Other products from "H. E. BUTT GROCERY COMPANY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00041220604647 BHEPR34 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
2 00041220329366 041220329366 Extra Strength Nasal Strips, Tan LWF Dilator, Nasal H-E-B
3 00041220865475 G20 Blood Glucose Monitoring System NBW System, Test, Blood Glucose, Over The Counter 2 H-E-B inControl
4 00041220865468 G20 Blood Glucose Test Strips CGA Glucose Oxidase, Glucose H-E-B inControl
5 00041220863174 BLB Power Toothbrush, Kids, Dual Zone, Soft JEQ Toothbrush, Powered HEBuddy
6 00041220660544 UGN Floss, Unwaxed, 100YD JES Floss, Dental 1 Hill Country Essentials
7 00041220660469 UVH Floss, Mint, 100YD JES Floss, Dental 1 Hill Country Essentials
8 00041220501120 7A7 Flosser, Center Pick, Hi-Tech, Mint JES Floss, Dental 1 Rexall
9 00041220906833 BHESGP18 HIL Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized H-E-B Tampons
10 00041220906178 BHEAC40 Multi Pack of 40 tampons, 8 Light, 16 Regular and 16 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
11 00041220906147 BHEAR20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
12 00041220906130 BHEAS20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
13 00041220906123 BHEAP20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
14 00041220897469 BHEPC18 Multi PAck of 18 tampons, 9 Regular and 9 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
15 00041220897452 BHEPR18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
16 00041220897445 BHEPS18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
17 00041220897438 BHEPP18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
18 00041220816194 BHEGC(L/R/S) Multipack of 36 tampons, Ligth Rrgular and Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
19 00041220805600 BHEGS36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
20 00041220791484 79148 79148 1mL 29G 1/2" (12.7mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steri 1mL 29G 1/2" (12.7mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
21 00041220791477 79147 79147 0.5mL 29G 1/2" (12mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steri 0.5mL 29G 1/2" (12mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
22 00041220791460 79146 79146 1mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
23 00041220791453 79145 79145 0.5mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.5mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
24 00041220791446 79144 79144 0.3mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.3mL 31G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
25 00041220791439 79143 79143 1mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
26 00041220791422 79142 79142 0.5mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.5mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
27 00041220791415 79141 79141 0.3mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 steril 0.3mL 30G 5/16 (8mm) Single use insulin syringe with needle. Includes 100 sterile syringes. FMI Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen HEB In-Control Insulin Syringe
28 00041220535064 BHEGR36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
29 00041220651504 BHEGP18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
30 00041220651498 BHEGS18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
31 00041220651481 BHEGR20 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
32 00041220582150 BHEGC36 Tampons Multipack - 20 Regular, 8 Super and 8 Super plus Absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
33 00041220573752 BHEGR36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
34 00041220573745 BHEPC34 Tampons Multi pack of 17 Regular and 17 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
35 00041220537303 BHEGC96 Multipack of 96 tampons, 18 Light, 39 Regular and 39 Super Absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
36 00041220537280 BHEGS50 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
37 00041220537266 BHEGR50 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
38 00041220537235 BHEGC72 Multipavk of 72 tampons 14 light, 29 Regular and 29 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
39 00041220537211 BHEGP18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
40 00041220537150 BHEGS18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
41 00041220537129 BHEGR18 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
42 00041220535316 BHEAC40 Mulipack of 40 tampons, 8 light, 16 Regular and 16 Super absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
43 00041220535200 BHEGL36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
44 00041220535187 BHEGP36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
45 00041220535088 BHEGC(R/S/P) Mulipackmof 36 tampons, Regular, Super and Super plus absorbency HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented 2 H-E-B Tampons
46 00041220255672 BHESGC36 Multi pack of 36 tampons, 8 Light, 20 Regular and 8 Super absorbency HIL Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized 2 H-E-B Tampons
47 00041220149667 BHEGP36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
48 00041220149650 BHEGS36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
49 00041220149612 BHEGL36 HEB Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented H-E-B Tampons
50 00041220032020 BHESGR20 HIL Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized H-E-B Tampons
Other products with the same Product Code "NAD"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 B089B896020 B89602 B89602 CONTOURFOAM(TM) .5" X 14" X 48", 4/BOX N/A BLACK & BLACK SURGICAL, INC.
2 B089B896010 B89601 B89601 CONTOURFOAM(TM) .5" X 9" X 14", 50/BOX N/A BLACK & BLACK SURGICAL, INC.
3 B089B896000 B89600 B89600 CONTOURFOAM(TM) .5" X 14" X 72", 4/BOX N/A BLACK & BLACK SURGICAL, INC.
4 B086291222 P19122 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 9x30 cm Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
5 B086291212 P29121 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 9x20cm Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
6 B086291202 P29120 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 7x9cm Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
7 B086191541 P19154 Protect U Guard Transparent Sterile Dressing PU Incise 30x40cm Protect U Guard Transparent Sterile Dressing PU Incise PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
8 B086191511 P19151 Protect U Guard Transparent Sterile Dressing 10x12cm Protect U Guard Transparent Sterile Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
9 B086191501 P19150 Protect U Guard U-Shaped IV Transparent Dressing 6x7cm Protect U Guard U-Shaped IV Transparent Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
10 B086191321 P19132 Protect U Guard Silicone Foam Sterile Dressing 15x15cm Protect U Guard Silicone Foam Sterile Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
11 B086191311 P19131 Protect U Guard Silicone Foam Sterile Dressing 10x10cm Protect U Guard Silicone Foam Sterile Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
12 B086191241 P29124 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 7x9cm Oval Eye Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
13 B086191231 P19123 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 10x35cm Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
14 B086191221 P19122 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 9x30 cm Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
15 B086191211 P19121 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 9x20 cm Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
16 B086191201 P19120 Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing 7x9cm Protect U Guard Non-Woven Dressing PROTECT U GUARD, LLC
17 70888499000775 HCTSPOTS HCTSPOTS -Thin Hydrocolloid 1.75x1.5in. Spot Dressing CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
18 40884521007544 6640 6640 Transparent Film Dressing,Moisture Vapor Permeable Kendall CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
20 30884521065288 8886834100 8886834100 Dressing in Strippable Envelope Dermacea CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
21 30884521065271 8886834000 8886834000 Dressing in Strippable Envelope Dermacea CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
22 30884521020065 6665 6665 AMD Antimicrobial Super Sponges,Medium, 0.2% Polyhexamethylene Biguanide HCI (PHMB) Kerlix CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
23 30707387807666 1668 1668 3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Transparent Film Dressing with Adhesive-Free Window, 1668, 4- 3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Transparent Film Dressing with Adhesive-Free Window, 1668, 4-3/4 in x 4-3/4 in, 25/ct 4ct/Case 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
24 30707387787555 1668 1668 3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Transparent Film Dressing with Adhesive-Free Window, 1668, 4- 3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Transparent Film Dressing with Adhesive-Free Window, 1668, 4-3/4 in x 4-3/4 in, 25/ct 4ct/Case 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
25 30707387787340 1624W 1624W 3M™ Tegaderm™ Transparent Film Dressing Frame Style 1624W, 2 3/8 IN x 2-3/4 IN, 3M™ Tegaderm™ Transparent Film Dressing Frame Style 1624W, 2 3/8 IN x 2-3/4 IN, 100 DRSG/CTN, 4 CTN/CS 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
26 30707387770380 1668 1668 3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Transparent Film Dressing with Adhesive Free Window 25 dressi 3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Transparent Film Dressing with Adhesive Free Window 25 dressings/carton 4 cartons/case 1668 3M™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
28 30051131641144 H1624 H1624 Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ Waterproof Transparent Dressing, H1624, 2-3/8 in x 2 3/4 in, 8 ct. 3M™ Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
29 30051131641137 H1626 H1626 Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ Waterproof Transparent Dressing, H1626, 4 in x 4 3/4 in, 4 ct. 3M™ Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
30 30051131211835 TEGA-10 TEGA-10 Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ Transparent Dressing TEGA-10, QTY 5 - 1 3/4in x 1 3/4in (44,5 Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ Transparent Dressing TEGA-10, QTY 5 - 1 3/4in x 1 3/4in (44,5mm x 44,5mmQTY 5 2 3/8in x 2 3/4in (60,3mm x 69,8mm) 3M™ Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ 3M COMPANY
31 20885632070614 NADSG203 Non-Adherent Dressing Bulk Non-Sterile 3 Inch X 8 Inch 2-Sided Mylar Single Use Non-Adherent Dressing Bulk Non-Sterile 3 Inch X 8 Inch 2-Sided Mylar Single Use Only Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice MediChoice OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC.
32 20885632070607 NADSG202 Non-Adherent Dressing Bulk Non-Sterile 8 Inch X 10 Inch 1-Sided Mylar Single Use Non-Adherent Dressing Bulk Non-Sterile 8 Inch X 10 Inch 1-Sided Mylar Single Use Only Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice MediChoice OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC.
33 20885632070591 NADSG201 Non-Adherent Dressing Bulk Non-Sterile 3 Inch X 8 Inch 1-Sided Mylar Single Use Non-Adherent Dressing Bulk Non-Sterile 3 Inch X 8 Inch 1-Sided Mylar Single Use Only Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice MediChoice OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC.
34 20884521532585 1114 1114 Non-adherent Clear Wound Dressing Telfa CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
35 20884521532578 1113 1113 Non-adherent Clear Wound Dressing Telfa CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
36 20884521532561 1111 1111 Non-adherent Clear Wound Dressing Telfa CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
37 20884521532554 1109 Non-adherent Clear Wound Dressing Telfa CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
38 20884521105666 28959 28959 Non-adherent Dressing Telfa CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
39 20884521020037 3332 3332 AMD Antimicrobial Bandage Roll,6 Ply Kerlix CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
40 20884521000183 7831AMD 7831AMD AMD Antimicrobial Packing Strips,0.2% Polyhexamethylene Biguanide HCI (PHMB) Curity CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
41 20612553013747 48640000 FLEXICOL THIN 4X4 10/BX FLEXICOL THIN 4X4 10/BX PAUL HARTMANN AG
42 20612553013730 48630000 FLEXICOL HEEL 3X5 10/BX FLEXICOL HEEL 3X5 10/BX PAUL HARTMANN AG
44 20612553013716 48610000 FLEXICOL 4X4 10/BX FLEXICOL 4X4 10/BX PAUL HARTMANN AG
45 20612553013709 48600000 FLEXICOL 2X2 20/BX FLEXICOL 2X2 20/BX PAUL HARTMANN AG
46 16958868748071 15cm×15cm Silicone foam dressing 15cm×15cm Jarvet ROOSIN MEDICAL CO., LTD.
47 16958868748064 10cm×10cm Silicone foam dressing 10cm×10cm Jarvet ROOSIN MEDICAL CO., LTD.
48 16958868748057 5cm×5cm Silicone foam dressing 5cm×5cm Jarvet ROOSIN MEDICAL CO., LTD.
49 16958868748040 10cm×10cm Silicone Foam Dressing 10cm×10cm MED WELLNESS SOLUTIONS ROOSIN MEDICAL CO., LTD.
50 16958868748033 10cm×10cm Silicone Foam Dressing 10cm×10cm DILUMAMED ROOSIN MEDICAL CO., LTD.