The Access BNP Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access BNP test for the quantitative determination of BNP levels in human EDTA plasma using the Beckman Coulter Access Family of Immunoassay Systems. Access BNP Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
4 15099590707194 C26909 C26909 The Access hsTnI Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access hsTnI assay fo The Access hsTnI Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access hsTnI assay for quantitative determination of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access hsTnI Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
5 15099590707118 DxA 5000 DxA 5000 DxA 5000 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
6 15099590672324 Power Express B36352 Power Express Power Express BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
7 15099590669706 B23634 B23634 Unicel DxC SYNCHRON Systems HDL Calibrator Synchron BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
8 15099590666361 B38859 Urine CSF Albumin Calibrator AU BECKMAN COULTER IRELAND INC.
9 15099590663421 A98857 A98857 The Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Acce The Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total assay for the quantitative determination of total 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels in human serum and plasma using the UniCel DxI 800 Immunoassay Systems. Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
10 15099590663414 B24839 B24839 The Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Acce The Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total assay for the quantitative determination of total 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels in human serum and plasma using the Access 2 Immunoassay Systems. Results are to used as an aid in the assessment of vitamin D sufficiency. Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
11 15099590604479 Power Processor PowerCel A36587 Power Processor PowerCel Power Processor PowerCel BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
12 15099590591960 Power Processor Sample Handling System A11036 Power Processor Sample Handling System Power Processor Sample Handling System BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
13 15099590583996 Power Link B05033 Power Link Power Link BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
14 15099590233389 468405 468405 SYNCHRON Systems CAL 1 Calibrator 1 Synchron BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
15 15099590233105 442772 442772 SYNCHRON Systems FE/IBCT Calibrator Kit Synchron BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
16 15099590232047 469170 469170 SYNCHRON Systems APO Calibrator Synchron BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
17 15099590231866 387647 387647 The Access BR Monitor Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access BR Monito The Access BR Monitor Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access BR Monitor assay for the quantitative determination of CA 15-3 antigen levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access BR Monitor Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
18 15099590231835 387688 387688 The Access GI Monitor Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access GI Monito The Access GI Monitor Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access GI Monitor assay for the quantitative determination of CA 19-9 antigen levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access GI Monitor Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
19 15099590231699 973244 973244 The Access Myoglobin Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Myoglobin The Access Myoglobin Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Myoglobin assay for the quantitative determination of myoglobin levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Myoglobin Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
20 15099590231392 33545 33545 The Access Estradiol Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Estradiol The Access Estradiol Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Estradiol assay for the quantitative determination of estradiol levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Estradiol Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
21 15099590231385 33546 33546 The Access Estradiol Calibrator S0 is intended for use with Access Estradiol ass The Access Estradiol Calibrator S0 is intended for use with Access Estradiol assay to dilute patient samples containing analyte concentrations greater than the analyte specific S5 calibrator Access Estradiol Calibrator S0 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
22 15099590231149 33575 33575 The Access Unconjugated Estriol Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access The Access Unconjugated Estriol Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Unconjugated Estriol assay for the quantitative determination of unconjugated estriol levels in human serum using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Unconjugated Estriol Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
23 15099590229825 445930 445930 SYNCHRON Systems Microprotein Calibrator Synchron BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
24 15099590229122 387993 387993 The Access Intrinsic Factor Ab Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access The Access Intrinsic Factor Ab Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Intrinsic Factor Ab assay for the detectionof intrinsic factor antibody in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Intrinsic Factor Ab Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
25 15099590223243 468429 468429 IMMAGE Immunochemistry Systems FER CAL Ferritin Calibrator IMMAGE BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
26 15099590209452 A99250 A99250 The Access Folate Calibrator S0 is intended for use with the Access Folate assay The Access Folate Calibrator S0 is intended for use with the Access Folate assay to dilute patient samples containing analyte concentrations greater than the analyte specic S5 calibrator. Access Folate Calibrator S0 BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
27 15099590209360 A98265 A98265 The Access AccuTnI+3 Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access AccuTnI+3 The Access AccuTnI+3 Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access AccuTnI+3 Reagent for the quantitative determination of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels in human serum and plasma using the UniCel DxI Access Immunoassay Systems to aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Access AccuTnI+3 Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
28 15099590209339 A98144 A98144 The Access AccuTnI+3 Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access AccuTnI+3 The Access AccuTnI+3 Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access AccuTnI+3 Reagent for the highly sensitive quantitative determination of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels in human serum and plasma using the Access 2 System to aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Access AccuTnI+3 Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
29 15099590209315 A98033 A98033 The Access Folate Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Folate assay The Access Folate Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Folate assay for the quantitative determination of folic acid levels in human serum, plasma (heparin)and red blood cells using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Folate Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
30 15099590204044 A48618 A48618 The Access SHBG Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access SHBG assay for The Access SHBG Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access SHBG assay for the quantitative determination of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access SHBG Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
31 15099590203122 A36920 A36920 The Access Thyroglobulin Antibody II (TgAb) Calibrators are intended to calibrat The Access Thyroglobulin Antibody II (TgAb) Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Thyroglobulin Antibody II assay for the quantitative determination of thyroglobulin antibody levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Thyroglobulin Antibody II Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
32 15099590203054 A36098 A36098 The Access Inhibin A Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Inhibin A The Access Inhibin A Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Inhibin A assay for the quantitative determination of dimeric inhibin A levels in human serum and plasma (heparin and EDTA) as an aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of various hormonal reproductive disorders using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Inhibin A Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
33 15099590202828 A32494 A32494 The Access sTfR Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access sTfR assay for The Access sTfR Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access sTfR assay for the quantitative determination of soluable transferrin receptor levels in human serum and plasma (heparin) using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access sTfR Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
34 15099590202019 A18227 A18227 The Access TPO Antibody Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access TPO Ant The Access TPO Antibody Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access TPO Antibody assay for the quantitative determination of thryoperoxidase antibody (TPOAb) levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access TPO Antibody Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
35 15099590201920 A16953 A16953 The Access Intact PTH Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Intact PT The Access Intact PTH Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Intact PTH assay for the quantitative determination of intact parathyroid hormone (parathyrin, PTH) levels in human serum and plasma using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access Intact PTH Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
36 15099590201845 A16365 A16365 The Access EPO Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access EPO assay for th The Access EPO Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access EPO assay for the quantitative determination of EPO levels in human serum and plasma (heparin) using the Access Immunoassay Systems. Access EPO Calibrators BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
37 15099590080839 ODR3029 Prealbumin Calibrator AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
38 15099590070571 ODC0028 RF Latex Calibrator AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
39 15099590070564 ODC0027 CRP Latex Calibrator Highly Sensitive (HS) Set AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
40 15099590070557 ODC0026 CRP Latex Calibrator Normal (N) Set AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
41 15099590070519 ODC0024 LDL Cholesterol Calibrator AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
42 15099590070502 ODC0023 HDL Cholesterol Calibrator AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
44 14987666543023 B96698 AU5800 Chemistry Analyzer, Automation-ready AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
45 14987666543016 B96697 AU5800 Chemistry Analyzer AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
46 14987666543009 B96696 AU680 Chemistry Analyzer (with ISE) AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
47 14987666542996 B96695 AU680 Chemistry Analyzer for Direct Track Sampling (with ISE) AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
48 14987666542989 B96694 AU680 Chemistry Analyzer AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
49 14987666542972 B96693 AU480 Chemistry Analyzer (with ISE) AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.
50 14987666542965 B96692 AU480 Chemistry Analyzer AU BECKMAN COULTER, INC.