Other products from "BIOMERICA, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00083059070255 7025 The Biomerica EPO ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Erythr The Biomerica EPO ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Erythropoietin (EPO) in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use, as an aid in the diagnosis of anemias and polycythemias. With the advent of the administration of recombinant erythropoietin as a biologic therapy to increase red blood cell mass, an erythropoietin assay may be used also to aid in the prediction and monitoring of response to recombinant erythropoietin treatment in persons with anemias. GGT Assay, Erythropoietin 2 EPO [Erythropoietin] ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
2 08305900070255 7025 The Biomerica EPO ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Erythr The Biomerica EPO ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Erythropoietin (EPO) in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use, as an aid in the diagnosis of anemias and polycythemias. With the advent of the administration of recombinant erythropoietin as a biologic therapy to increase red blood cell mass, an erythropoietin assay may be used also to aid in the prediction and monitoring of response to recombinant erythropoietin treatment in persons with anemias. GGT Assay, Erythropoietin 2 EPO [Erythropoietin] ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
3 00083059070330 7033 The hsCRP ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of C-reactive pro The hsCRP ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of C-reactive protein (CRP) in human serum. Enhanced sensitivity measurements of CRP can be useful for the detection and evaluation of infection, tissue injury, inflammatory disorders and associated diseases. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 HIGH SENSITIVITY C-REACTIVE PROTEIN ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY TEST KIT
4 00083059070316 7031 The cTnI ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of cardiac troponi The cTnI ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of cardiac troponin I in human serum. Measurement of troponin I values are useful in the evaluation of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). MMI Immunoassay Method, Troponin Subunit 2 TROPONIN I (HUMAN CARDIAC-SPECIFIC) ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY TEST KIT
5 00083059070040 7004 The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antib The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antibodies to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in human serum. It is a serum test which, when used with other clinical information, can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of infection caused by H. pylori. LYR Helicobacter Pylori 1 GAP®-IgG (Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Test)
6 08305900070330 7033 The hsCRP ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of C-reactive pro The hsCRP ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of C-reactive protein (CRP) in human serum. Enhanced sensitivity measurements of CRP can be useful for the detection and evaluation of infection, tissue injury, inflammatory disorders and associated diseases. DCK C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control 2 HIGH SENSITIVITY C-REACTIVE PROTEIN ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY TEST KIT
7 08305900070316 7031 The cTnI ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of cardiac troponi The cTnI ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of cardiac troponin I in human serum. Measurement of troponin I values are useful in the evaluation of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). MMI Immunoassay Method, Troponin Subunit 2 TROPONIN I (HUMAN CARDIAC-SPECIFIC) ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY TEST KIT
8 08305900070040 7004 The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antib The GAP-IgG is an ELISA test for the qualitative detection of IgG specific antibodies to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in human serum. It is a serum test which, when used with other clinical information, can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of infection caused by H. pylori. LYR Helicobacter Pylori 1 GAP®-IgG (Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Test)
9 00083059104851 1048-25 The EZ-hCGTM Urine test is a one-step immunoassay for the rapid, qualitative det The EZ-hCGTM Urine test is a one-step immunoassay for the rapid, qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine, for the early detection of pregnancy. JHI Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use 2 EZ-hCG Urine Pregnancy Test
10 00083059070781 7078 The Biomerica E. histolytica/dispar ELISA is intended for the qualitative detect The Biomerica E. histolytica/dispar ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Entamoeba specific antigen in fecal specimens. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. KHW Antigen, Id, Ha, Cep, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel. Spp. 2 E. histolytica ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
11 00083059070309 7030 The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin in human serum. DRR Amplifier And Signal Conditioner, Biopotential 2 Myoglobin Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit
12 08305901048253 1048-25 The EZ-hCGTM Urine test is a one-step immunoassay for the rapid, qualitative det The EZ-hCGTM Urine test is a one-step immunoassay for the rapid, qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine, for the early detection of pregnancy. JHI Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use 2 EZ-hCG Urine Pregnancy Test
13 08305900070781 7078 The Biomerica E. histolytica/dispar ELISA is intended for the qualitative detect The Biomerica E. histolytica/dispar ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Entamoeba specific antigen in fecal specimens. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. KHW Antigen, Id, Ha, Cep, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel. Spp. 2 E. histolytica ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
14 08305900070309 7030 The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin The Myoglobin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of myoglobin in human serum. DRR Amplifier And Signal Conditioner, Biopotential 2 Myoglobin Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit
15 08305900070231 7023 The Biomerica ACTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of ACTH The Biomerica ACTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) in human plasma. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. CKG Radioimmunoassay, Acth 2 ACTH [Adrenocorticotropic Hormone] ELISA
16 00083059070231 7023 The Biomerica ACTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of ACTH The Biomerica ACTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) in human plasma. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. CKG Radioimmunoassay, Acth 2 ACTH [Adrenocorticotropic Hormone] ELISA
17 00083059010015 1001 The EZ DETECT Test is for in vitro qualitative detection of occult blood in the The EZ DETECT Test is for in vitro qualitative detection of occult blood in the stool -- an early indicator of various gastrointestinal bleeding disorders. The test is dispensed by the physician to the patient for home use. KHE Reagent, Occult Blood 2 EZ Detect Fecal Occult Blood Test
18 00083059150155 1501-15 The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualit The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Giardia antigens in human stool samples. The In Vitro test is intended for professional use only. MHI Giardia Spp. 2 EZ-GIARDIA One-Step Giardia Test
19 08305901501154 1501-15 The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualit The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Giardia antigens in human stool samples. The In Vitro test is intended for professional use only. MHI Giardia Spp. 2 EZ-GIARDIA One-Step Giardia Test
20 08305900010015 1001 The EZ DETECT Test is for in vitro qualitative detection of occult blood in the The EZ DETECT Test is for in vitro qualitative detection of occult blood in the stool -- an early indicator of various gastrointestinal bleeding disorders. The test is dispensed by the physician to the patient for home use. KHE Reagent, Occult Blood 2 EZ Detect Fecal Occult Blood Test
21 08305900070699 7069 The Biomerica Giardia ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Giardia The Biomerica Giardia ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Giardia antigen in fecal specimens. This assay is intended for research use only. MHI Giardia Spp. 2 Giardia ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
22 00083059100952 1009-15 The Biomerica Shigella species test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid The Biomerica Shigella species test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determination of the presence of Shigella species in human stool samples. The test is intended for professional use only. GNB Antisera, All Types, Shigella Spp. 2 EZ-SHIGELLA One-Step Shigella species Rapid Test
23 00083059100754 1007-15 The Biomerica Salmonella test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determ The Biomerica Salmonella test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determination of the presence of Salmonella species in human stool samples. The test is intended for professional use only. GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 EZ-SALMONELLA One-Step Salmonella species Rapid Test
24 08305900070224 7022 The Biomerica Intact-PTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of The Biomerica Intact-PTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Intact-PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. CEW Radioimmunoassay, Parathyroid Hormone 2 Intact-PTH [Parathyroid Hormone] ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
25 00083059070248 7024 The Biomerica Calcitonin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of The Biomerica Calcitonin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Calcitonin in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. JKR Radioimmunoassay, Calcitonin 2 Calcitonin ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
26 00083059070224 7022 The Biomerica Intact-PTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of The Biomerica Intact-PTH ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Intact-PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. CEW Radioimmunoassay, Parathyroid Hormone 2 Intact-PTH [Parathyroid Hormone] ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
27 08305901009155 1009-15 The Biomerica Shigella species test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid The Biomerica Shigella species test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determination of the presence of Shigella species in human stool samples. The test is intended for professional use only. GNB Antisera, All Types, Shigella Spp. 2 EZ-SHIGELLA One-Step Shigella species Rapid Test
28 08305901007151 1007-15 The Biomerica Salmonella test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determ The Biomerica Salmonella test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid determination of the presence of Salmonella species in human stool samples. The test is intended for professional use only. GRM Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp. 2 EZ-SALMONELLA One-Step Salmonella species Rapid Test
29 08305900070248 7024 The Biomerica Calcitonin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of The Biomerica Calcitonin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Calcitonin in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. JKR Radioimmunoassay, Calcitonin 2 Calcitonin ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
30 00083059012071 1207 The Aware™ Pad is intended to be used as an aid for performing breast self-examination. IYO System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 Aware Breast Self-Exam Pad
31 00083059012033 1203 The Aware™ Pad is intended to be used as an aid for performing breast self-examination. IYO System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 Aware Breast Self-Exam Pad
32 00083059100013 1000-1 Home Test For Hidden Blood in The Stool KHE Reagent, Occult Blood 2 EZ Detect Colon Disease Test
33 00083059070637 7063 The Biomerica Cryptosporidium ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of The Biomerica Cryptosporidium ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Cryptosporidium-specific antigen (CSA) in fecal specimens. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. MHJ Cryptosporidium Spp. 2 Cryptosporidium ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
34 08305900100013 1000-1 Home Test For Hidden Blood in The Stool KHE Reagent, Occult Blood 2 EZ Detect Colon Disease Test
35 08305900070637 7063 The Biomerica Cryptosporidium ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of The Biomerica Cryptosporidium ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Cryptosporidium-specific antigen (CSA) in fecal specimens. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. MHJ Cryptosporidium Spp. 2 Cryptosporidium ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay]
36 08305900012033 1203 The Aware™ Pad is intended to be used as an aid for performing breast self-examination. IYO System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic 2 Aware Breast Self-Exam Pad
Other products with the same Product Code "MHI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 M445MCCCGDFA750 MCC-C/G-DFA 75 MCC-C/G-DFA 75 The Para-Tect Cryptosporidium/Giardia kit is intended to detect Cryptosporidium The Para-Tect Cryptosporidium/Giardia kit is intended to detect Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in human stool by direct immunofluorescence microscopy. This kit contains enough reagents for 75 tests. Para-Tect Cryptosporidium/Giardia Direct Fluorescence Assay MEDICAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION
2 08305901501154 1501-15 The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualit The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Giardia antigens in human stool samples. The In Vitro test is intended for professional use only. EZ-GIARDIA One-Step Giardia Test BIOMERICA, INC.
3 08305900070699 7069 The Biomerica Giardia ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Giardia The Biomerica Giardia ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Giardia antigen in fecal specimens. This assay is intended for research use only. Giardia ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay] BIOMERICA, INC.
4 05391516746335 1206611 1206611 Uni-Gold™ Giardia Control, Giardia Positive and Negative Control, 1 Positive and Uni-Gold™ Giardia Control, Giardia Positive and Negative Control, 1 Positive and 1 Negative Trinity Biotech MARDX DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
5 05391516746328 1206610 1206610 Uni-Gold™ Giardia, 20 Tests Trinity Biotech MARDX DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
6 00893038002180 96100 96100 Triage® Micro Parasite Panel Triage® ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC.
7 00857031002547 T5032 The TECHLAB® TRl-COMBO PARASITE SCREEN test is an enzyme immunoassay for the sim The TECHLAB® TRl-COMBO PARASITE SCREEN test is an enzyme immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative detection of Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp. and/or E. histolytica antigen in human fecal specimens. The test is indicated as an aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal infection when giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis and amebiasis is suspected. The test does not differentiate between the three parasites and follow-up testing is required for all positive results to confirm the specific diagnosis. TRI-COMBO PARASITE SCREEN TECHLAB, INC.
8 00857031002400 T30408 The TECHLAB® TRl-COMBO PARASITE SCREEN test is an enzyme immunoassay for the sim The TECHLAB® TRl-COMBO PARASITE SCREEN test is an enzyme immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative detection of Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp. and/or E. histolytica antigen in human fecal specimens. The test is indicated as an aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal infection when giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis and amebiasis is suspected. The test does not differentiate between the three parasites and follow-up testing is required for all positive results to confirm the specific diagnosis. TRI-COMBO PARASITE SCREEN TECHLAB, INC.
9 00857031002295 PT5012 The GIARDIA II test is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Gi The GIARDIA II test is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Giardia lamblia cyst antigen in human fecal specimens. It is indicated for use with fecal specimens from patients with diarrhea to determine the presence of G. lamblia gastrointestinal infection. This test can be used for fecal specimens submitted for routine clinical testing from adults or children. GIARDIA II TECHLAB, INC.
10 00857031002165 T30407 The GIARDIA/CRYPTOSPORIDIUM QUIK CHEK™ test is a rapid membrane enzyme immunoass The GIARDIA/CRYPTOSPORIDIUM QUIK CHEK™ test is a rapid membrane enzyme immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of Giardia cyst antigen and Cryptosporidium oocyst antigen in a single test device. It is intended for use with human fecal specimens from patients with gastrointestinal symptoms to aid in the diagnosis of Giardia and/or Cryptosporidium gastrointestinal infection. The test results should be considered in conjunction with the patient history. GIARDIA/CRYPTOSPORIDIUM QUIK CHEK TECHLAB, INC.
11 00857031002028 30405 The GIARDIA II test is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Gi The GIARDIA II test is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Giardia lamblia cyst antigen in human fecal specimens. It is indicated for use with fecal specimens from patients with diarrhea to determine the presence of G. lamblia gastrointestinal infection. This test can be used for fecal specimens submitted for routine clinical testing from adults or children. GIARDIA II TECHLAB, INC.
12 00848838027017 R2458596 NA OXOID LIMITED
13 00848838027000 R2458496 NA OXOID LIMITED
14 00848838026997 R2458096 NA OXOID LIMITED
15 00848838026881 R2450530 NA REMEL, INC.
16 00848838026874 R2450520 Xpect Giardia/Crypto KT/20TST NA REMEL, INC.
17 00848838026867 R2450030 NA REMEL, INC.
18 00848838026850 R2450020 Xpect Giardia KT/20TST NA REMEL, INC.
19 00840733101113 250050 250050 MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia (MERIFLUOR C/G) is an in vitro direct immunofl MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia (MERIFLUOR C/G) is an in vitro direct immunofluorescent detection procedure for the simultaneous detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in fecal material. MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia MERIDIAN BIOSCIENCE, INC.
20 00742860100017 750830 750830 ImmunoStat G/C 30 Test Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
21 00613647000304 23-200-277 23200277 Sure-Vue Signature Cryptosporidium and Giardia Test Kit Sure-Vue FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY L.L.C.
22 00083059150155 1501-15 The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualit The Biomerica Giardia test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Giardia antigens in human stool samples. The In Vitro test is intended for professional use only. EZ-GIARDIA One-Step Giardia Test BIOMERICA, INC.
23 00083059070699 7069 The Biomerica Giardia ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Giardia The Biomerica Giardia ELISA is intended for the qualitative detection of Giardia antigen in fecal specimens. This assay is intended for research use only. Giardia ELISA [Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay] BIOMERICA, INC.