Address:300 Buffalo Ave,FREEPORT,NY,11520,US
Device Description : A dental device designed to engage the ends of a matrix band or strip to hold it A dental device designed to engage the ends of a matrix band or strip to hold it in position around a tooth that is being prepared for a dental restoration.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 012072823
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : A stainless steel band that is used to form a mould around a tooth for the inser A stainless steel band that is used to form a mould around a tooth for the insertion of restorative materials.
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 012072823
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No
Device Description : A stainless steel band that is used to form a mould around a tooth for the inser A stainless steel band that is used to form a mould around a tooth for the insertion of restorative materials
Device Class : 1
Duns Number: 012072823
Premarket Exempt : Yes
Prescription Use : No