No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00191072009531 NMMJ39S MAJOR PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
2 00191072009425 GIDI10E DIALYSIS ON/OFF PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
3 00191072009395 NMER48M EAR PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
4 00191072000019 AHCC45A CLEAN CLOSURE PACK - 289126 LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
5 00191072154132 CACS20G C-SECTION PACK OHM Cesarean section tray 2 ACS
6 00191072154125 OSIN77D IR NEURO PACK OJG Neurological tray 1 ACS
7 00191072154118 HIPP64K ILLINI PACEMAKER PACK OEZ Cardiovascular procedure kit 2 ACS
8 00191072154101 PDLS20F LAPAROSCOPY LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
9 00191072154095 SVTU25E TUR PACK 156957 NWU Endoscope introducer kit 2 ACS
10 00191072154088 MHHY51I HYBRID CV PACK OEQ Angiography/angioplasty kit 2 ACS
11 00191072178855 LAAH06F ANTERIOR HIP OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
12 00191072178305 FHTA31P T & A PACK OGR Ear, nose, and throat surgical tray 1 ACS
13 00191072178299 FHSH28AF SHOULDER & HIP PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
14 00191072177810 BHLV40L LAVH OJF Hysterectomy kit 2 ACS
15 00191072177803 BHLI99I LITHOTOMY OHD Gynecological laparoscopic kit 2 ACS
16 00191072177797 BHLH43L PELVISCOPY OHD Gynecological laparoscopic kit 2 ACS
17 00191072177780 BHLE58I LOWER EXTREMITY OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
18 00191072177766 BHLA24N LAMI OJG Neurological tray 1 ACS
19 00191072177469 BLSE37L SURGICAL EYE PACK OJK Eye tray 2 ACS
20 00191072177759 BHDS41D MIDLINE DRESSING CHANGE LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
21 00191072177438 LLCA38I CVL CATH LAB PACK OES Cardiac catheterization kit 2 ACS
22 00191072177742 BHDM27F L&D MINOR PACK MLS Labor and Delivery Kit 2 ACS
23 00191072177735 BHCY71J MAJOR CYSTO NWU Endoscope introducer kit 2 ACS
24 00191072177728 BHCS31L C-SECTION OHM Cesarean section tray 2 ACS
25 00191072177711 BHCR22Q CRANIOTOMY OJG Neurological tray 1 ACS
26 00191072162960 HSHI92P HIP ARTHROSCOPY PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
27 00191072162953 LLPP48I PEDS PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
28 00191072162946 HSKA48L KNEE ARTHRO PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
29 00191072162939 LLPA19I CVL PACEMAKER PACK OEZ Cardiovascular procedure kit 2 ACS
30 00191072162922 LLMS45H MASTECTOMY PACK FTN Plastic surgery and accessories kit 1 ACS
31 00191072162915 HSPO50N PODIATRY PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
32 00191072162908 LLML48G MAJOR LITHOTOMY PACK OHD Gynecological laparoscopic kit 2 ACS
33 00191072162892 LLLS28H LAPAROSCOPY PACK FDE laparoscopy kit 2 ACS
34 00191072162885 LLLP55F UNIVERSAL LAPAROTOMY PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
35 00191072162878 LLLG34H LEG PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
36 00191072162861 HSBR41M BREAST PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
37 00191072162854 LLKD89F KIDNEY TRANSPLANT PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
38 00191072162847 LLHN44H HEAD & NECK AUXILIARY PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
39 00191072162823 HSWA82N DR. WARME ACL PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
40 00191072162816 LLHD88H UNIVERSAL HAND PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
41 00191072162809 LLGP47G GYN LAPAROSCOPY PACK OHD Gynecological laparoscopic kit 2 ACS
42 00191072162793 LLEC88D ADULT ECMO HEART PACK OEQ Angiography/angioplasty kit 2 ACS
43 00191072162786 HSEE43N EENT PACK OGR Ear, nose, and throat surgical tray 1 ACS
44 00191072162779 LLEC31L EAR PACK OGR Ear, nose, and throat surgical tray 1 ACS
45 00191072162762 LLCT45J PEDS CRANIOTOMY PACK OJG Neurological tray 1 ACS
46 00191072162755 LLCR99H ADULT CRANIOTOMY PACK OJG Neurological tray 1 ACS
47 00191072162748 HSPH40N DR. BEAN/DR. POAG HAND PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
48 00191072162731 LLBB26G BASIC BACK PACK LRO General surgery tray 2 ACS
49 00191072162724 LLUR11L URO ROBOTIC PPS NWU Endoscope introducer kit 2 ACS
50 00191072162717 HSAC62N ACL PACK OJH Orthopedic tray 1 ACS
Other products with the same Product Code "NWU"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00816765016305 00717274 00717274 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, basin, Revital-Ox Bedside, and lubr The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, basin, Revital-Ox Bedside, and lubricating jelly. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
2 00816765016299 00717271 00717271 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic spo The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, BioGuard 4-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
3 00816765016275 00717270 00717270 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, b The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, Double Header cleaning brush, and BioGuard 4-piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
4 00816765016268 00717269 00717269 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, Chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, Chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, compressed sponge, lubricating jelly, and suction tubing. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
5 00816765016251 00717267 00717267 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic spo The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, syringe, Double Header brush, BioGuard 2-piece kit, BioGuard air water cleaning adapter, BioShield biopsy valve, and Torrent scope connector. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
6 00816765016244 00717246 00717246 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, b The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, Revital-Ox enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
7 00816765016237 00717262 00717262 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, w The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, water detergent label, solidifier, Chux pad, basin, dry sponge, enzymatic sponge, lubricant jelly, syringe, DuoSwift brush, BioGuard 4-piece kit, BioGuard air water cleaning adapter, and O2 CO2 tubing. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
8 00816765016220 00717263 00717263 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, Chux pads, basin, Revital-Ox bedsid The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, Chux pads, basin, Revital-Ox bedside, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, BioGuard 4-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
9 00816765016213 00717264 00717264 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lu The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, and BioGuard 3-piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
10 00816765016206 00717265 00717265 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, Chux pads, basin, RevitalOx Bedside The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, Chux pads, basin, RevitalOx Bedsides, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, BioGuard 4-piece kits, BioGuard air water cleaning adapters, and bite block. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
11 00816765016190 00717259 00717259 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, water detergent label, simethicone The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, water detergent label, simethicone and water label, chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubings, syringe, BioGuard 4-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
12 00816765016183 00717258 00717258 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, water detergent label, simethicone The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, water detergent label, simethicone and water label, chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubings, syringe, BioGuard 4-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
13 00816765016176 00717257 00717257 VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, VIA b VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, gowns, DuoSwift squeegee brush, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
14 00816765016169 00717255 00717255 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, enzymatic sponge, lu The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, gowns, and bite block. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
15 00816765016152 00717236 00717236 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pads, gauze, biohazard stickers, The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pads, gauze, biohazard stickers, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, DuoSwift squeegee brush, BioGuard 3-piece kit, BioGuard air water cleaning adapter, and bite block. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
16 00816765016145 00717247 00717247 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze, chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, BioGuard air water cleaning adapter, BioShield biopsy valve, and Torrent scope connector. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
17 00816765016138 00717228 00717228 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, b The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, Double-Header cleaning brush, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. Via US ENDOSCOPY
18 00816765016121 00717254 00717254 The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lu The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, and BioGuard 3-piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
19 00816765016114 00717253 00717253 The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic sp The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, and suction tubing. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
20 00816765016107 00717251 00717251 The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, DuoSwift squeegee brush, BioGuard 4-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
21 00816765016091 00717252 00717252 The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
22 00816765016084 00717245 00717245 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, b The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
23 00816765016077 00717244 00717244 The VIA procedure kit-custom includes gauze, chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, The VIA procedure kit-custom includes gauze, chux pad, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, Double Header cleaning brush, BioGuard 4-piece kit, BioGuard air water cleaning adapter, and bite block. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
24 00816765016060 00717243 00717243 The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, b The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, Double Header cleaning brush, BioShield biopsy valve, and Torrent scope connector. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
25 00816765016053 00717235 00717235 The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic sp The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze, basin, enzymatic sponge, and lubricating jelly. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
26 00816765016046 00717242 00717242 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, b The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, syringe, and BioGuard 3-piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
27 00816765016039 00717234 00717234 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, b The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze, biohazard sticker, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, Double Header cleaning brush, and BioShield biopsy valve. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
28 00816765016022 00717230 00717230 The VIA procedure kit custom includes dry sponge, syringe, and Double Header cle The VIA procedure kit custom includes dry sponge, syringe, and Double Header cleaning brush. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
29 00816765016015 00717227 00717227 The VIA procedure kit custom includes enzymatic sponge, BioGuard 4-piece kit, an The VIA procedure kit custom includes enzymatic sponge, BioGuard 4-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
30 00816765015988 00717231 00717231 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze pads, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, l The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze pads, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, DuoSwift squeegee brush, BioGuard 3-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
31 00816765015971 00717223 00717223 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard stick The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, DuoSwift squeegee brush, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
32 00816765015964 00717225 00717225 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, DuoSwift squeegee brush, BioGuard 4 piece kit, and BioGuard AW cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
33 00816765015957 00717226 00717226 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, wter detergent and simethicone labels, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, syringes, BioGuard 4 piece kit, and BioGuard AW cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
34 00816765015940 00717224 00717224 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Revital Ox Bedside, lubricating jelly, syringe, Double Header cleaning brush, BioGuard 4 piece kit, and BioGuard AW cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
35 00816765015933 00717219 00717219 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard stick The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, DuoSwift squeegee brush, BioGuard 4 piece kit, and BioGuard AW cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
36 00816765015926 00717221 00717221 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, syringe, gowns, Double Header cleaning brush, BioGuard 4 piece kit, and BioGuard AW cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
37 00816765015919 00717220 00717220 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard stick The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, Double Header cleaning brush, and Torrent scope connector. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
38 00816765015902 00717218 00717218 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, biohazard sticker, Revita The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, biohazard sticker, Revital Ox bedside, lubricating jelly, Double Header cleaning brush, and BioGuard 3 piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
39 00816765015896 00717217 00717217 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, biohazard sticker, Revita The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, biohazard sticker, Revital Ox bedside, lubricating jelly, Double Header cleaning brush, and BioGuard 4 piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
40 00816765015889 00717211 00717211 The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Via basin, The VIA procedure kit custom includes gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, syringe, Double Header cleaning brush, BioGuard AW cleaning adapter, BioShield biopsy valve, and Torrent scope connector. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
41 00816765015872 00717215 00717215 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard stick The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, VIA basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, syringe, BioGuard 4-piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
42 00816765015865 00717214 00717214 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, enzy The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, enzymatic sponges, lubricating jelly, DuoSwift squeegee brush, and BioGuard 4-piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
43 00816765015858 00717208 00717208 The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, enzy The VIA procedure kit custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, BioGuard air water cleaning adapter, BioShield biopsy valve, and Torrent scope connector. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
44 00816765015841 00717213 00717213 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard st The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, syringe, and BioGuard 4 piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
45 00816765015834 00717210 00717210 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, solidifier, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, Double Header cleaning brush, and BioShield biopsy valve. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
46 00816765015827 00717203 00717203 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, Double Header cleaning brush, and BioGuard 4 piece kit. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
47 00816765015810 00717195 00717195 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, Via basin, and enzymatic sponge. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
48 00816765015803 00717209 00717209 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, en The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, syringe, BioGuard 3 piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
49 00816765015797 00717205 00717205 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, biohazard sticker, enzyma The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, biohazard sticker, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, BioGuard 4 piece kit, and BioGuard air water cleaning adapter. VIA US ENDOSCOPY
50 00816765015780 00717206 00717206 The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sti The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, solidifier, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, syringe, and Double Header cleaning brush. VIA US ENDOSCOPY