Address:370 West 1700 South,LOGAN,UT,84321,US
Device Description : MGB Alert® BK Virus Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleoti MGB Alert® BK Virus Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequences from BK Virus. The mix consists of a total of 2.6 nmol of primers per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The primers amplify a 72 nucleic acid sequence from the VP1 region of BK Virus. QTY 100; 480 reactions each.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : MGB Alert® BK Virus Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a che MGB Alert® BK Virus Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acid sequences from BK Virus. The mix consists of one probe at 1.5 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm. QTY 100 vials @ 480 reactions each.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotid MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequences from the IE1 region of CMV (Cytomegalovirus). QTY-25@ 480reactions.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotid MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequences from the IE1 region of CMV (Cytomegalovirus). QTY-100@ 480reactions.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chem MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acid sequences from CMV (Cytomegalovirus). The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm. QTY-25@480 reactions.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chem MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acid sequences from CMV (Cytomegalovirus). The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm. QTY-100@480 reactions.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-B consists of reagents intended for use a The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-B consists of reagents intended for use as an un-assayed internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC2-B can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes. QTY-25@480 reactions.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : MGB Alert® BK Virus Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleoti MGB Alert® BK Virus Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequences from BK Virus. The mix consists of a total of 2.6 nmol of primers per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The primers amplify a 72 nucleic acid sequence from the VP1 region of BK Virus. QTY 25 @ 480 reactions.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : MGB Alert® BK Virus Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a che MGB Alert® BK Virus Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acid sequences from BK Virus. The mix consists of one probe at 1.5 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm. 25 vials; each 480 reactions.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 079696864
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No