Device Description : The Osteon Precision Milled Suprastructure is indicated for attachment to dental The Osteon Precision Milled Suprastructure is indicated for attachment to dental abutments in the treatment of partially or fully edentulous jaws for the purpose of restoring chewing function. The Osteon Precision Milled Suprastructures are intended for attachment to a minimum of two (2) abutments.
Device Class : 2
Duns Number: 756242111
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : The Osteon Precision Milled Suprastructure is indicated for attachment to dental The Osteon Precision Milled Suprastructure is indicated for attachment to dental abutments in the treatment of partially or fully edentulous jaws for the purpose of restoring chewing function. The Osteon Precision Milled Suprastructures are intended for attachment to a minimum of two (2) abutments.
Device Class : 2
Duns Number: 756242111
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : Scan Gauge Kits are a selection of scan gauges, which are designed to facilitate Scan Gauge Kits are a selection of scan gauges, which are designed to facilitate the acquisition of accurate implant position readings in scans taken with intraoral scanners for full arch prosthetic restorations. The scan gauges are to be mounted directly on the implant abutment embedded in the patient’s mouth using the driver and screws provided in the kit.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 756242111
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : Yes
Device Description : Scan Gauge Kits are a selection of scan gauges, which are designed to facilitate Scan Gauge Kits are a selection of scan gauges, which are designed to facilitate the acquisition of accurate implant position readings in scans taken with intraoral scanners for full arch prosthetic restorations. The scan gauges are to be mounted directly on the implant abutment embedded in the patient’s mouth using the driver and screws provided in the kit.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 756242111
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : Yes