Other products from "H. E. BUTT GROCERY COMPANY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00041220604647 BHEPR34 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
2 00041220329366 041220329366 Extra Strength Nasal Strips, Tan LWF Dilator, Nasal H-E-B
3 00041220865475 G20 Blood Glucose Monitoring System NBW System, Test, Blood Glucose, Over The Counter 2 H-E-B inControl
4 00041220863174 BLB Power Toothbrush, Kids, Dual Zone, Soft JEQ Toothbrush, Powered HEBuddy
5 00041220660544 UGN Floss, Unwaxed, 100YD JES Floss, Dental 1 Hill Country Essentials
6 00041220660469 UVH Floss, Mint, 100YD JES Floss, Dental 1 Hill Country Essentials
7 00041220501120 7A7 Flosser, Center Pick, Hi-Tech, Mint JES Floss, Dental 1 Rexall
8 00041220906833 BHESGP18 HIL Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized H-E-B Tampons
9 00041220906178 BHEAC40 Multi Pack of 40 tampons, 8 Light, 16 Regular and 16 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
10 00041220906147 BHEAR20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
11 00041220906130 BHEAS20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
12 00041220906123 BHEAP20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
13 00041220897469 BHEPC18 Multi PAck of 18 tampons, 9 Regular and 9 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
14 00041220897452 BHEPR18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
15 00041220897445 BHEPS18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
16 00041220897438 BHEPP18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
17 00041220816194 BHEGC(L/R/S) Multipack of 36 tampons, Ligth Rrgular and Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
18 00041220805600 BHEGS36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
19 00041220791484 79148 79148 1mL 29G 1/2" (12.7mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steri 1mL 29G 1/2" (12.7mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
20 00041220791477 79147 79147 0.5mL 29G 1/2" (12mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steri 0.5mL 29G 1/2" (12mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
21 00041220791460 79146 79146 1mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
22 00041220791453 79145 79145 0.5mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.5mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
23 00041220791446 79144 79144 0.3mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.3mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
24 00041220791439 79143 79143 1mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
25 00041220791422 79142 79142 0.5mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.5mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
26 00041220791415 79141 79141 0.3mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.3mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
27 00041220535064 BHEGR36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
28 00041220651504 BHEGP18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
29 00041220651498 BHEGS18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
30 00041220651481 BHEGR20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
31 00041220582150 BHEGC36 Tampons Multipack - 20 Regular, 8 Super and 8 Super plus Absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
32 00041220573752 BHEGR36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
33 00041220573745 BHEPC34 Tampons Multi pack of 17 Regular and 17 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
34 00041220537303 BHEGC96 Multipack of 96 tampons, 18 Light, 39 Regular and 39 Super Absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
35 00041220537280 BHEGS50 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
36 00041220537266 BHEGR50 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
37 00041220537235 BHEGC72 Multipavk of 72 tampons 14 light, 29 Regular and 29 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
38 00041220537211 BHEGP18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
39 00041220537150 BHEGS18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
40 00041220537129 BHEGR18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
41 00041220535316 BHEAC40 Mulipack of 40 tampons, 8 light, 16 Regular and 16 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
42 00041220535200 BHEGL36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
43 00041220535187 BHEGP36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
44 00041220535088 BHEGC(R/S/P) Mulipackmof 36 tampons, Regular, Super and Super plus absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
45 00041220255672 BHESGC36 Multi pack of 36 tampons, 8 Light, 20 Regular and 8 Super absorbency HIL Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized 2 H-E-B Tampons
46 00041220149667 BHEGP36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
47 00041220149650 BHEGS36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
48 00041220149612 BHEGL36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
49 00041220032020 BHESGR20 HIL Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized H-E-B Tampons
50 00041220032013 BHESGS18 HIL Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized H-E-B Tampons
Other products with the same Product Code "CGA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 05055273203318 GL7952 GL7952 The product is intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose i The product is intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose in serum, plasma or urine. GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
2 05055273203271 GL3981 GL3981 A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determi A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose concentration in serum, plasma and urine GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
3 05055273203240 GL3815 GL3815 A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determi A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose concentration in serum, plasma and urine GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
4 05055273203233 GL366 GL366 A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determi A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose concentration in serum, plasma and urine GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
5 05055273203226 GL364 GL364 A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determi A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose concentration in serum, plasma and urine GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
6 05055273203202 GL2623 GL2623 A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determi A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose concentration in serum, plasma and urine GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
7 05055273203196 GL2614 GL2614 A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determi A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose concentration in serum, plasma and urine GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
8 05055273203165 GL1021 GL1021 A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determi A glucose test system is a device intended for the quantitative in vitro determination of Glucose concentration in serum, plasma and urine GLUC-PAP RANDOX LABORATORIES LIMITED
9 04719871820308 GOD21 Perfect 3 Control Solution-Medium Perfect 3 BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
10 04719871820292 GOD11/BLL001RO Oracle Control Solution - Low(BYGOD11BT) Oracle BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
11 04719871820285 GOD31 Perfect 3 Control Solution-High Perfect 3 BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
12 04719871820278 GOD21/BLM001ROA Oracle Control Solution - Medium(BYGOD21BT) Oracle BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
13 04719871820261 8818 Perfect 3 Blood Glucose Test Strip1.Part Number:BY8818G0NL42.Packing Materials N Perfect 3 Blood Glucose Test Strip1.Part Number:BY8818G0NL42.Packing Materials No.:BL8818PEA Perfect 3 BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
14 04719871820254 GOD31/BLH001ROA Oracle Control Solution- High(BYGOD31BT) Oracle BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
15 04719871820247 6268 Perfect 3 Meter Only Perfect 3 BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
16 04719871820230 8818/BL8818ROA Oracle Blood Glucose Test Strip(BY8818G0NL4) Oracle BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
17 04719871820223 6267 Perfect 3 Meter Only: Perfect 3 BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
18 04719871820216 6268(BM6B268ROA) Oracle Blood Glucose Monitoring System Oracle BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
19 04719871820209 GOD11(BZL002HA) Easy Talk Control Solution-Low(Box) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
20 04719871820193 GOD11(BYGOD11BT) Easy Talk Control Solution-Low(Vial) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
21 04719871820186 GOD31(BYGOD31BT) Easy Talk Control Solution-High(Vial) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
22 04719871820179 GOD31(BZH002HA) Easy Talk Control Solution-High(Box) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
23 04719871820162 8818(BY8818G0NL4) Easy Talk Blood Glucose Test Strip(25pc/vial) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
24 04719871820155 8818(BZ8818G0HAA) Easy Talk Blood Glucose Test Strip(25x2/Box) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
25 04719871820148 6277(BYG62277HAD) Easy Talk Blood Glucose Monitoring System(Glucose Meter) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
26 04719871820131 6277(BZG62277HAA) Easy Talk Blood Glucose Monitoring System(Meter Only Kit) Easy Talk BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
27 04719871820124 GOD11(BZL002HAB) Easy Plus II Control Solution Kit-Low Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
28 04719871820117 GOD31(BZH002HAB) Easy Plus II Control Solution Kit-High Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
29 04719871820100 8818(BZ8818G0HAB) Easy Plus II Test Strip 25x2 Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
30 04719871820094 GOD31(BZL001HAB) Easy Plus II Control Solution-Low Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
31 04719871820087 GOD11(BYGOD31BT) Easy Plus II Control Solution-High Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
32 04719871820070 8818(BY8818G0NL4) Easy Plus II Blood Glucose Test Strip Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
33 04719871820063 6276-S(BYG60276HA) Easy Plus II Glucose Meter, 6276-S Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
34 04719871820056 6276-S(BZG60276HA) Easy Plus II Blood Glucose Monitoring System 6276-S Easy Plus II BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
35 04719871820049 8228 Lancing Device B T M BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
36 04719871820032 6276-S Smartest PersonaII Glucose Meter Smartest PersonaII BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
37 04719871820025 GOD21 Smartest PersonaII Control Solution-M Smartest PersonaII BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
38 04719871820018 8819 Smartest Persona II Glucose Strip-25pcs Smartest PersonaII BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
39 04719871820001 6276-S Smartest PersonaII Blood Glucose Monitoring System Smartest PersonaII BIOTEST MEDICAL CORPORATION
40 04719869702395 TysonBio AC200 TysonBio AC200 Blood Glucose Test Strip, 10T TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
41 04719869701503 TysonBio AC200 TysonBio AC200 Blood Glucose Test Strips (25T) TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
42 04719869701497 TysonBio AC200 TysonBio AC200 Blood Glucose Test Strips (50T) TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
43 04719869701473 TysonBio AC200 TysonBio AC200 Blood Glucose Monitoring System TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
44 04719869701060 TysonBio EVOLVE TysonBio EVOLVE Blood Glucose Test Strips (50T) TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
45 04719869701053 TysonBio EVOLVE TysonBio EVOLVE Blood Glucose Test Strips (25T) TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
46 04719869701046 TysonBio EVOLVE TysonBio EVOLVE Blood Glucose Monitoring System TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
47 04719869700667 EZ Smart-608 EZ Smart-608 Blood Glucose Test Strips (50T) TYSON BIORESEARCH INC.
48 04711200722864 GL vial GlucoLeader Enhance GL Blood Glucose Test Strip GlucoLeader Enhance Blood Glucose Test Strip HMD BIOMEDICAL INC.
49 04711200722840 3S-01-14003Y 3S-01-14003Y GlucoLeader Enhance GL Blood Glucose vial packed test strip GlucoLeader Enhance Blood Glucose vial packed test strip HMD BIOMEDICAL INC.
50 04711200721898 3L-10-120032 3L-10-120032 GlucoLeader Enhance GL Blood Glucose Test Strip(for PTA) GlucoLeader Enhance Blood Glucose Test Strip(for PTA) HMD BIOMEDICAL INC.