Device Class Class-1 (A medical device with low to moderate risk that requires general controls) Class-2 (A medical device with a moderate to high risk that requires special controls) Class-3 (A medical device with high risk that requires premarket approval) Class-U (Unclassified)
Product Code Dentures, Full (NSL) (2) Restoration, Noble Metal (NSJ) (2) Restoration, Porcelain (NSP) (2) Restoration, Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal (NSO) (2) Prosthesis, Orthodontic (NSR) (2) Restoration, Resin, Crown And Bridge (NSN) (1) Dentures, Partial (NSK) (1) Device, Anti-Snoring (LRK) (1) Restoration, Base Metal (NSQ) (1) Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous (NDP) (1)