A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression
A horseshoe-shaped receptacle made of metal designed to carry dental impression material to the mouth, to confine the material in opposition to the surfaces to be recorded (e.g., teeth and gums), and to control the impression material while it sets to form an impression.