Address:SUITE 611,MELBOURNE Victoria,AU
Device Description : MIStar is a software package, which runs on a Windows-based PC platform. It allo MIStar is a software package, which runs on a Windows-based PC platform. It allows manipulation, visualization and processing of medical images acquired with various clinical scanners and stored in DICOM and /or other proprietary formats. MIStar allows transfer of DICOM 3.0 images over a medical imaging network.MIStar also provides post-processing of dynamic CT and MR images acquired during and after the injection of a compact bolus of contrast media, where the contrast media acts as a pure intravascular tracer. It allows visual inspection of time intensity curves and calculation of parametric parameters (i.e., area under curve, time to peak, maximum slope of enhancement, etc). It also allows calculation of various perfusion related parameters (i.e. regional blood flow, regional blood volume, mean transit time and capillary permeability) from dynamic CT data. The results are displayed in a user-friendly graphic format as parametric images that provide supplementary information for diagnosis purposes.
Device Class : 2
Duns Number: 742134034
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes