Address:370 S. Doheny Drive,Beverly Hills,CA,90211,US
Device Description : Insulin Insights™ is a glycemic management software support program designed to Insulin Insights™ is a glycemic management software support program designed to provide insulin dosing recommendations to the clinician in order to adjust and maintain blood glucose levels in insulin-dependent diabetic patients within a clinician determined target range. Insulin Insights™ evaluates a set of current and cumulative patient blood glucose values together with biometric information (including age, weight, height, and gender) and suggests changes (if necessary). Insulin Insights™ is designed for use by healthcare professionals. Insulin Insights™ is indicated for use in adults and pediatric patients ages 7 and above who weigh more than 36 lbs.
Device Class : 2
Duns Number: 079173054
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : No