No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00027479270086 MBF261616 MBF261616 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 16 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
2 00027479270079 MBF261416 MBF261416 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 14 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
3 00027479270062 MBF261216 MBF261216 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 12 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
4 00027479270055 MBF261016 MBF261016 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 10 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
5 00027479270048 MBF261611 MBF261611 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 16 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
6 00027479270031 MBF261411 MBF261411 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 14 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
7 00027479270017 MBF261011 MBF261011 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 10 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
8 00027479158254 MTSNP15825 MTSNP15825 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 8 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
9 00027479154256 MTSNP15425 MTSNP15425 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 4 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
10 00027479151453 MTSNP151425 MTSNP151425 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 14 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
11 00027479145506 MTSNB14550 MTSNB14550 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 5 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
12 00027479144509 MTSNB14450 MTSNB14450 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 4 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
13 00027479143502 MTSNB14350 MTSNB14350 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 3 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
14 00027479142505 MTSNB14250 MTSNB14250 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 2 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
15 00027479136252 MTSN13625 MTSN13625 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 6 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
16 00027479135255 MTSN13525 MTSN13525 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 5 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
17 00027479133251 MTSN13325 MTSN13325 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 3 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
18 00027479132254 MTSN13225 MTSN13225 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 2 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
19 00027479260049 SPHD28 SPHD28 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Tube 0.28 oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
20 00027479260025 SPHD04 SPHD04 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Tube 3 oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
21 00027479260018 SPHD01 SPHD01 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Bellows Bottle 1oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
22 00027479251122 SPHSA8 SPHSA8 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 8 IN x 8 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
23 00027479251115 SPHSA6.9 SPHSA6.9 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 6 IN x 9 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
24 00027479251092 SPHSA5 SPHSA5 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 5 IN x 9 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
25 00027479251085 SPHSA4.5 SPHSA4.5 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 4 IN x 5 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
26 00027479251078 SPHSA4 SPHSA4 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 4 IN x 4 IN- Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
27 00027479251061 SPHSA3 SPHSA3 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 3 IN x 8 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
28 00027479251054 SPHSA2 SPHSA2 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 2 IN x 2 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
29 00027479251047 SPHNW1 SPHNW1 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Neck Wrap - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
30 00027479251030 SPHBW1 SPHBW1 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Breast Wrap - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
31 00027479251023 SPHFM2 SPHFM2 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Half Face Mask - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
32 00027479221088 MTSCGR08 MTSCGR08 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 8 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
33 00027479221064 MTSCGR06 MTSCGR06 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 6 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
34 00027479221040 MTSCGR04 MTSCGR04 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 4 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
35 00027479221026 MTSCGR02 MTSCGR02 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 2 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
36 00027479211751 MB17005 MB17005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 4X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
37 00027479211720 MB17002 MB17002 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 4X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 2EA/BG, 50BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
38 00027479211652 MB16005 MB16005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 3X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
39 00027479211621 MB16002 MB16002 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 3X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 2EA/BG, 50BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
40 00027479211539 MB15300 MB15300 MediBrief Mesh Brief- Size 2X-Large - Size Color Code Purple -Large Bulk 300/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
41 00027479211508 MB15100 MB15100 Medibrief Mesh Brief - Size 2X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
42 00027479211430 MB14300 MB14300 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size X-Large - Size Color Code: Green - Large Bulk 300/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
43 00027479211409 MB14100 MB14100 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size X-Large - Size Color Code: Green - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
44 00027479211355 MB13005 MB13005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size Large - Size Color Code: Brown - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
45 00027479193507 SAG35036 SAG35036 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage -Single Units - Size (E ) 3-1/2 IN x 36 IN MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
46 00027479193453 SAG13145 SAG13145 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (G) 4-1/2 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
47 00027479193446 SAG13144 SAG13144 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (F) 4 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
48 00027479193422 SAG13142 SAG13142 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (D) 3 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
49 00027479193415 SAG13141 SAG13141 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (C) 2-3/4 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
50 00027479193408 SAG13140 SAG13140 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (B) 2-1/2 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
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