Address:3300 E. Sunrise Dr.,TUCSON,AZ,85718,US
Device Description : Transfusion Manager is a comprehensive software application intended for use by Transfusion Manager is a comprehensive software application intended for use by trained healthcare professionals responsible for transfusion services. Transfusion Manager helps users manage the following transfusion service activities:• Positively identify transfusion recipients• Match blood products to recipients• Record recipient pertinent transfusion information• Record recipient transfusion reactions and caregiver comments
Device Class : 2
Duns Number: 052934841
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : Sunquest VUE supports laboratories in the management of patient reports and to t Sunquest VUE supports laboratories in the management of patient reports and to transfer, store, and display test results and information.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 052934841
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No