Device Description : The CHEMCARD™ Cholesterol Test provides a preliminarysemi-quantitative analytica The CHEMCARD™ Cholesterol Test provides a preliminarysemi-quantitative analytical test result that can be used to identify elevated blood cholesterollevels associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease.510K Cleared for Professional Use Only.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 196929947
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : ALCO-SCREEN is a semi-quantitative screening test used to estimate theBlood Alco ALCO-SCREEN is a semi-quantitative screening test used to estimate theBlood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) using human saliva. The test stripestimates BAC at the 0.00%, 0.02%, 0.04%, 0.08% and 0.3% levels.Results are used in the diagnosis of alcohol use or intoxication.For in vitro diagnostic use.510K Cleared - CliaWaived
Device Class :
Duns Number: 196929947
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : The Chemcard™ Glucose Test is intended for use as arapid, in vitro method for ea The Chemcard™ Glucose Test is intended for use as arapid, in vitro method for early identification of abnormal fastingplasma glucose concentration which can be a sign of diabetesor other medical problems. The Chemcard™ Glucose Test providesa preliminary, semi-quantitative result using fingerstick bloodas the test specimen.510K Cleared - CliaWaived
Device Class : 2
Duns Number: 196929947
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : ALCO-SCREEN02 is a qualitative screening test used to detect thepresence of ethy ALCO-SCREEN02 is a qualitative screening test used to detect thepresence of ethyl alcohol in human saliva. The test detects relative bloodalcohol concentrations (BAC) greater than or equal to 0.02%. Results areused for the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication. For in-vitro diagnostic use.The assay is a disposable test for one-time use.510K Cleared - CliaWaived
Device Class :
Duns Number: 196929947
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : No