No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00027479270086 MBF261616 MBF261616 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 16 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
2 00027479270079 MBF261416 MBF261416 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 14 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
3 00027479270062 MBF261216 MBF261216 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 12 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
4 00027479270055 MBF261016 MBF261016 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band Precut - Size 10 IN x 16 IN ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support Medi-Band
5 00027479270048 MBF261611 MBF261611 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 16 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
6 00027479270031 MBF261411 MBF261411 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 14 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
7 00027479270017 MBF261011 MBF261011 Medi-Band Seamless Tubular Band - Size 10 IN x 11 Yds ISR Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support 1 Medi-Band
8 00027479158254 MTSNP15825 MTSNP15825 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 8 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
9 00027479154256 MTSNP15425 MTSNP15425 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 4 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
10 00027479151453 MTSNP151425 MTSNP151425 SpandaNette Tubular Polyester Stockinette Single Ply - White - Size 14 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
11 00027479145506 MTSNB14550 MTSNB14550 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 5 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
12 00027479144509 MTSNB14450 MTSNB14450 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 4 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
13 00027479143502 MTSNB14350 MTSNB14350 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 3 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
14 00027479142505 MTSNB14250 MTSNB14250 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Bias Cut - Natural - Size 2 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
15 00027479136252 MTSN13625 MTSN13625 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 6 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
16 00027479135255 MTSN13525 MTSN13525 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 5 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
17 00027479133251 MTSN13325 MTSN13325 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 3 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
18 00027479132254 MTSN13225 MTSN13225 SpandaNette Tubular Cotton Stockinette Single Ply - Natural - Size 2 - Non-Sterile FMP Protector, Skin Pressure 1 SpandaNette
19 00027479260049 SPHD28 SPHD28 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Tube 0.28 oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
20 00027479260025 SPHD04 SPHD04 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Tube 3 oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
21 00027479260018 SPHD01 SPHD01 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Wound Filler Bellows Bottle 1oz NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
22 00027479251122 SPHSA8 SPHSA8 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 8 IN x 8 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
23 00027479251115 SPHSA6.9 SPHSA6.9 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 6 IN x 9 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
24 00027479251092 SPHSA5 SPHSA5 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 5 IN x 9 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
25 00027479251085 SPHSA4.5 SPHSA4.5 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 4 IN x 5 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
26 00027479251078 SPHSA4 SPHSA4 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 4 IN x 4 IN- Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
27 00027479251061 SPHSA3 SPHSA3 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 3 IN x 8 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
28 00027479251054 SPHSA2 SPHSA2 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Size 2 IN x 2 IN - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
29 00027479251047 SPHNW1 SPHNW1 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Neck Wrap - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
30 00027479251030 SPHBW1 SPHBW1 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Breast Wrap - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
31 00027479251023 SPHFM2 SPHFM2 Spand-Gel Hydrogel Dressing Sheet - Half Face Mask - Sterile NAE Dressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic 1 Spand-Gel
32 00027479221088 MTSCGR08 MTSCGR08 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 8 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
33 00027479221064 MTSCGR06 MTSCGR06 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 6 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
34 00027479221040 MTSCGR04 MTSCGR04 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 4 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
35 00027479221026 MTSCGR02 MTSCGR02 Surgi-Color Guard Red/White Tubular Retainer Net - Size 2 - 25 Yds. (stretched) FQM Bandage, Elastic 1 Surgi-Color Guard
36 00027479211751 MB17005 MB17005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 4X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
37 00027479211720 MB17002 MB17002 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 4X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 2EA/BG, 50BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
38 00027479211652 MB16005 MB16005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 3X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
39 00027479211621 MB16002 MB16002 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size 3X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - 2EA/BG, 50BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
40 00027479211539 MB15300 MB15300 MediBrief Mesh Brief- Size 2X-Large - Size Color Code Purple -Large Bulk 300/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
41 00027479211508 MB15100 MB15100 Medibrief Mesh Brief - Size 2X-Large - Size Color Code Purple - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
42 00027479211430 MB14300 MB14300 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size X-Large - Size Color Code: Green - Large Bulk 300/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
43 00027479211409 MB14100 MB14100 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size X-Large - Size Color Code: Green - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
44 00027479211355 MB13005 MB13005 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size Large - Size Color Code: Brown - 5EA/BG, 20BG/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence MediBrief
45 00027479211300 MB13100 MB13100 MediBrief Mesh Brief - Size Large - Size Color Code: Brown - Bulk 100/CS EYQ Garment, Protective, For Incontinence 1 MediBrief
46 00027479193507 SAG35036 SAG35036 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage -Single Units - Size (E ) 3-1/2 IN x 36 IN MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
47 00027479193453 SAG13145 SAG13145 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (G) 4-1/2 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
48 00027479193446 SAG13144 SAG13144 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (F) 4 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
49 00027479193415 SAG13141 SAG13141 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (C) 2-3/4 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
50 00027479193408 SAG13140 SAG13140 SpandaGrip Tubular Elastic Support Bandage - Size (B) 2-1/2 IN x11 Yds - Beige MHW Dressing, Compression 1 SpandaGrip
Other products with the same Product Code "MHW"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
5 00888912158909 79-80280 28" CKD KNEE IMMOBILIZER PROCARE DJO, LLC
6 00888912027335 79-80390 26" UNIV KNEE IMMOBILIZER W/LP LK PROCARE DJO, LLC
7 00888912027328 79-80380 22" UNIV KNEE IMMOBILIZER W/LP LK PROCARE DJO, LLC
8 00888912027311 79-80370 19" UNIV KNEE IMMOBILIZER W/LP LK PROCARE DJO, LLC
9 00888912027304 79-80360 14" UNIV KNEE IMMOBILIZER W/LP LK PROCARE DJO, LLC
10 00888912027236 79-80260 24 CKD KNEE IMMOBILIZER PROCARE DJO, LLC
11 00888912027052 79-80190 20 CKD KNEE IMMOBILIZER PROCARE DJO, LLC
12 00888912026932 79-80090 16 CKD KNEE IMMOBILIZER PROCARE DJO, LLC
13 00857048006583 1 HHM2X The bundle combines gauze for wound packing and wrapping with our smallest compr The bundle combines gauze for wound packing and wrapping with our smallest compression bandage. It fits in your pack easily and is the perfect combination for on-the-go trauma response. Mini 2x - Gauze + Compression from H&H Med Corp includes: (1) Mini Compression Bandage (1) MiniTAC Wound Gauze. Single-Use. Sterile. H&H Mini 2X Bandage/Gauze Combo Pack H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION
14 00856525007556 AW6580-03 AWB-LLBX The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sle The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sleeves, and a hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis. The AeroWrap™ kit system gradient compression sleeves are non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Bilateral Kit Gradient Compression Sleeves contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s legs from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. Aero-Wrap™ Bilateral Kit, Extra Large SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
15 00856525007532 AW6380-03 AWB-LLB The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sle The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sleeves, and a hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis. The AeroWrap™ kit system gradient compression sleeves are non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Bilateral Kit Gradient Compression Sleeves contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s legs from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. Aero-Wrap™ Bilateral Kit, Large SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
16 00856525007518 AW6280-03 AWB-LMB The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sle The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sleeves, and a hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis. The AeroWrap™ kit system gradient compression sleeves are non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Bilateral Kit Gradient Compression Sleeves contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s legs from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. Aero-Wrap™ Bilateral Kit, Medium SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
17 00856525007501 RA6050 SWMRA SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Radial Artery Arm Wrap SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
18 00856525007495 AW6180-03 AWB-LSB The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sle The AeroWrap ™ Bilateral Kit System is comprised of two gradient compression sleeves, and a hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis. The AeroWrap™ kit system gradient compression sleeves are non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Bilateral Kit Gradient Compression Sleeves contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s legs from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. Aero-Wrap™ Bilateral Kit, Small SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
19 00856525007488 AW4050 SWMAXL SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Mini 12 Arm Wrap Extra Large SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
20 00856525007464 AW7050 SWMAL SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Mini 10 Arm Wrap Large SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
21 00856525007457 Large Flex Bi MSB-LF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Large Bilateral SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
22 00856525007440 WW2050 SWMAS SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Mini 6 Arm Wrap Small SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
23 00856525007426 WW1050 SWMAM SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Mini 8 Arm Wrap Medium SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
24 00856525007419 Small Flex Bi MSB-SF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Small BiLateral SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
25 00856525007396 PFAB-L PFAB-L Silicone Foam Dressing with Air Bolster PFAB Large SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
26 00856525007389 PFAB-MC PFAB-MC Silicone Foam Dressing with Air Bolster PFAB Medium Crescent SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
27 00856525007372 PFAB-M PFAB-M Silicone Foam Dressing with Air Bolster PFAB Medium SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
28 00856525007365 PFAB-S PFAB-S Silicone Foam Dressing with Air Bolster PFAB SMALL SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
29 00856525007327 TW6250-03 TWMLR The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphe The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphenous vein on the thigh after closure to occlude the vein after surgery. The wrap consists of a inflatable portion that covers the inner thigh and additional material along with areas for securing the wrap to the thigh. The wrap also has loops for a belt to maintain the proper location. The placement of the wrap and sv bolster will help to aid in the closure of Various veins with Sclerotherapy including EVLT, RFMD, for compression of the great saphenous vein. AeroWrap Thigh Medium Large Right SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
30 00856525007310 Extra Large Flex MS-XLF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Extra Large SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
31 00856525007303 Extra Large AW-LLBX The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
32 00856525007297 Large Flex MS-LF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Large SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
33 00856525007280 Large AW-LLB The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
34 00856525007273 Medium Flex MS-MF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Medium SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
35 00856525007266 Medium AW-LMB The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
36 00856525007259 Small Flex MS-SF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Small SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
37 00856525007242 Small AW-LSB The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
38 00856525007228 Extra Large, Short AW-LLBX,Short The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
39 00856525007211 TW6150-03 TWSR The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphe The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphenous vein on the thigh after closure to occlude the vein after surgery. The wrap consists of a inflatable portion that covers the inner thigh and additional material along with areas for securing the wrap to the thigh. The wrap also has loops for a belt to maintain the proper location. The placement of the wrap and sv bolster will help to aid in the closure of Various veins with Sclerotherapy including EVLT, RFMD, for compression of the great saphenous vein. AeroWrap Thigh Small Right SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
40 00856525007204 Large, Short AW-LLB,Short The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
41 00856525007198 Extra Large Flex Bi MSB-XLF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Extra Large Bilateral SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
42 00856525007181 Medium Short AW-LMB,Short The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
43 00856525007174 Medium Flex Bi MSB-MF The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and ha The AeroWrap ™ Flex System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ Flex gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap™ Flex Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg from the ankle to the knee. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ Flex Medium Bilateral SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
44 00856525007167 Small Short AW-LSB,Short The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pu The AeroWrap ™ System is comprised of a gradient compression sleeve, and hand pump to provide static compression for compression therapy or DVT Prophylaxis.The AeroWrap™ gradient compression sleeve is a non-sterile single patient use medical device. The AeroWrap ™ Gradient Compression Sleeve contains a single bladder with a built-in gradient profile and inelastic straps to affix it to the patient’s leg. An inflation source is attached to the inflation valve on the sleeve. There is a inflation source provided: a hand pump to provide static compression. The system is intended for hospital and outpatient use. AeroWrap™ SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
45 00856525007150 TW6150-01 TWSL The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphe The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphenous vein on the thigh after closure to occlude the vein after surgery. The wrap consists of a inflatable portion that covers the inner thigh and additional material along with areas for securing the wrap to the thigh. The wrap also has loops for a belt to maintain the proper location. The placement of the wrap and sv bolster will help to aid in the closure of Various veins with Sclerotherapy including EVLT, RFMD, for compression of the great saphenous vein. AeroWrap Thigh Small Left SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
46 00856525007099 TW6250-01 TWMLL The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphe The AeroWrap Thigh™ system is intended to provide compression to the great saphenous vein on the thigh after closure to occlude the vein after surgery. The wrap consists of a inflatable portion that covers the inner thigh and additional material along with areas for securing the wrap to the thigh. The wrap also has loops for a belt to maintain the proper location. The placement of the wrap and sv bolster will help to aid in the closure of Various veins with Sclerotherapy including EVLT, RFMD, for compression of the great saphenous vein. AeroWrap Thigh Medium Large Left SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
47 00856525007075 SW6280-01 SW-FAUBL SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Forearm U Bladder Left SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
48 00856525007068 SW6280-00 SW-FAUBR SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Forearm U Bladder Right SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
49 00856525007051 DA2150-00 SW-BRS SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Upper Arm Right Small SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.
50 00856525007044 DA2150-01 SW-BLS SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization thr SunWrap™ Compression System provides localized compression and visualization through a central transparent bladder covering the dressed site. SunWrap™ Compression systems provides localized compression and visualization to manage access site bleeding post-hemodialysis or any covered wound that would require compression to control bleeding. SunWrap Upper Arm Left Small SUN SCIENTIFIC, INC.