No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00087701434327 09553GNP 5mm pen needle UltiGuard FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen GNP
2 00087701434310 09543GNP 4mm Pen Needle UltiGuard FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen GNP
3 00087701433641 Advanced Early Result Pregnancy Test Good Neighbor DPS Advanced Early Result LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Good Neighbor
4 00087701427121 BP3AR1-4DABC DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
5 00087701738319 One Step Ovulation Predictor Good Neighbor Pharmacy One Step Ovulation Predictor 7ct CEP Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone Good Neighbor Pharmacy
6 00087701565861 700 A device designed to measure skin temperature at several different points using A device designed to measure skin temperature at several different points using liquid-crystal sensors that are sealed in a plastic band applied to the forehead. The device may be used in the home. This is a reusable device. KPD Strip, Temperature, Forehead, Liquid Crystal 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
7 00087701565847 KD-235 A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, vaginal o A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, vaginal or rectal use to measure a patient's basal body temperature for conception. The device has a rigid tip and an LCD display. It is designed to take a temperature reading in approximately 40 seconds. This is a reusable device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
8 00087701565809 753 25 pack of probe covers. A device intended to be used as a physical barrier betw 25 pack of probe covers. A device intended to be used as a physical barrier between the patient and the probe of a thermometer to prevent cross-contamination between patients. This is a single-use device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
9 00087701433733 10249687 8mm Pen Needle 100ct Box FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Good Neighbor Pharmacy
10 00087701433726 10249741 6mm Pen Needle 100ct Box FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Good Neighbor Pharmacy
11 00087701433719 10249792 4mm Pen Needle 100ct box FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Good Neighbor Pharmacy
12 00087701433634 Early Ovulation Test A convenience kit consisting of 10 Ovulation Test devices and 1 One-Step Pregnancy Test. CEP,LCX Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone,Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter 1 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
13 00087701432620 10231717 5mm Pen Needle 100ct box FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Good Neighbor Pharmacy
14 00087701432200 One Step Pregnancy Test Good Neighbor DPS +/- Blue Cap LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Good Neighbor Pharmacy
15 00087701427152 BP3NL1-1PABC DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
16 00087701427145 BP3NC1-2E DXN System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
17 00087701426438 10144900 6mm Pen Needle Box FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Good Neighbor Pharmacy
18 00087701426421 10145054 4mm Pen Needle box FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Good Neighbor Pharmacy
19 00087701426414 10144901 8mm Pen Needle box FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen Good Neighbor Pharmacy
20 00087701405112 40511 Sterile Saline Wound Wash. Packaged in an aerosol (BOV) can. FRO,FQH Dressing, Wound, Drug,Lavage, Jet Good Neighbor Pharmacy
21 00087701404634 KD-2050 A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm or rectal use to measure a patient's body temperature. The device has a flexible tip and an LCD display. It is designed to take a temperature reading in approximately 10 seconds. This is a reusable device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical Good Neighbor Pharmacy
22 00087701401619 KD-113 A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm or rectal use to measure a patient's body temperature. The device has a flexible tip and an LCD display. It is designed to take a temperature reading in approximately 10 seconds. This is a reusable device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
23 00087701400322 KI-8170 A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed to measure a patien A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed to measure a patient's body temperature from the inner ear. The device has an infrared probe and an LCD display. It is designed to take a temperature reading in approximately 5 seconds. This is a reusable device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
24 00087701400315 DTT-1 A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for temple use to m A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for temple use to measure a patient's body temperature. The device has an LCD display. It is designed to take a temperature reading in approximately 5 seconds. This is a reusable device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
25 00087701391309 720 A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm or rectal use to to measure a patient's body temperature. The device has a rigid tip and an LCD display. It is designed to take a temperature reading in approximately 30 seconds. This is a reusable device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
26 00087701373664 KD-118 A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed for oral, under arm or rectal use to measure a patient's body temperature. The device has a rigid tip and an LCD display. It is designed to take a temperature reading in approximately 60 seconds. This is a reusable device. FLL Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical 2 Good Neighbor Pharmacy
27 00087710434349 09583GNP 8mm pen needle UltiGuard FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen GNP
28 00087701434341 09583GNP 8mm pen needle UltiGuard FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen 2 GNP
29 00087701434334 09562GNP 6mm 32G pen needle UltiGuard FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen GNP
30 00087701552625 FPPL Good Neighbor Pharmacy One Step Pregnancy Test LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Good Neighbor Pharmacy One Step Pregnancy Test
31 00087701894800 FPPL FPPL Good Neighbor DPS +/- LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Good Neighbor Pharmacy One Step Pregnancy Test
32 00087701401817 PLPL PLPL Good Neighbor SPS Early Result Bonus LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter Good Neighbor Pharmacy Early Result Pregnancy Test
33 00087701412424 F406-906GP GNP EAR PLUG SILICONE 6PAIR EWD Protector, Hearing (Insert) GOOD NEIGHBOR PHARMACY
34 00087701412417 68000GP GNP EAR PLUG FOAM QUIET TIME 10PAIR 6/72 EWD Protector, Hearing (Insert) GOOD NEIGHBOR PHARMACY
35 00087701412394 F408-150GP GNP EAR PLUG FOAM QUIET PLEASE 10PAIR 6/72 EWD Protector, Hearing (Insert) GOOD NEIGHBOR PHARMACY
Other products with the same Product Code "LCX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00846841060748 HCG (1.0) One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Strip mibest BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
3 00846841012365 HCG (3.0) One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test Strip ChoiceMMed BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
4 00846036009446 G600944 One Step Pregnancy Test, 1 count GOODSENSE GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
5 00846036009187 One Step Pregnancy Test Good Sense DPS +/- Blue Cap Good Sense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
6 00846036009170 One Step Pregnancy Test Good Sense SPS +/- Blue Cap Good Sense GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
7 00846036006407 FPPL FPPL Good Sense DPS +/- Good Sense One Step Pregnancy Test GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
8 00846036006391 FPPL FPPL Good Sense SPS +/- Good Sense One Step Pregnancy Test GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
9 00846036006186 PLPL Good Sense DPS Early Good Sense Early Result Pregnancy Test GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
10 00846036006179 PLPL PLPL Good Sense SPS Early Good Sense Early Result Pregnancy Test GEISS, DESTIN & DUNN, INC
11 00840986037108 Advanced One-Step Pregnancy Test Premier Value DPS +/- Blue Cap 2 ct Premier Value PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
12 00840986037009 One Step Pregnancy Test FPPL Premier Value DPS +/- Blue Cap Premier Value PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
13 00840986036996 One Step Pregnancy Test FPPL Premier Value SPS +/- Blue Cap Premier Value PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
14 00840986021091 Early Result Pregnancy Test PLPL Premier Value DPS Early Premier Value PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
15 00840986016646 One Step Pregnancy Test FPPL Premier Value DPS +/- Premier Value PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
16 00840986016639 One Step Pregnancy Test FPPL Premier Value SPS +/- Premier Value PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
17 00840239028228 RAP-2822 RAP-2822 This is a test for the qualitative detection of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HC This is a test for the qualitative detection of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in urine. HCG midstream Test DRG INTERNATIONAL INC
18 00829576076703 Early Ovulation Test A convenience kit consisting of 10 Ovulation Test devices and 1 One Step Pregnancy Test. Up & Up TARGET CORPORATION
19 00819221012002 0001 Pregnancy Test PARA-AID MCURE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, INC.
20 00817763021964 F5-OST20/2 F5-OST20/2 Ovultell LH Urine Test Strip (4mm), 20 strips in Canister; hCG Urine Test Strip Ovultell LH Urine Test Strip (4mm), 20 strips in Canister; hCG Urine Test Strip (4mm), 2 individually pouched strips and 5 Cups (Self-Testing) for Hemosure Ovultell® HEMOSURE INC.
21 00817415021069 788525 788525 Pregnancy hCG Test Cassette, 25/Box Dealmed DEALMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC
22 00816862025378 W1-S W1-S 1-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
23 00816862025361 W1-MII W1-MII 1-Midstream; hCG Pregnancy Mini-Midstream Test Wondfo Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
24 00816862025354 W1-M W1-M 1-Midstream; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Wondfo Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
25 00816862025347 W1-C W1-C 1-Panel Cassette; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
26 00816862022469 PRE-H20L50 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
27 00816862022216 SW1-S 1-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test SCI Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
28 00816862022179 HCG-PRE-OTC10 1-Midstreams; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Retail Box 1 Pcs Preview 10 MIU Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
29 00816862022148 SW1-C 1-Panel Cassette; hCG Pregnancy Test SCI Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
30 00816862021905 W1-S3 1 Strip; hCG Serum/Urine Test Strip Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
31 00816862021721 PRE-HCG-25SE Preview Early Result Test Strip Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
32 00816862021615 WS-H20L50B 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
33 00816862021516 W1-S10 25-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test 10mIU Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
34 00816862021509 PRE-HCG-25C Preview hCG Pregnancy Test Cassette Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
35 00816862021493 PRE-HCG-25S Preview hCG Pregnancy Test Strip Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
36 00816862021349 W1-S25 25-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
37 00816862020960 WMII-H2L10 WMII-H2L10 2+10 Mini-Midstream Combo; 2 hCG Pregnancy Test + 10 LH Ovulation Test Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
38 00816862020953 WS-H20L50 WS-H20L50 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
39 00816862020946 W1-S20 W1-S20 20-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
40 00816862020366 W1-MII W1-MII 1-Midstream; hCG Pregnancy Mini-Midstream Test Wondfo Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
41 00816862020359 W1-M W1-M 1-Midstream; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Wondfo Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
42 00816862020342 W1-C W1-C 1-Panel Cassette; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo Pregnancy Test WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
43 00816490021261 GAHCG-105a GAHCG-105a hCG women pregnancy Test (Urine, 25mIU/ml) Healgen HEALGEN SCIENTIFIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
44 00816490021131 GAHCG-103a GAHCG-103a hCG women pregnancy Test midstream (Urine; 25mIU/ml) Healgen HEALGEN SCIENTIFIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
45 00816490021124 GAHCG-101a GAHCG-101a hCG rapidTest Strip(Urine,25mIU/ml) Healgen HEALGEN SCIENTIFIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
46 00816490021117 GAHCG-102a GAHCG-102a hCG women pregnancy Test cassette(Urine, 25mIU/ml) Healgen HEALGEN SCIENTIFIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
47 00816036025968 STP-10-0 STP-10-0 Single STATDIP Pregnancy Midstream 10 mIU/mL, 1 Test per Box STATTEST Home Pregnancy Test MICRO DISTRIBUTING, L.C
48 00810038632520 PM1-S PMS-130 Premom Pregnancy Test Strips (30 test per kit) Premom Pregnancy Test Strips (30 Tests) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
49 00810038631974 EZW1-S EZW1-S-60 60 tests per kit; HCG strips Easy@Home Pregnancy Test (60 HCG strips) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
50 00810038631417 EZW2-S, EZW1-S EZ-WS10040 100 LH strips + 40 HCG strips Easy@Home Ovulation Test Kit (100 LH strips + 40 HCG strips ) EASY HEALTHCARE CORPORATION