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Device Class
Product Code
Premarket Exempt
- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat Panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical image Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.(Tomosynthesis)

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical image Flat panel hi-resolution LCD monitor system for displaying digital medical images.(Tomosynthesis)

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : Yes

Device Count : 1

- Catalog Number :

Device Description : CW120N LCD Monitor System is intended to be used in displaying and viewing digit CW120N LCD Monitor System is intended to be used in displaying and viewing digital medical images for review and analysis by trained medical practitioners. It is specifically designed for digital mammography applications and digital breast tomosynthesis applications.

Device Class : 2

Duns Number: 688285899

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : PGY

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1