Address:50 Methodist Hill Dr Ste 1000,ROCHESTER,NY,14623,US
Device Description : The VivaScope® System is a reflectance confocal microscope, full color macroscop The VivaScope® System is a reflectance confocal microscope, full color macroscopic imager,and software that captures images of in vivo tissue specimens from the exposed surface of thetissue, through the unstained epithelium and into the superficial supporting stroma. It providesnon-invasive in vivo images of the epithelium and supporting stroma. The VivaScope® Systemdoes NOT provide automated analysis or diagnosis of the images it produces. It is capable ofimaging cells in the epidermis of skin and the fibrous tissue (primarily collagen and fibrin) in thedermis. In addition, it is possible to visualize circulation of blood cells (including botherythrocytes and leukocytes) in capillaries and other small vessels.
Device Class : 2
Duns Number: 795857648
Premarket Exempt : No
Prescription Use : No