Stellant Single 150mL Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 sterile spik
Stellant Single 150mL Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 sterile spike (STLNT,KIT,SYR,CT,S,SPK,FLS3,150ML,RW) (85074237)
Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic,Injector And Syringe, Angiographic
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,SYR,STLNT,APOLLO,W/LPCT,SPK, MC, CH)(60728834)
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(KI
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(KIT,SGL,STLNT,APOLLO,W/LPCT,QFT,MC,CH)(60728796)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,D
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,DUAL,STLNT,APOLLO,T-CON,SPK, MC, CH)(60728753)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(KIT,
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(KIT,DUAL,STLNT,APOLLO,TCON,QFT,MC,CH)(60728729)
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,SYR,STLNT,APOLLO,W/LPCT,SPK, MC, LA)(60728826)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,DUAL,STLNT,APOLLO,T-CON,SPK, MC, LA)(60728745)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(KIT,
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(KIT,DUAL,STLNT,APOLLO,TCON,QFT,MC,LA)(60728702)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,D
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(KIT,DUAL,STLNT,APOLLO,T-CON,SPK, MC,JA)(84192961)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(CT -
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(CT - STELLANT DUAL SYR KIT, T-CON, SCS)(60729369)
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(CT-
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(CT-STELLANT SINGLE SYR KIT, LPCT, SPIKE)(60728818)
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(CT
Stellant Single Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(CT - STELLANT SINGLE SYR KIT, LPCT, QFT)(60728788)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(CT-ST
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 2 sterile spikes(CT-STELLANT DUAL SYR KIT, T-CON, SPIKES)(60728737)
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(CT -
Stellant Dual Syringe Kit with LPDCT with T-Connector and 1 quick fill tube(CT - STELLANT DUAL SYR KIT, T-CON, QFT)(60728699)
The device consists of a Smart Monitor to be used with the DyeVert or DyeTect sy
The device consists of a Smart Monitor to be used with the DyeVert or DyeTect systems during angiographic or CT procedures requiring controlled infusion of radiopaque contrast media.