North Safety de Mexicali, S. de R. L. de C.V.

Address:CALLE ELECTRA No. 1099,MEXICALI Baja California,MX

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Device Class
Product Code
Premarket Exempt

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drug OTC: Plastic Tweezer, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drug OTC: Plastic Tweezer, PVP Pre Pads, Nitrile gloves, First Aid cream, Adhesive Tape, Neomycin Antibiotic, Cold Pack, Gauze Pads, Woven Fingertip Bandage, Woven Knuckle Bandage.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : Yes

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Plastic Bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Plastic Bandage, Tweezer, Gauze Clean-Wrap Bandage, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile Gloves, Tape Adhesive, Triangular Bandage, Eye Pad, Gauze Pads, Antiseptic Wipes, First Aid Cream, Neomycin Antibiotic.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: First Aid Burn c First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: First Aid Burn cream, Ammonia Inhalants, Gauze Bandage, Triangular Bandage, Adhesive Tape, Bandage Compress, Adhesive bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Scissor bandage, Nitrile gloves.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Neomycin Antibio First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Neomycin Antibiotic, Triangular Bandage, Rescue Blanket, Gauze Compress, Hydrocortisone, Plastic Tweezer, Adhesive Bandage, Antiseptic, Burn Relief, Adhesive Tape, Gauze Clean-wrap Bandage, Gauze Pads, CPR Filter Shield, PVP Pre pads, Buffered Eye Wash, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile gloves, Cold Pack, Eye Pads, Woven Fingertip Bandage, Woven Knuckle Bandage.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : Yes

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I: Gauze Pads, Tweezer Plastics, First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I: Gauze Pads, Tweezer Plastics, Gauze clean-wrap, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile Gloves, Plastic Bands, Tape Adhesive, Triangular Bandage, Eye Pads, Woven Fingengertip Bandage, Cold Pack.

Device Class : 1

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : Yes

Product Code : OHO

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Pads, Twee First Aid kit containing Medical Devices Class I and Drugs OTC: Gauze Pads, Tweezer Plastics, Gauze clean-wrap, CPR Filter shield, Bandage Compressed, Scissor Bandage, Nitrile Gloves, Plastic Bands, Tape Adhesive, Triangular Bandage, Eye Pads, Woven Fingertip Bandage, Woven Knuckle Bandage, Eye saline.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : Yes

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Triple Antibioti First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Triple Antibiotic, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Gauze Compress, Cold Pack, Adhesive Bandage, PVP Iodine Wipes, Nitrile Gloves, Scissor Bandage.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : No

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Band, Tr First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Band, Triple Antibiotic, First Aid Burn Cream, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Forceps, Scissors, Gauze compress, Cold Pack, Buffered Eye wash, Bandage compress, Adhesive Bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Nitrile Gloves, Nox A Sting Wipes.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : Yes

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle Bandage, Triple Antibiotic, First Aid Burn cream, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Forceps, Scissor, Gauze Bandage, Gauze Compress, Cold Pack, Buffered Eyewash, Bandage compress, Adhesive Bandage, Fingertip Bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Nitrile gloves.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : Yes

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1

Device Description : First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle bandage, First Aid Kit containing Medical Devices class I and Drugs OTC: Knuckle bandage, Triple Antibiotic, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Forceps and Scissors, Gauze Bandage, Gauze compress, Cold Pack, Buffered eyewash, Bandage compress, Adhesive Compress, Fingertip Bandage, PVP Iodine wipes, Nitrile gloves, Nox A Sting wipes.

Device Class :

Duns Number: 812503712

Premarket Exempt : Yes

Product Code : LRR

Prescription Use : No

Device Count : 1