Address:Les Charmilles,Geneva Geneve,CH
Device Description : One box of RHA® 2 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each bliste One box of RHA® 2 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (30G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173230014) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number.
Device Class :
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : One box of RHA® 3 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each bliste One box of RHA® 3 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (27G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173230038) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number.
Device Class : 3
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : One box of RHA® 4 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each bliste One box of RHA® 4 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (27G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173230052) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number.
Device Class :
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : "One box of RHA® Redensity contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Ea "One box of RHA® Redensity contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (30G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173230083) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number."
Device Class : 3
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : "One box of RHA® 4 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blist "One box of RHA® 4 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1,2mL prefilled syringe and two needles (27G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173232698) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number."
Device Class : 3
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : "One box of RHA® 2 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blist "One box of RHA® 2 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (30G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173233695) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number."
Device Class : 3
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : "One box of RHA® 3 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blist "One box of RHA® 3 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (27G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173233701) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number."
Device Class : 3
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : "One box of RHA® 2 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blist "One box of RHA® 2 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (30G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173233770) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number."
Device Class :
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : "One box of RHA® 3 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blist "One box of RHA® 3 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1mL prefilled syringe and two needles (27G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173233787) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number."
Device Class :
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : "One box of RHA® 4 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blist "One box of RHA® 4 contains two blisters and one instruction for use. Each blister contains a 1,2mL prefilled syringe and two needles (27G 1/2).Box Packaging (ID 07640173233800) is defined as unit of sales and identified with a serial number."
Device Class :
Duns Number: 482411860
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes