No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00078300119005 11900 Playtex Sport 8 CT Regular HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
2 00078300117346 11734 Playtex Sport Super 48 CT HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
3 00078300117339 11733 Playtex Sport Regular 48 CT HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented Playtex
4 00078300117322 11732 Playtex Sport 48 CT Multipack 2/3 HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented Playtex
5 00078300098461 09846 Playtex Gentle Glide Plastic HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED Playtex
6 00078300098393 09839 Playtex Gentle Glide Plastic HIL Tampon, menstrual, scented, deodorized 2 Playtex
7 00078300083474 08347 Carefree Breathe 16 Count Liners 12/CS HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
8 00078300098386 09838 Playtex Gentle Glide Plastic HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED 2 Playtex
9 00078300098379 09837 Playtex Gentle Glide Plastic HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED 2 Playtex
10 00078300098362 09836 Playtex Gentle Glide Plastic HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED Playtex
11 00078300098331 09833 Playtex Gentle Glide Plastic HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED Playtex
12 00078300089971 08997 Playtex Gentle Glide 36ct Multipk HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
13 00078300089964 08996 Playtex Gentle Glide 36ct Multipk HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED 2 Playtex
14 00078300084808 08480 Playtex Super Deoderant Tampon HIL Tampon, menstrual, scented, deodorized 2 Playtex
15 00078300031000 03100 CF ORIGINAL LONG IFW UNSC 18ct 6/C HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
16 00078300028505 02850 Playtex Stella 16ct super compact HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
17 00078300028499 02849 Playtex Stella 16ct regular compact HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
18 00078300028017 02801 Playtex Simply Gentle Glide 20ct Sup Unsc Tamp HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
19 00078300027829 02782 Playtex Simply Gentle Glide 20ct Reg Unsc Tamp HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED Playtex
20 00078300027799 02779 Playtex Simply Gentle Glide 20ct Sup Unsc Tamp HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
21 00078300026914 02691 Sport 80ct Super Unscented HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
22 00078300026655 02665 Sport 80ct Reg Unscented HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
23 00078300026037 02603 Playtex Sport 50ct MultiPack Tampons (Re/Super) HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
24 00078300025542 02554 Sport 36ct Compact Super Tampons 4/3 HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED Playtex
25 00078300025535 02553 Sport 36ct Compact Regular Tampons 4/3 HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
26 00078300018278 01827 Playtex Sport 36Ct HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
27 00078300018230 01823 Sport Super Tampons 18ct Compact 4/3 HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
28 00078300018223 01822 Sport Regular Tampons 18ct Compact 4/3 HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
29 00078300007531 00753 Sport 20ct Reg Body Shape Liners HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Playtex
30 00078300002208 00220 Playtex Sport 32ct MultiPk Odorshield Scented HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED Playtex
31 00078300002192 00219 Playtex Sport 32ct Super Odorshield Scented HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED 2 Playtex
32 00078300002185 00218 Playtex Sport 32ct Reg Odorshield Scented HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED 2 Playtex
33 00078300002178 00217 Playtex Sport 16ct Super Odorshield Scented HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED Playtex
34 00078300002161 00216 Playtex Sport 16ct Reg Odorshield Scented HIL TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, SCENTED, DEODORIZED 2 Playtex
35 00078300099338 09933 Playtex 36ct Sport Unscnt HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
36 00078300099277 09927 Playtex Unscented Tampon HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED 2 Playtex
37 00078300099239 09923 Playtex Sport 36ct Sup Unsc HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED Playtex
38 00078300070191 07019 o.b. MultiPack 18ct. 6/4 HEB Tampon, menstrual, unscented 2 Playtex
39 00078300070184 07018 o.b. Ultra 18ct. 6/4 HEB TAMPON, MENSTRUAL, UNSCENTED Playtex
40 00078300070030 07003 CF ORIGINAL LONG IFW UNSC 18 HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
41 00078300070047 07004 CF Original Long Flat Unsc 92ct 3/cs HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
42 00078300070016 07001 CF Thong 49ct 9/cs HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
43 00078300069942 06994 CF BDY SHP REG UNSCNT QK WRP 54 HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
44 00078300070009 07000 CF BS REG UNSC QW 126 HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
45 00078300069980 06998 CF BODYSHAPE LONG FLAT UNSC 112 HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
46 00078300069973 06997 CF ORIGINAL FLAT LIGHT SC 60 NRC Pads, menstrual, scented-deodorized 1 Carefree
47 00078300069935 06993 CF BDYSHP XLNG UNSCNT INV F&W 93 HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
48 00078300069928 06992 CF ORIGINAL IFW BKG SODA UNSC 54 HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
49 00078300069911 06991 CF BODYSHAPE THIN QW OC 22 NRC Pads, menstrual, scented-deodorized 1 Carefree
50 00078300069904 06990 CF BODYSHAPE QW OC 20 HHD Pad, menstrual, unscented 1 Carefree
Other products with the same Product Code "HEB"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00840986026867 BPVGC36 Multi Pack of 36 tampons, 8 Light, 20 Regular and 8 Super absorbency Premier Value Tampons PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
2 00840986026850 BPVGS18 Premier Value Tampons PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
3 00840986016219 BPVAP40 Premier Value Tampons PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
4 00840986016202 BPVAS40 Premier Value Tampons PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
5 00840986016196 BPVAR40 Premier Value Tampons PHARMACY VALUE ALLIANCE, LLC
6 00834533009281 BDOPS06 Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
7 00834533009274 BDOPR06 Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
8 00834533009250 BDOGS18 Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
9 00834533009243 BDOGR20 Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
10 00834533004767 245-04-0521 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
11 00834533004729 245-04-0408 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
12 00834533004705 BDGFR18 DG Health DOLGENCORP, LLC
13 00834533004545 245-04-0362 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
14 00834533004538 245-04-0370 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
15 00834533001407 BDGGP36 DG Health DOLGENCORP, LLC
16 00834533001391 BDGGC(R/S/P)36 Multipack of 36 tampons, 20 Regular, 8 Super and 8 Super plus absorbency DG Health DOLGENCORP, LLC
17 00834533001377 BDGGR36 DG Health DOLGENCORP, LLC
18 00834533001353 BDGGS30 DG Health TAMPONS DOLGENCORP, LLC
19 00834533001339 BALFR04 Safe & Soft tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
20 00834533001322 BKASBK500 Safe & soft tampons, Super absorbency, 500 bulk tampons in a case Safe & Soft tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
21 00834533001315 BKARBK500 Safe & soft cardboard applicator tampon, Regular absorbency - bulk 500 tampon in a case Safe & Soft tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
22 00834533001308 BKDRBK500 Safe and Soft Bulk non applicator tampons - 500 tampon in a case Safe & Soft tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
23 00834533001292 BDGGR30 DG Health TAMPONS DOLGENCORP, LLC
24 00834533001261 BDOGS08 Dollar Tree Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
25 00834533001254 BDOGR08 Dollar Tree Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
26 00834533001247 245-04-0477 Up&Up tampons TARGET CORPORATION
27 00834533001230 245-04-0501 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
28 00834533001209 245-04-0478 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
29 00834533001148 245-04-0285 Multi pack of 36 - 18 Regular/18 Super Up&Up TARGET CORPORATION
30 00834533001131 245-04-0284 Multi pack of 34 - 17 Regular/17 Super Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
31 00834533001117 BHAGS05 Core Values Tampons HARMON STORES, INC.
32 00834533001100 BHAGR05 Core Values Tampons HARMON STORES, INC.
33 00834533001070 BDGPC18 Multipack of 18 plastic applicator tampons, 9 regular and 9 Super absorbency DG Health Tampons DOLGENCORP, LLC
34 00834533001049 BDOGS08 Dolar Tree Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
35 00834533001032 BDOGR08 Dolar Tree Tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
36 00834533001018 BDGGS36 DG Health DOLGENCORP, LLC
37 00834533000998 BDGFC34 Multipack of 34 tampons, 17 Regular and 17 Super absorbency DG Health DOLGENCORP, LLC
38 00834533000981 BDGFS18 DG Health DOLGENCORP, LLC
39 00834533000974 BHAXS18 Core Values Tampons HARMON STORES, INC.
40 00834533000967 BHAXR18 Core Values Tampons HARMON STORES, INC.
41 00834533000950 BHAGS18 Core Values Tampons HARMON STORES, INC.
42 00834533000943 BHAGC36 Multi pack of 36 tampons - 8 Light, 20 Regular and 8 Super absorbency Core Values Tampons HARMON STORES, INC.
43 00834533000905 BDEGP15 Safe & Soft tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
44 00834533000899 BDEGS15 Safe & Soft tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
45 00834533000882 BDEGR15 Safe & Soft tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
46 00834533000844 BDOPP18 Dolar tree tampons AL-BAD MASSUOT YITZHAK LTD
47 00834533000561 245-04-0058 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION
48 00834533000516 BDGPP18+3 DG Health Tampons DOLGENCORP, LLC
49 00834533000509 BDGPR18+3 DG Health Tampons DOLGENCORP, LLC
50 00834533000493 245-04-0805 Up&Up Tampons TARGET CORPORATION