No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00027479270086 MBF261616 MBF261616 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 16 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
2 00027479270079 MBF261416 MBF261416 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 14 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
3 00027479270062 MBF261216 MBF261216 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 12 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
4 00027479270055 MBF261016 MBF261016 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 10 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
5 00027479270048 MBF261611 MBF261611 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 16 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
6 00027479270031 MBF261411 MBF261411 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 14 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
7 00027479270017 MBF261011 MBF261011 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 10 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
8 00027479158254 MTSNP15825 MTSNP15825 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 8 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
9 00027479154256 MTSNP15425 MTSNP15425 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 4 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
10 00027479151453 MTSNP151425 MTSNP151425 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 14 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
11 00027479145506 MTSNB14550 MTSNB14550 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 5 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
12 00027479144509 MTSNB14450 MTSNB14450 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 4 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
13 00027479143502 MTSNB14350 MTSNB14350 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 3 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
14 00027479142505 MTSNB14250 MTSNB14250 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 2 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
15 00027479136252 MTSN13625 MTSN13625 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 6 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
16 00027479135255 MTSN13525 MTSN13525 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 5 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
17 00027479133251 MTSN13325 MTSN13325 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 3 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
18 00027479132254 MTSN13225 MTSN13225 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 2 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
19 00027479260049 SPHD28 SPHD28 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Tube 0.28 oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
20 00027479260025 SPHD04 SPHD04 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Tube 3 oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
21 00027479260018 SPHD01 SPHD01 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Bellows Bottle 1oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
22 00027479251122 SPHSA8 SPHSA8 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 8 IN x 8 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
23 00027479251115 SPHSA6.9 SPHSA6.9 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 6 IN x 9 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
24 00027479251092 SPHSA5 SPHSA5 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 5 IN x 9 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
25 00027479251085 SPHSA4.5 SPHSA4.5 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 4 IN x 5 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
26 00027479251078 SPHSA4 SPHSA4 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 4 IN x 4 IN- Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
27 00027479251061 SPHSA3 SPHSA3 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 3 IN x 8 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
28 00027479251054 SPHSA2 SPHSA2 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 2 IN x 2 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
29 00027479251047 SPHNW1 SPHNW1 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Neck Wrap - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
30 00027479251030 SPHBW1 SPHBW1 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Breast Wrap - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
31 00027479251023 SPHFM2 SPHFM2 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Half Face Mask - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
32 00027479221088 MTSCGR08 MTSCGR08 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 8 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
33 00027479221064 MTSCGR06 MTSCGR06 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 6 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
34 00027479221040 MTSCGR04 MTSCGR04 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 4 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
35 00027479221026 MTSCGR02 MTSCGR02 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 2 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
36 00027479211751 MB17005 MB17005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 4X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
37 00027479211720 MB17002 MB17002 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 4X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 2EA/BG, 50BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
38 00027479211652 MB16005 MB16005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 3X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
39 00027479211621 MB16002 MB16002 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 3X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 2EA/BG, 50BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
40 00027479211539 MB15300 MB15300 MediBrief Mesh Brief- Size 2X-Large - Size Color Code Purple -Large Bulk 300/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
41 00027479211508 MB15100 MB15100 Medibrief Mesh Brief - Size 2X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
42 00027479211430 MB14300 MB14300 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size X-Large - Size Color Code: Green - Large Bulk 300/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
43 00027479211409 MB14100 MB14100 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size X-Large - Size Color Code: Green - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
44 00027479211300 MB13100 MB13100 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size Large - Size Color Code: Brown - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
45 00027479193507 SAG35036 SAG35036 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage -Single Units - Size (E ) 3-1/2 IN x 36 IN MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
46 00027479193453 SAG13145 SAG13145 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (G) 4-1/2 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
47 00027479193446 SAG13144 SAG13144 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (F) 4 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
48 00027479193422 SAG13142 SAG13142 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (D) 3 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
49 00027479193415 SAG13141 SAG13141 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (C) 2-3/4 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
50 00027479193408 SAG13140 SAG13140 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (B) 2-1/2 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
Other products with the same Product Code "EYQ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
2 00818566018243 6644PP 6644PP Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy Absorbency, XX-Large, 4 Green Strands, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
3 00818566018236 6643PP 6643PP Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy Absorbency, X-Large, 4 Blue Strands, 14/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
4 00818566018229 6642PP 6642PP Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy Absorbency, Large, 2 Blue Strands, 18/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
5 00818566018212 6641PP 6641PP Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy Absorbency, Small/Medium, 2 Green Strands, 20/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
6 00818566018205 6639PP 6639PP Adult Briefs, Super Quilted, Maximum Absorbency, Bariatric, White, 8/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
7 00818566018199 6638PP 6638PP Adult Briefs, Super Quilted, Maximum Absorbency, XX-Large, Green, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
8 00818566018182 6637PP 6637PP Adult Briefs, Plus Quilted, Moderate Absorbency, X-Large, Beige, 15/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
9 00818566018175 6636PP 6636PP Adult Briefs, Plus Quilted, Moderate Absorbency, Large, Blue, 18/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
10 00818566018168 6635PP 6635PP Adult Briefs, Plus Quilted, Moderate Absorbency, Medium, White, 10/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
11 00818566018151 6633PP 6633PP Adult Briefs, Ultra Quilted, Heavy Absorbency, X-Large, Beige, 15/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
12 00818566018144 6632PP 6632PP Adult Briefs, Ultra Quilted, Heavy Absorbency, Large, Blue, 18/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
13 00818566018137 6631PP 6631PP Adult Briefs, Ultra Quilted, Heavy Absorbency, Medium, White, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
14 00818566018120 6630PP 6630PP Adult Briefs, Ultra Quilted, Heavy Absorbency, Small, Peach, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
15 00818566017703 3647 3647 Knit Pants, 4XL, White, 25/bg, 4bg/case PremierPro SVS LLC
16 00818566017697 3646 3646 Knit Pants, 2XL/3XL, Gray/Purple, 25/bg, 4bg/case PremierPro SVS LLC
17 00818566017680 3645 3645 Knit Pants, Large/X-Large, Brown/Green, 25/bg, 4bg/case PremierPro SVS LLC
18 00818566017673 3644 3644 Knit Pants, Small/Medium, Yellow/Blue, 25/bg, 4bg/case PremierPro SVS LLC
19 00818566017666 3643 3643 Mesh Pants, Disposable, XX-Large, Purple, 25/bg, 4bgs/case PremierPro SVS LLC
20 00818566017659 3642 3642 Mesh Pants, Disposable, X-Large, Green, 25/bg, 4bgs/case PremierPro SVS LLC
21 00818566017642 3641 3641 Mesh Pants, Disposable, Large, Brown, 25/bg, 4bgs/case PremierPro SVS LLC
22 00818566017635 3640 3640 Mesh Pants, Disposable, Medium, Blue, 25/bg, 4bgs/case PremierPro SVS LLC
23 00818323027884 LVA1016M4 Bed Underpad Medium 4-pack VIVE VIVE HEALTH LLC
24 00818323027877 LVA1016L4 Bed Underpad Large 4-pack VIVE VIVE HEALTH LLC
25 00818323027860 LVA1016L2 Bed Underpad Large 2-pack VIVE VIVE HEALTH LLC
26 00818323024296 LVA1016M2 Bed Underpad Medium 2-pack VIVE VIVE HEALTH LLC
27 00811220033132 7608 7608 Quilted Super Adult Briefs, Maximum, Bariatric, White, 8/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
28 00811220033118 7607 7607 Quilted Super Adult Briefs, Maximum, XX-Large, Green, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
29 00811220033248 7606 7606 Quilted Plus Adult Briefs, Moderate, X-Large, Beige, 15/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
30 00811220033231 7605 7605 Quilted Plus Adult Briefs, Moderate, Large, Blue, 18/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
31 00811220033224 7604 7604 Quilted Plus Adult Briefs, Moderate, Medium, White, 10/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
32 00811220033194 7623 7623 Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy, XX-Large, 4 Green strands, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
33 00811220033187 7622 7622 Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy, X-Large, 4 Blue strands, 14/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
34 00811220033170 7621 7621 Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy, Large, 2 Blue strands, 18/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
35 00811220033156 7620 7620 Protective Underwear, Ultra, Heavy, Small/Medium, 2 Green strands, 20/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
36 00811220033064 7603 7603 Quilted Ultra Adult Briefs, Heavy, X-Large, Beige, 15/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
37 00811220033040 7602 7602 Quilted Ultra Adult Briefs, Heavy, Large, Blue, 18/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
38 00811220033026 7601 7601 Quilted Ultra Adult Briefs, Heavy, Medium, White, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
39 00811220033019 7600 7600 Quilted Ultra Adult Briefs, Heavy, Small, Peach, 12/bg PremierPro SVS LLC
40 00811220030292 3649 3649 Seamless Knit Pants, 2XL/3XL, Purple, 2/bg, 50bgs/case PremierPro SVS LLC
41 00811220030285 3648 3648 Seamless Knit Pants, Large/X-Large, Green, 2/bg, 50bgs/case PremierPro SVS LLC
42 00810077214213 3436Rx4+vig 3436Rx4+vig 34" x 36" Reusable Underpad x3 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
43 00810077213599 ZRUP3654Rx3+st ZRUP3654Rx3+st Washable Underpads 36"x54" x3 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
44 00810077213582 ZRUP2336R x4+st ZRUP2336R x4+st Washable Underpads 23"x36" x4 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
45 00810077213391 23x36 x3 23x36 x10 Washable Underpads 23"x36" x10 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
46 00810077213384 23x36 x5 23x36 x5 Washable Underpads 23"x36" x5 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
47 00810077213377 23x36 x3 23x36 x3 Washable Underpads 23"x36" x3 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
48 00810077213292 44x52 x1 44x52 x1 Washable Underpads 44"x52" x1 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
49 00810077213285 44x52 x10 44x52 x10 Washable Underpads 44"x52" x10 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
50 00810077213278 3436Rx10+vig 3436Rx10+vig Washable Underpads 34"x36" x10 Avaline Medical NJ LLC AVALINE MEDICAL NJ LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY